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I suppose if you don’t believe in ghosts, then the answer to the question “can cats see ghosts?” is “no, ghosts don’t exist.” But that’s boring. We’re here for some spooky season fun! If you have seen your cat staring intently at nothing and wondered what they see that you don’t, this article is for you.
Cats’ Remarkable Senses
Do Cats See Ghosts?
Cats certainly can see and sense things that we humans cannot. Cats’ eyes are adapted to see very well in low light because they are naturally most active at dawn and dusk, when most of their prey is awake [1-5]. Their night vision is six times better than ours because they have so many more light-sensing rod cells in their retinas [3, 5]. Cats also have a reflective layer of tissue behind their retinas called the tapetum lucidum which helps them maximize light absorption [4, 5].
Not only can cats see with just the tiniest amount of light, but they can see wavelengths of light that are completely invisible to us [2-6]! Humans see a lot of colors and a lot of detail, but we cannot see ultraviolet light [5, 6]. However, cats and many other animals can [6]. The list includes dogs which many people also believe can see ghosts [2]. Scientists don’t always know why some animals see the wavelengths that they do, and that goes for cats [6]. Rodents use their ultraviolet vision to follow urine trails [6], so perhaps cats benefit from following their trails, too? Or maybe the extra light simply adds another boost to their dark vision. If ghosts are visible in the ultraviolet spectrum, though, then cats do see ghosts.
Do Cats Hear Ghosts?
Cats can also hear much better than we can. The better to catch little, squeaky mice, my dear. Their hearing is about six times sharper than ours [1, 2]. That includes being able to hear sounds 1.5 octaves higher in pitch [4, 5]. Many people believe that ghosts speak outside our hearing range, but perhaps our cats can pick up on them. Think about that the next time your kitty’s ears perk up, and you didn’t hear anything.
Ghosts in the ceiling?
When I first adopted my cat Joon, I lived in a top-floor apartment with a roommate and her cat. The whole time I lived in that apartment, I would hear what sounded like footsteps or furniture being moved around in the apartment above us–except, of course, there was no apartment above us. Just the roof. I thought maybe my ears were playing tricks on me and the sounds were actually coming through the walls, not the ceiling, until I got Joon. In the evenings, when the noises started, she would stare up at the ceiling for the longest time and sometimes sit up on her haunches like she wanted to swat at whatever was up there. I never did figure out if we had ceiling ghosts or people living in the walls or what, but it was very creepy, that’s for sure. Since I moved out of that apartment, Joon has never shown that much interest in the ceiling. Unless there’s a bug on it, of course.
Do Cats Feel Ghosts?
Perhaps the most remarkable of the feline senses is their ability to feel tiny vibrations and changes in the air. A cat’s whiskers detect changes in temperature and air current around them [2, 4, 5]. This helps them navigate small spaces, know what’s around them in the dark, and feel oncoming danger without having to turn around [4, 5]. Perhaps it also helps cats feel any spirits walking by–or through–them.
“That’s one of the things that truly makes animals better than us, smarter than us. Cats aren’t burdened by a lifetime of belief like us. Cats are worried about what could or couldn’t be. They’re worried about what is.”
Jackson Galaxy, cat behaviorist
Is My Cat Watching a Ghost?
It’s hard to figure out what your cat is looking at if you can’t see it. Maybe they hear a mouse in the wall or see a tiny bug that you just can’t perceive with your human senses. Maybe they do see a ghost! If your cat seems to be stressed by something you can’t see, however, do your best to investigate. Make sure a medical problem isn’t the culprit. Cats can behave very strangely when they’re in pain and don’t understand why. Also, check for any sources of stress in the physical realm, like a neighborhood cat whose presence outside is putting your pet on edge. If you’ve ruled out any material causes, and your cat still seems upset by a presence in the home, then it might be time to call some ghost busters. On the other hand, if your cat isn’t bothered by that thing they stare at in the corner, only curious, maybe don’t worry about it too much.
- Aggeler, M. (2020, October 30). Can pets see ghosts? The Cut. https://www.thecut.com/2020/10/can-pets-see-ghosts.html
- Cole and Marmalade. (2020, January 15). Can cats sense spirits and ghosts? The Furtastic. https://coleandmarmalade.com/2020/01/15/can-cats-sense-spirits-and-ghosts/
- Esposito, D. (2022, October 4). Can cats see ghosts? The Dodo. https://www.thedodo.com/dodowell/can-my-cat-see-ghosts
- Galaxy, J. [Jackson Galaxy]. (2020, October 31). Can cats see spirits, ghosts, or the supernatural? [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNZO4ho_M9o&ab_channel=JacksonGalaxy
- Kelley, T. L. (2022, April 28). Can cats see ghosts? We asked a vet and a behavior expert. Daily Paws. https://www.dailypaws.com/cats-kittens/behavior/cat-psychology/can-cats-see-ghosts-and-spirits
- Lewis, T. (2014, February 18). Cats and dogs may see in ultraviolet. LiveScience. https://www.livescience.com/43461-cats-and-dogs-see-in-ultraviolet.html
Published October 22nd, 2023