
Coat Pattern Genetics

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A few weeks ago I wrote about the genetics of coat color in domestic cats. Now, to follow up, I am going to dive into the wild world of pattern genetics. If you would like a review of basic genetic principles, click the link to the previous article. There is a quick rundown in the beginning.

In genetics, the “wild type” is the genetic profile of an organism that is most common under natural conditions. The wild type ancestral cat was a mackerel tabby with black stripes, short fur, and no white spots [1]. Today, of course, cats come in a wide variety of patterns, even those who live feral and are subject to natural selection. Both human intervention and spontaneous mutations are to credit for this diversity.


Let’s start with tabbies, the original cat pattern. Many other cat species share the tabby pattern with domestic cats, usually in the form of rows of spots–spots and stripes are closely related genetically in cats [2, 3]. In order to have a tabby pattern, a cat must first have at least one dominant allele at the agouti locus. The dominant agouti allele causes each individual hair to have bands of darker and lighter pigmentation. This is required for tabby coats and several other patterns which we will come to later.

The wild type mackerel tabby pattern is characterized by thin, parallel stripes darker than the background color. Mackerel tabby is the dominant allele at the Tabby, or Ta, locus, so only one TaM allele is required for the mackerel tabby pattern. The “blotched” or “classic” tabby has large, marbled stripes. This pattern occurs at the same Ta locus. The blotched allele is recessive to the mackerel.

Spotted tabby kitten with toys
Spotted tabby kitten – Photo by Kim Davies on Unsplash

At least two other alleles are involved in tabby patterning, although it was previously thought that there was only one [4]. The Ticked locus has been definitively identified as influencing the type of tabby pattern a cat’s coat has, but another unknown locus or loci may effect how the patterns present [4].

The Ticked locus is epistatic to the Tabby locus, meaning that the genotype at the Ticked locus has an impact on the phenotype coded for by the Tabby locus. If a TiA allele is present at the Ticked locus, the cat will have ticked/agouti fur all over the body, as the TiA allele masks the effect of the Tabby locus. This is usually called an Abyssinian Tabby because the ticked coat is characteristic of the Abyssinian breed. If there are two Ti+ alleles, the cat will not be an Abyssinian tabby, and whatever genotype is at the Tabby locus will show through. Cats with one TiA and one Ti+ allele tend to have some striping on their faces, legs, and tails despite being Abyssinian tabbies.

Tired of talking about tabbies? I hope not, because we still have to go over the special cases! Spotted tabbies have stripes that are broken into spots of varying size. An unknown modifier gene or genes are believed to alter the expression of mackerel tabby stripes to create spotted tabbies [4]. The charcoal Bengal/Savannah patterns are a variety of tabby caused by an agouti gene inherited from the Asian Leopard Cat. Charcoal tabbies have decreased red tones in their coats, giving them a cooler, grayer appearance. They also have a dark nose and “Zorro” mask on the face and a dark cape down the back. There are a shocking number of other types of modified tabby, but the genetics behind them are hazy. I will leave you with a handy infographic showing you what they look like and move on to the next pattern.

Table of tabby patterns
Chart of Tabby Patterns – Image from

Silver and Gold

Agouti hairs would normally have alternating bands of light and dark pigment corresponding to the cat’s coloring, but there are a couple genes, or possibly gene families, which can change the way pigment is deposited on agouti fur. A dominant mutation of the Silver/Inhibitor gene inhibits production of phaeomelanin, the yellow or red pigment in cat hair. This causes the light portions of agouti bands to be very pale or colorless rather than yellow. This mutation, by itself, causes tabbies to be silvery and solid-colored cats to have a pattern known as smoke, where there is a pale/colorless band at the bottom of their hair shafts. Their white undercoats give them a “smoky” appearance when their fur is ruffled.

On the other hand is the Wide-Banding trait, only present in agouti cats. It is thought to be caused by a group of related genes, but this is still unclear, and no one quite knows how they work. Whatever the root cause, wide-banding causes the agouti bands on the hair shaft to be larger and/or more numerous. There is a high degree of variation in the way this can present, lending credence to the idea that there is more than one gene involved.

Silver Persian and kitten in cat tree
Silver shaded Persian (top) – Image by RomeoEbaloo from Pixabay

When Wide-Banding occurs alone, the cats are sometimes referred to as “golden” due to the higher degree of yellow pigment in their coats. However, the Silver and Wide-Banding traits can occur together to create other patterns. In either case, cats with Wide-Banding that leaves only the very tip of the hair shaft to show their normal pigmentation are said to be tipped. Those with more of the darker pigment on the end of the shaft are called shaded. There are even more names among cat fanciers for the many different combinations of these phenotypes, but we have more to cover.


We touched on color-pointing in the Siamese breed profile, and we will probably circle back to it with other breeds. It is a popular pattern which has been deliberately bred into quite a few breeds. Color-pointing is a kind of partial albinism. These cats have a mutation in tyrosinase, an enzyme required for the production of melanin. The mutated enzyme will only activate below 33 degrees Celsius. As such, the mutation causes temperature-sensitive pigmentation, with the most color deposited on the coolest extremities of the body. There are actually two color-point alleles that result in three somewhat different phenotypes. Both alleles are recessive to the wild type allele but are codominant to each other.

Brown and cream cat with blue eyes
Tabby Himalayan color-point – Photo by Nathz Guardia on Unsplash

The Himalayan phenotype has the strongest color restriction. It is seen in cats with two cs alleles. These cats have blue eyes and a very light-colored torso, typically cream or ivory. The color-pointing is very high-contrast. The intermediate phenotype is known as Mink and is typical of the Tonkinese breed. They have one cs allele and one cb allele. The eyes are aqua and the torso color is more similar to the points.

The Sepia color-points are not all sepia but are named for the brown Burmese cats wherein the pattern was first identified. This phenotype has copper eyes and is quite low-contrast, with the points and the torso being fairly similar in color. Sepia color-points have two cb alleles. All color-point cats can have points of any color, and the points can also be patterned. Sometimes color-point and white spot patterns can be combined to form new patterns, such as white mittens (characteristic of Birmans) or bicolor. For more on white spots, see the coat color article.

There are a LOT of miscellaneous mutations that I could talk about which are not so widespread or well-documented as the ones I have covered here today. If you would like me to go over them in the future, please let me know. I would be glad to do so. You can also tell me if you never want me to do this again. Feedback is always welcome. :3

Works Cited

  1. Hampton, N. (1998, March 4). Coat color and pattern genetics of the domestic cat (Felis catus) [PowerPoint slides]. The University of Texas at Austin.
  2. Thomas, E.M. (1994). The tribe of tiger: Cats and their culture. Simon and Schuster.
  3. Zielinksi, S. (2012, September 20). Same gene guides cheetah and tabby cat coat patterns. Smithsonian Magazine. Link here.
  4. Eizirik, E., et al. (2010). Defining and mapping mammalian coat pattern genes: Multiple genomic regions implicated in domestic cat stripes and spots. Genetics, 184(1), 267-75. DOI: 10.1534/genetics.109.109629

Published April 10th, 2020

Updated June 14th, 2023


Why do cats knock things over?

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My Joon-bug is fondest of pens, pencils, plushies, and paper cups. Any small object will do, however. Anyone with a cat is surely familiar with the behavior: a few pokes with the paw at first, and then a firm swipe to knock the object to the floor. Sometimes they skip the first step if they’re really into it. It’s kind of funny, but it’s also really annoying. It may even be dangerous depending upon what kitty decides to send plummeting to the ground. Why do they do this? Why must all of our pens forever be under the sofa? How did Joon even get a tissue box under there?

Let us commiserate with our fellow cat lovers, and also laugh at them.

No one will ever know what happened to that poor tissue box, but it is possible to understand why our cats drive us crazy by knocking all of our stuff onto the floor. No, it’s not because they’re assholes. There are several factors that may play into the behavior. As is the case with almost every feline action, their hunting instincts are likely involved. Cats in the wild would spent most of their time hunting, and they are exquisitely designed in mind and body for this vital task. They know that their toys, or the other things they choose to make into toys, aren’t actually prey. That doesn’t stop them from treating the objects as such.

Cats are known to toy with their prey, and they exhibit the same behavior when nudging a small object. Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley explains, “Your cat’s instincts tell her that paperweight or knickknack could turn out to be a mouse. Her poking paw would send it scurrying, giving her a good game (and possibly a good lunch)” (1). And in fact, it sort of does if they knock it off the edge of a surface. The object falls to the ground, giving them something to watch and maybe something to chase if it rolls. As hunters, cats are fascinated by movement, so the satisfaction of watching the thing fall may be reason enough to push things over.

Cats are clearly excellent at finding ways to entertain themselves, if they can turn a paperweight on your desk into a game. This is often cited as a key to why cats are doing so in the first place. There is a lack of other fun things to do, so they make something up. A bored cat quickly becomes a troublesome cat. Jackson Galaxy, cat behaviorist and all-around cool guy, said, “Think about a toddler who has been given crayons, but no paper. Hello, bedroom wall mural! Ask yourself, ‘Do we have enough cat toys?’ If the answer is yes, would he still rather bat a cup off the table? If so, it’s time to get new toys!” (2).

Along the same lines, we know that cats are good at training their people. The first time or two that your cat knocked something off your desk or bookshelf, maybe it was just for fun. But then you immediately came running to see what fell, and your cat had a brilliant realization. Cats quickly figure out what actions get our attention, and they don’t always care if the attention is good or bad. Knocking something over gets your attention quickly, and that reinforces the behavior because it’s working as intended. Of course, if you hear a glass object fall and shatter, you can’t just ignore that, so what can you do if this is a problem with your cat?


Ideally, remove all things that a cat might knock over from a surface that they could push it off of. For most of us, that is never going to happen, so at least move anything fragile away from the reach of your cat. If you have a lot of fragile collectibles, it’s probably worth it to invest in a glass-front case. If it’s just a few knickknacks, you may just need to get creative in finding somewhere your cat can’t go. I know, there aren’t many of those places. Small, inexpensive, wall-mounted display shelves (like these might be an option if you put them in just the right place. I’ve used them before with success. Items may be secured in their current location with museum putty if there is nowhere you can move them to.

Fragile items pose a danger to your cat, as the debris from breakage could hurt a cat who steps on it. We also tend to put more value on our fragile items. Make sure to secure any medicine containers as well, so there is no risk of any pills falling out of one that is knocked over.

Gray cat on kitchen counter
Recipe for disaster – Photo by Phuong Tran on Unsplash

Once any risk to your cat or your breakables has been eliminated, there is the matter of trying to curb the behavior. As Jackson Galaxy suggested, more toys, new toys, or different kinds of toys may help. Individual cats prefer different kinds of play, so even if your cat has lots of toys and you’ve just bought new ones, they may not be the kind of toy that appeals to your cat. Frustrating, I know, but on the bright side you can always donate any toys your cat doesn’t like to an animal shelter or similar organization. Additionally, playing with your cat yourself is more stimulating than leaving your cat to make their own fun and can help prevent all kinds of problem behaviors.

Sometimes cats try to get our attention because they want something specific–more water, food, a litter box cleaning. If you check these things whenever your cat starts knocking things over and making a fuss, you might find that they are trying to tell you something. Of course, some cats will beg for food at any and all times of day, so this may not be a feasible fix.

There are ways to prevent cats from jumping on certain surfaces altogether, if you prefer that approach. Double-sided tape and aluminum foil are textures that most cats don’t like. Affixing either of those to the table, desk, etc. might discourage your cat from going up there. If you have a cat like Joon who will eat tape and aluminum foil, there are also devices you can purchase which are motion sensitive and release a puff of air when the cat jumps or walks into its range of view. They will puff at you, too, so be prepared to spook yourself several times before you get the hang of it.

While you try to deter your cat, be sure to always provide an alternative that they should engage in. For example, if you choose not to allow your cat on the desk, put a cat tree nearby. If you see your cat fixating on an object like they might be about to send it flying, don’t yell. Break out the wand toy and distract your cat with something positive and more fun. If you have tried everything, provided plenty of stimulation, and your cat is still knocking things over, they are probably just doing it for attention. All you can do is ignore the behavior so they learn that they won’t receive that attention anymore. It may take a while, but they will get the message.

Works Cited

  1. Whiteley, H.E. (2006). How to solve cat behavior problems.
  2. Nguygen, V. (2014, May 11). Why do cats knock things over?! My Cat From Hell’s Jackson Galaxy answers 10 feline questions. Parade.

Published April 3, 2020

Updated March 7, 2021


Here’s to Your Health

Encyclopaedia Felidae now has a Patreon! Go to if you want to help support this content!

As you may have noticed, these are rather trying times. Personally, I’m rather stressed. I have also lost all sense of time and have no idea what day I’m even posting this on. I am very much the type of person to stay in more than I go out, but quarantine measures have their effect on even the most introverted among us. Not to mention the anxiety of, well, everything, really. There’s a lot to worry about these days. However, if you have a cat–or several–there is good news! Scientists have demonstrated that cat ownership is beneficial to both mental and physical health. I could have told them that, and I bet you could have, too, but let’s go over the evidence just to make ourselves feel better, why don’t we?

This is what I’ve been doing for two weeks – Image by balzacan from Pixabay

The first thing I do every morning is spend a few minutes, sometimes longer, petting my cat in whatever fashion she demands. She certainly enjoys it, attention hog that she is, but it also helps me start my day feeling happy and relaxed. For me, merely watching a cat sleep can melt my stress away. It isn’t just me, as studies have found biological markers affected by contact with cats. A study with college students at the University of Northern Iowa determined that the students experienced a “small but significant decrease” in blood pressure immediately after being allowed to hold a cat or dog (1).

A study at Washington State University measured the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the saliva of students before and after they a) interacted with provided cats or dogs, b) watched other people interact with the animals while standing in line and waiting, c) watched a slideshow with pictures of the pets the lucky experimental group interacted with, or d) sat in a waiting room for 10 minutes (2). The group that was actually able to pet and play with furry friends had significantly lower cortisol levels afterwards, an indicator of lower overall stress (2). Not everyone is a college student, of course, but it goes to show that the presence of a pet, even an unknown one, can demonstrably relieve stress. The next time someone calls you a crazy cat lady (or gent or neither or both), tell them the cats make you less crazy.

Gray and white cat with wooden heart
Cats are good for your heart <3 – Image by pasja1000 from Pixabay

A purring kitty sitting in your lap may be the pinnacle of relaxation, but did you know it may promote physical healing? Purring is one of the great mysteries of the feline family. Cats purr when they are content, but they are also known to purr when ill or injured. A study that aimed to uncover why recorded the purrs of forty-four felids from several species, including the domestic cat, and analyzed the frequencies of the sounds (3). All of the felids purred with strong frequencies in the 25-150 Hertz range (3).

In particular, the researchers noted that the pumas, ocelots, servals, and domestic cats produced “fundamental, dominant, or strong frequencies” at 25 and 50 Hz (3). Studies have found that frequencies between 20 and 50 Hz aid in the growth, healing, and strengthening of human bones (4). The same four species displayed a strong harmonic at 100 Hz, a frequency associated with treating pain, swelling, wounds, and labored breathing (3). Felines may have evolved purring, at least in part, as a mechanism for self-healing, but it now allows our house panthers to heal us as well.

Any cat lover would say that forging a bond with a cat can be healing, and they would probably say that loving a cat is good for the heart. The data would also say that it literally is. Having a cat has been associated with a decreased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke (5, 6). Even having simply owned a cat in the past conferred these benefits in one study (5). Ogechi et al only found this association with female cat owners. However, an Australian study demonstrated that all cat owners make fewer trips to the doctor and are less likely to be on medication for heart or sleeping problems than those without pets (7). Good news all around!

White and black cat laying beside baby
Preventing cat allergies one nap at a time – Photo by Manja Vitolic on Unsplash

But wait, there’s more! I was surprised by this, but it makes a lot of sense given my own experience. I was born with a cat allergy, but after deciding I wanted a cat anyway at a very young age (about five), I gradually stopped being allergic to cats. They are now almost the only thing I am not allergic to.

Allergies are a mystifying phenomenon. Exposure to something sometimes causes or worsens allergies and sometimes makes them go away. I found two studies that may shed a little light on how cat allergies work, however. Both suggest that exposure to cats early in life can prevent allergies later (8, 9). Like me! One study recruited children when they were 8-10 years old and checked in with them again twenty years later (8). They divided the subjects into groups based on whether they had a cat as a child (less than 18 years old), as an adult (more than 18), or both. Having a cat before adulthood had a protective effect against asthma and outdoor allergies by the time of testing (8). The other study focused on pet allergies specifically and determined that children with exposure to an indoor cat or dog within the first year of life were less likely to become sensitized to that same animal by the age of eighteen (9). New and soon-to-be parents, take note!

Don’t actually take parenting advice from me. I know nothing about children. Just cats. And in that regard, I soundly advise you to snuggle up with the nearest cat, as long as they are willing. After all, it’s good for your health. Stay safe out there, y’all.

Works Cited

  1. Somervill, J.W., et al. (2008). Physiological responses by college students to a dog and a cat: Implications for pet therapy. North American Journal of Psychology, 10(3), 519-528.
  2. Washington State University. (2019, July 15). Stress reduction benefits from petting dogs, cats. ScienceDaily.
  3. von Muggenthaler, E. (2001). The felid purr: A healing mechanism? The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110(5), 2666. DOI: 10.1121/1.4777098
  4. Klotter, J. (2002). Vibrational frequencies that heal. (Shorts). Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, 226, 28. link here
  5. Qureshi, A.I., et al (2009). Cat ownership and the risk of fatal cardiovascular diseases. Results from the second national health and nutrition Examination study mortality follow-up study. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, 2(1), 132–135.
  6. Ogechi, I. (2016). Pet ownership and the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease among adults without major chronic medical conditions. High Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Prevention, 23(3), 245–253. DOI: 10.1007/s40292-016-0156-1
  7. Headey, B. (1999). Health benefits and health cost savings due to pets: Preliminary estimates from an Australian national survey. Social Indicators Research, 47, 233–243.
  8. de Meer, G., et al. (2004). Presence and timing of cat ownership by age 18 and the effect on atopy and asthma at age 28. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 113(3), 433-438. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2003.10.008
  9. Wegienka, G., et al. (2011). Lifetime dog and cat exposure and dog‐ and cat‐specific sensitization at age 18 years. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 41(7), 979–986. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2011.03747.x

Published March 28, 2020

Updated February 10, 2021

Breed Profiles

Savannah: Exotic Beauty

Encyclopaedia Felidae now has a Patreon! Go to if you want to help support this content!

I am going to be upfront–this article is as much a PSA as it is a breed profile. I do not support the breeding of hybrid cats, including the Savannah, and I will explain the reasons in the latter portion of the article. That being said, I do think everyone should have access to good information, whether it supports my opinion or not, and I have done my best to gather everything I could on these cats. I readily admit that it was a difficult process, as hybrid cats are very controversial, and there is a lot of contradictory information out there. If you know anything I have written to be demonstrably incorrect, please let me know.

Two servals
Pair of servals – Image by skeeze from Pixabay

Savannahs are a very new breed of cat, first created on April 7th, 1986 when a female kitten named Savannah was born to a successful mating of a female Siamese and a male serval. Servals are a species of African wild cat, significantly larger than a domestic cat but small as wild cats go. They’re pelts are typically golden yellow to beige with dark black spots, and Savannahs inherited a similar patterning as well as the exotic morphology of their wild parentage.

Since the first breeder of Savannah cats became established in the 1980s, they gained popularity quickly. The International Cat Association began registering Savannahs in 2001 and gave the breed championship status in 2012. The Cat Fanciers Association does not recognize any hybrid cat breeds (except the Bengal, which was grandfathered in), so Savannahs cannot be shown at CFA events. That has not slowed the breed down, however. For many people, the appeal lies in having a domestic pet that looks like a wild animal. And they certainly do look wild and beautiful.

Savannahs are about half the size of servals but are large for domestic cats. A Savannah that has a serval parent, known as an F1 (filial generation one), can reach 30 pounds (13.6 kg), but they get smaller with successive generations (F2, F3, etc.). After F1 the parents are all Savannahs or sometimes other domestic cats. The males are usually larger, but in the later generations, about F4+, the average size evens out to 12-18 pounds (5.4-8.2 kg). They look larger, however, because Savannahs are so tall and long. An F2 is 14-17 inches (35.6-43.2 cm) tall, with the height decreasing somewhat until F4. Savannahs are the tallest breed of cat. A Savannah holds the last two Guinness word records for tallest cat, at 19 inches (48.3 cm) and just over 19 inches. Non-hybrid cats are usually around 9 inches (22.9 cm) tall.

A breed standard Savannah has a pattern of spots similar to a serval, with rows of dark spots along their body and smaller spots on the head and extremities. They are permitted to come in four colors, but alternative colors and patterns are sometimes sold by breeders. The most common coat color is brown spotted tabby, which is most similar to the coloration of a serval. The base color of the coat is golden brown with black spots. The second most popular is silver spotted tabby, with a gray/silver base and black spots. Black and black smoke Savannahs may appear solid black from a distance, but they actually have darker black spots on a somewhat lighter base coat. Black smoke Savannahs have a white undercoat, giving them a bit of a smokey appearance.

Cheetah portrait shot
“Tear-stain” markings are common in spotted wildcats – Photo by jean wimmerlin on Unsplash

Savannahs have large, almost bat-like ears, perched high on the head, like their serval parents. They also inherited light-colored ocelli marks on the back of these huge ears (see serval picture above). Ocelli marks, also called eye-spots, are found in many species, including some butterflies and fish as well as wild cats, and they are believed to be an adaptation to deceive predators. They may draw attention away from the real eyes or make the animal seem larger and more threatening. Tabby cats sometimes have these anyway, but they are characteristic of Savannahs. The large ears combine with a wedge-shaped head and long muzzle to really emphasize the jungle-cat look of Savannahs. Dark tear-stain markings around the eyes are reminiscent of wild cats as well.

The personality of Savannah cats is influenced by their filial generation. F1, F2, and F3 cats tend to exhibit more wild behaviors while F4 and later act more like typical domestic cats. In general, Savannah enthusiasts and breeders describe the breed’s personality as similar to that of a working dog. They are high-energy, very intelligent, and very affectionate. They are known for enjoying playing fetch and a propensity for learning tricks.

Savannahs tend to bond strongly with their people and want to be with them and involved in what they are doing at all times. Many Savannahs like water, so that can include bath time! Due to their activity level and intelligence, Savannahs can become bored easily and get into mischief if not provided with enough attention and stimulation. They love jumping and climbing, so they need enough space and appropriate surfaces for them to explore. These cats can jump up to eight feet (2.4 m) high, so keep that in mind when cat-proofing for them.

Savannah cat playing fetch

Whether or not Savannahs are generally healthy cats seems to be a matter of much debate. Some sources mentioned only a slightly higher risk of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a disease where thickening of the heart muscle can lead to heart failure. It was almost universally acknowledged that male Savannahs prior to F4 are usually sterile due to genetic incompatibility between domestic cats and servals, a phenomenon known as hybrid sterility. However, rescue organizations mentioned other health problems that they have come across, the most common being irritable bowel disease/chronic diarrhea. There are suggestions that raw diets or diets without corn may alleviate IBD in hybrid cats, but it’s unclear.

Savannah cats are a very expensive breed, with the cheapest going for around $1,000 (USD) but some fetching as much as $35,000. Lower-numbered filial generations, females, and rarer colors and patterns garner higher prices. Much of the hefty price tag is attributed to the difficulty of breeding savannahs. As mentioned earlier, servals and domestic cats are partially incompatible, leading to male hybrid sterility, among other problems. Even convincing the two parties to mate can be difficult. There are differences in behavior, and servals are much bigger and more aggressive. The servals often kill the domestic cats, perhaps seeing the smaller feline as food rather than a possible mate (1).

Even if physical and behavioral limitations do not get in the way, Savannah breedings are often unsuccessful. Many result in miscarriages or premature births (1). Servals have a gestation period of seventy-five days, but domestic cats have a gestation period of sixty-five days. Male servals are usually mated with female domestic cats to produce F1 Savannahs, so the kittens may be born small and/or underdeveloped (1).

You might think that someone who has spent that much money on a cat would never give it up, but Savannahs and other hybrid cats are frequently given up to animals shelters or wild cat rescues, or simply set loose. Animal shelters have started refusing to take hybrid cats due to liability concerns or because they doubt they can find homes for them. If they do take them, they may put them down immediately. Wild cat rescues are often the best hope for hybrid cats that owners want to surrender, but both Wild Cat Sanctuary and Big Cat Rescue say on their websites that they cannot accommodate the deluge of requests to take hybrid cats. Neither sanctuary takes surrendered hybrid pets, although WCS says they will consider F1 cats.

Savannah cat sitting
Savannah cat glamour shot – Image by skeeze from Pixabay

Why are so many Savannahs and other hybrid cats being abandoned? Some people have excellent experiences with their Savannahs. Unfortunately breeding a wild animal with a domesticated one does not always achieve the advertised wild look and domestic behavior. Genetics does not work that way, and so it is that Savannahs frequently exhibit wild cat behaviors as well as exotic looks.

One of the most common problems is spraying. This is a common problem with cats, but it is on another level with a cat that has wild genes. Wild cats have to mark miles of territory, and so Savannahs, even when neutered, male or female, may feel compelled to do the same, spraying all over the place, sometimes even on the people they consider theirs.

Savannahs can also be very destructive with tooth and claw, sometimes aggressively and sometimes in play. They tend to be biters, and with a cat that big that can be a serious issue. They also tend to scratch or chew up their environment as a wild cat would tend to do. Giving them plenty of exercise, walking them on a leash, or providing them with an outdoor enclosure (with a roof) to let off steam can help with destructive tendencies.

Aggressive tendencies may be more difficult to deal with. Savannahs can be very affectionate, but they usually bond to one or a few people, and even then they are sometimes unpredictable. Some Savannahs are very aggressive. Although they are marketed as getting along well with children and other pets, sometimes they do and sometimes they really, really don’t. They’re strong prey drive can be particularly troublesome if there are small pets in the house. That high intelligence may be directed toward learning how to open the hamster’s cage.

Savannahs of earlier filial generations tend to display more of these undesirable wild behaviors. For this reason, some breeders only sell cats of later generations, but that leaves the earlier ones in the lurch. We shouldn’t blame the cats for acting in ways we don’t appreciate. It is in their DNA, after all. Cats domesticated themselves thousands of years ago. A couple generations of breeding the domestic form to a wild animal cannot make a new domestic creature. Wild Cat Sanctuary suggests that anyone who has bought or adopted a savannah or other hybrid cat and regrets it try building an outdoor enclosure with a heated den ( They keep their small wild cats and hybrids in the same set-up. This puts a Savannah in an environment where it can be as wild as it wants and cause no trouble.

If you would like a Savannah, whatever your reasons, I strongly recommend adopting one. As a rule, we should all adopt, not shop, but especially in this case. Buying these cats encourages breeding more, but adopting them gives homes to the many who have been abandoned without supporting the problematic Savannah breeding industry. Two organizations I came across during my research were Savannah Cat Rescue ( and Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue ( There are probably others, and you could always try contacting your local animal shelter and letting them know of your interest. Make sure to look up your local regulations on exotic pets first, because some places have bans or restrictions on savannahs.

Works Cited

  1. Seder, R.A. (2017). AAFP position statement: Hybrid cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 19(3), 312-313.

Published March 21st, 2020

Updated March 12th, 2021

Cat Care

Feline Leukemia Virus (FelV)

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In memory of Simba

Feline leukemia virus (FelV) is a fatal virus afflicting cats. One of the most common infectious diseases among cats, FelV is present in approximately 2% of cats in the United States and 3% in Canada (1). It is the leading cause of cancer in cats and can cause a host of other health problems as well. As such, it is imperative that cat people of all stripes be aware of this dangerous disease and how to prevent and cope with it.

Pale ginger tabby cat sitting on carpet
Simba, a FelV+ cat – Photo by Emma Sullivan

When a cat is infected with FelV, virus particles are shed in their saliva, urine, feces, and nasal secretions. Queens also shed the virus in their milk. Cats can become infected by fighting with and being bitten by an infected cat, engaging in grooming, or, more rarely, through sharing a litterbox or food/water dish. Kittens can be infected by their mothers both before and after birth. The virus cannot survive more than a few hours outside of its host, so cat-to-cat contact is usually required. Kittens are more vulnerable to infection than adult cats, as their immune systems are not fully developed. Cats with other illnesses are also at greater risk. However, even healthy adults can be infected, especially with repeated, prolonged exposure.

Veterinarian giving injection to a kitten
No kitten likes being poked with a needle, but FelV vaccines save lives – Image by skeeze from Pixabay

There is a FelV vaccine which has helped to reduce the prevalence of FelV over the past few decades. The American Association of Feline Practitioners recommends that all kittens receive the vaccine and the one-year booster, but considers it optional for indoor-only adult cats without other risk factors (2). The vaccine is recommended for at-risk adult cats, namely those with access to the outdoors, living with a known FelV+ cat, or living in a multi-cat household where the FelV status of all cats is not known (2). There are no major risks associated with the vaccine (2). Any cat may have an allergic reaction to any vaccine, so it’s best to keep on eye on them for a few hours afterwards.

The FelV vaccine has been refined over the years for increased effectiveness, but no vaccine is 100% effective, so the best strategy is to prevent exposure. Keeping cats indoors will make sure they avoid infected individuals outside. If you do allow your cat outside, supervising them or containing them can also do the trick. Walking them on a leash would count as both. Inside, it is important to separate FelV+ and uninfected cats. Ideally, FelV+ cats should be only cats or should live exclusively with other FelV+ cats so that there is no one to infect. Whenever bringing a new cat into the home, have your veterinarian test for FelV so that there are no surprises. If the new cat tests positive, it is recommended to separate them from your uninfected cats until you decide what to do next.

It can be difficult or impossible to tell by observing a cat whether they have FelV. FelV causes disease progressively and affects individuals differently, so a cat may show few or no symptoms early in their infection. However, there are some signs to keep an eye out for:

  • Poor coat condition
  • Pale gums, yellow color around mouth and whites of eyes (jaundice)
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss/poor appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Recurring infections
  • Seizures, behavior changes, or other neurological symptoms
Pale ginger tabby cat getting his belly rubbed
Simba enjoying some belly rubs – Photo by Emma Sullivan

FelV gradually causes a cats immune system to deteriorate over time, leading to secondary infections and sometimes blood cancers. Cats may become anemic. Research continues, but so far there is still no cure for FelV. A veterinarian will instead treat the effects of FelV, the other diseases and symptoms it causes. The disease, or rather the problems it causes, will eventually prove fatal, but an infected cat can lead a normal life in the meantime. The median lifespan of a cat after diagnosis with FelV is 2.5 years, which may not seem long to us, but it is quite a chunk of time to a cat, and any time that they are able to enjoy is worth it if we are able to give it to them.

Works Cited

  1. Levy, J.K., et al. (2006). Seroprevalence of feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus infection among cats in North America and risk factors for seropositivity. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 228(3), 371–376. DOI: 10.2460/javma.228.3.371.
  2. Scherk, M.A., et al. (2013). Disease information fact sheet: Feline leukemia virus. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15, supplementary file. PDF

Published March 12, 2020

Updated April 23, 2020


The Difference Between Feral and Stray Cats

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Stray cat hiding in tunnel
Image by Yolanda Coervers from Pixabay

The words “feral” and “stray” are sometimes used interchangeably, but feral and stray cats are in fact very different. It’s important to know how and why if we wish to help both of these types of community cats.

First, we need to know what it means for a cat to be socialized. All cats in the species are considered domestic cats, but not all domestic cats are socialized. Socialization is the process by which a kitten becomes accustomed to human interaction–being pet, held, spoken to, etc. Socialization teaches a kitten that humans are providers and friends, not something to be afraid of. Kittens must be socialized early in life. The window in which a cat can be socialized varies somewhat from cat to cat, but by the time a cat is an adult, it is almost always too late.

Strays are community cats that are socialized to humans. They are former pets which have been lost or abandoned. Stray cats may be friendly to people or approach them seeking food or help. Or this may also not be the case, especially if they have had negative experiences with people or been on their own for a long time. Regardless, the distinguishing feature of strays is that they have been socialized at that crucial time of life and are therefore capable of living with humans again. Stray cats should be rescued and adopted because they are not well-equipped to survive on their own. They would be safest and happiest in a loving home, although they might require some time to adjust.

Feral cats are wild animals. They are not socialized and exhibit fear and aggression toward humans, which they view as a threat. Feral cats may learn to tolerate a human caregiver who feeds them, but they do not become friendly and trusting, and they are not happy indoors. They are very in-tune with their home territory and have grown up learning how to survive outside. An adult feral cat cannot be socialized, and animal shelters know this. If ferals are brought in, shelters typically euthanize them, knowing that they are not adoptable. Feral kittens as much as a few months old can be fostered and socialized, although they should be kept with their mother until they can be weaned whenever possible.

The most effective and humane way to help feral cats is to provide food, water, and shelter and to practice TNR: trap, neuter, return. TNR consists of trapping feral cats with humane traps, getting them sterilized (and sometimes vaccinated), and then returning them to their territory. This way, the cats can live longer, healthier lives as individuals, without producing more homeless kittens. When ferals cats are neutered, it is standard practice to clip the top quarter inch of the left ear. This is known as ear-tipping and lets others know that this cat has already been sterilized. It prevents cats from the trauma of being trapped and transported to a clinic unnecessarily.

Ear-tipped cat laying on bench
Ear-tipped cat – Photo by Michiru Maeda from FreeImages

Since the best way to help strays and ferals is different, knowing how to tell them apart is important. Unfortunately, that can be extremely difficult, especially when the cat is scared. An adult cat which approaches you, acts friendly, or allows you to touch them is almost certainly a stray. Strays are more likely to assume tail-up, welcoming postures and to meow or purr around humans. A feral cat will avoid or hide from you, won’t let you touch them, and will stay low to the ground or make themself small. A stray may make eye contact, but a feral will not.

Feral cats usually live in groups called colonies. They are bonded with the other cats in their colonies and are often seen with other members of the group. Strays usually live alone and don’t tend to hang out with other cats. Strays are more likely to be seen during the day than feral cats. Feral cats may keep to their natural crepuscular or a nocturnal one that avoids people as much as possible. And perhaps the most obvious difference is that feral cats keep themselves well groomed as part of their daily routine, but stray cats, especially new strays, are very stressed and have lost their routine. It’s much more common to see a stray with a dirty or disheveled coat.

We all want to do the best we can by our feline friends. In the case of feral cats, however, they live their best lives outside. It’s important to know that not all street cats are the same. Keep in mind that some wish they could snuggle up on the couch with us, while others would be thrilled if we would just throw a bowl of food on the lawn.

If you are worried about the cats in your community, many places have local organizations that rescue strays and/or TNR ferals. If there is not one in your area, there is a plethora of online resources to help you determine the best course of action for your situation. Alley Cat Allies ( is a personal favorite. Your local animal shelter, even if they cannot take in feral cats, may be able to provide advice or humane traps.

Published March 5, 2020

Updated June 23, 2021


Coat Color Genetics

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Five tabby kittens
Colorful kittens – Photo from Pixabay

I majored in genetics as an undergraduate, so whenever I see a cat with unusual patterning or coloration, I can’t help but wonder what molecular wizardry made that possible. Cat fanciers have long wanted to unlock the mysteries of feline traits. While breeders began to puzzle out the patterns before DNA was determined to be the blueprint of heredity, there are still some mysteries to be solved. However, the more obvious traits have been mapped onto the feline genome, and there are even DNA tests for breeders or uncommonly curious pet owners who want to know what genes their cats carry. Today I want to cover the basics of coat color genetics, but I’ll start with a quick overview of genetics so no one gets lost. Feel free to skip it if you know you don’t need it.

Genetics: A Primer

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the molecule on which all the necessary information to build an organism is stored. Each unit of storage in the DNA is called a gene, and genes code for proteins. Proteins serve an incredibly wide variety of biological functions in the organism, including providing structure and metabolizing food into energy. There can be multiple different versions of a gene in the gene pool of a species. These different versions are called alleles.

Because an individual inherits half of their DNA from each of their parents, they have two copies of each gene. There are species for which this isn’t true, but it is for most vertebrates, including cats and humans. So each individual should have two copies of every gene, with a notable exception that we will get to later, but some alleles are dominant to others, so not every allele will be expressed. In the case of simple dominance, dominant alleles will be expressed if they are present. However, if the individual has inherited a recessive allele from both parents, they will express the recessive trait.

If you’re confused, I recommend looking up a more thorough overview of basic genetics before proceeding. There is much more to be said on the point, and I will do my best to explain as I go along, but it is only going to be more complicated from here. Now, let’s talk about what makes cats so very colorful!

Tom and the Monochromatic Fur Coat

Cats have two coat color pigments: eumelanin, which is black or brown, and pheomelanin, which is red or yellow. The primary coat color gene produces eumelanin. There are three alleles. The dominant allele, B, leads to black fur. The b allele is recessive to B and produces less pigment, leading to a brown coat, sometimes called “chocolate.” The b1 allele is recessive to both B and b, and it leads to a light brown or “cinnamon” coat.

The pheomelanin gene has a dominant allele, XO, that produces a red/orange coat color instead of or in addition to the color at the black/brown locus. The recessive allele, Xo, produces no reddish pigment. The pheomelanin gene is different in that it is located on the X-chromosome. In mammals, females have two X-chromosomes and males have one X and one Y, with some exceptions because biology is complicated.

So tom cats only have one gene for orange pigment, which they inherit from their mother. That is why toms are either ginger or black, but only very rarely both. But she-cats can have a XO and a Xo allele, causing them to have patches of both orange and black. This pattern is called tortoiseshell, or calico if they also have white patches. Tortoiseshell and calico toms can be born if they have two X-chromosomes and a Y or a similar chromosomal anomaly.

White cat with plush cow
White cat with odd eyes. Also a cow. – Photo by Samson Andreea on Pexels

50 Shades of White

White patches are due to the piebald spotting gene, where the recessive, s, allele codes for no white. If a cat has just one dominant allele, S, less than half of their fur will be white, and the white patches are often restricted to the feet, face, chest, and underside. If they have two dominant alleles, more than half of the cat will be white. It’s possible that they may even be completely white.

There are two other ways that a cat may be white, genetically speaking. The dominant white gene, as the name suggests, produces solid white cats with at least one dominant W allele. These cats are likely to be deaf, especially those with blue eyes and odd eyes. Those with odd eyes tend to be deaf in the ear on the same side as the blue eye. Rarely, white cats may be albino. There are two alleles that cause albinism, both recessive and both defective versions of the allele coding for the tyrosine enzyme. Cats with two c alleles are true albinos and have a translucent white pelt with pink eyes. Two ca alleles produce a white coat with pale blue eyes. There is no association of deafness with albino cats.

A Dilute Shade of Pale

The dilution gene is capable of modifying the appearance of other colors. The dominant allele produces the normal coloration. Two recessive alleles causes the pigment granules to clump in the hair shaft and leave large areas without pigment. The result is a lighter, or diluted, coloring. Black cats become grey, known as “blue” in the breeding world. Chocolate becomes lilac, cinnamon becomes fawn, and ginger, or “red,” becomes cream.

This covers the basics, although certain breeds can have unique alleles, such as the amber allele at the orange locus in Norwegian Forest Cats. I will cover the genetics of coat patterns another week. Until then, enjoy this picture of my gorgeous blue-cream calico.

Published February 20, 2020

Updated June 20, 2022

Cat Care

Beware of These Bouquets

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Fluffy white and tan cat with red rose
Are your favorite romantic flowers safe for your kitty? – Photo by Irene Lasus from Pexels

My father used to get flowers for my mother for Valentine’s Day–and all the other flowery occasions–almost every time. Eventually, Mom forbade him to get her flowers ever again. It wasn’t that she disliked getting them, quite the contrary, but every time Dad gave her flowers our calico cat, Cara, would eat them the first chance she got. She had a particular penchant for Baby’s Breath. Mom got tired of cleaning regurgitated vegetation out of the carpet, and it didn’t do much good for Dad to give her a bouquet only for her to hide it in the laundry room. So, no more flowers.

Cara lived a long, healthy life without suffering any significant ill effects from her flower-munching habit, but some of the flowers popular in floral arrangements can be quite dangerous to cats. If you plan to gift flowers to a loved one with a cat this Valentine’s Day (or to yourself), make sure to avoid these plants in the bouquet.

Lilies: These big, showy flowers come in a wide array of colors, so it’s no surprise that they are popular choices for bouquets. However, if you have a cat in the house, it’s best to avoid lilies altogether. Lilies are extremely poisonous to cats. Consuming any part of the plant results in kidney failure and, without prompt intervention, death. This includes Easter Lilies, so if you are fond of those angelic blooms, perhaps invest in a silk replica this spring instead.

Carnations: Pink, white, and red carnations are a common sight around Valentine’s Day, and their fluffy petals might be tempting. Use caution, however. Carnation sap can be irritating to a cat’s skin, and consuming the plant can cause gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea).

Daisies: Species in the Chrysanthemum genus range in appearance from the common daisy with white petals spayed about a yellow center to the ruffled blooms of mums in their autumnal hues. All, however, are toxic to cats. Symptoms of poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, and loss of coordination. Skin irritation is also possible.

Daffodils: Daffodils may look sunny and cheerful, but they can be very toxic to cats, although the bulbs are more toxic than the shoots. Consuming small amounts may only cause a cat to experience vomiting, drooling, and diarrhea. Larger ingestion may result in convulsions, abnormal heart rhythms, and trouble breathing. Where the threshold between milder and more severe symptoms lies will depend on your cat, so if you suspect your cat has consumed any daffodil tissue at all, a trip to the vet is in order.

Gladiolas: Sometimes called “sword lilies,” commercial gladiolas grow large spikes of flowers in lots of bright colors. They are often used in floral arrangements, as they can add both color and height. All parts of the the plant are poisonous. The shoots cause milder symptoms if consumed, including vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, and lethargy. If you are planning to plant gladiolas this spring, you should know that the bulbs are much more poisonous. They cause liver, kidney, and heart symptoms, and possibly death.

Bouquet of pink flowers in ceramic pot
It can be hard to tell what is in a mixed bouquet. Don’t be afraid to ask. – Photo by  Hassan OUAJBIR from Pexels

Irises: Irises are beautiful, unique flowers, usually either blue/purple or yellow in color. They may be easy on the eyes, but they contain irritating chemicals that are not-so-easy on the skin and digestive tract when pets chew on them. A cat that eats an iris may display drooling, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Baby’s Breath: You didn’t think I’d forget these, did you? Some sources, including the ASPCA, consider Baby’s Breath non-toxic to cats. The fact that Cara survived consuming it dozens of times with no long-term effects supports the fact that it isn’t a particularly worrisome plant. The prevalence of Baby’s Breath as a filler flower in bouquets, in addition to my personal experience, drives me to bring it up. When cats eat these tiny, white flowers, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Your cat will probably be fine, but your carpet may not.

Friendly Flowers

After all that, you may be wondering what kind of flowers you can buy. There are some flowers that are generally regarded as safe for cats. However, keep in mind that florists may use fillers of greenery even in single-flower bouquets. Make sure that every plant is safe for your cat before leaving your pet unsupervised with the arrangement. If you ever want to know whether a plant is toxic to cats (or dogs or horses), the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control website is an excellent resource: The Pet Poison Helpline is also available 24/7 at 1-855-764-7661. Without further ado, below are several flowers that are safe for your feline friends.

  • Roses
  • Sunflowers
  • Snapdragons
  • Asters
  • Gerber Daisies
  • Zinnias

So if you had a dozen roses in mind for your valentine this year, you’re in luck! They are safe for your valentine’s kitty as well. If your valentine is your cat, cat treats make a great Valentine’s gift too. Love comes in many forms, after all.

If you are ever worried about your cat’s symptoms and/or behavior after they have consumed a plant, even if your research tells you the plant is non-toxic, always take your pet to a veterinarian.

Published February 13, 2020

Updated June 15, 2021


Chilean Market Cats: A Creative Approach to Strays

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When it comes to addressing populations of stray and feral cats, sometimes the answers are easily, but far more often they are not. There are so, so many homeless cats around the world, and every place has its own, unique set of challenges in attempting to handle this overwhelming problem. I am very interested in the creative solutions that different communities invent to help their local street cats. I think cat advocates can learn a lot from each other when we trade our ideas. With that in mind, I wanted to share the way cats and vendors in a Chilean market have formed a brilliant symbiotic relationship.

La Vega Central is a huge market in the middle of Santiago, Chile, the country’s capital. It’s primarily a farmer’s market, selling all manner of fresh produce, meats, eggs, and dairy, but other products such as dried goods, bakery products, and even tools and cleaning supplies are on offer. The market is open every day and is popular with locals, tourists, and cats.

Tabby cat resting on a bag of vegetables
Papita, market cat at La Vega – Photo by Francisco Cabezas Moreno at Gatos de la Vega

That stray cats would be drawn to a farmer’s market makes sense. The presence of so much food is sure to draw rodents and other pests, and they draw cats. But how do the vendors feel about having cats all over the place? They’re thrilled! The vendors don’t merely tolerate the cats for their convenient mousing. Each vendor has their own cat coworker with whom they share their stall. Cats are very territorial, so they tended to frequent the same space every day. The vendors became attached to the cats that took a shine to their booths. The vendors are quite proud of their own personal market cat (or sometimes dog). They will name their cat, feed them, and get them veterinary care if they can afford it.

The organization Gatos de la Vega was founded to raise money for the care of the market cats in La Vega Central. Some of the vendors have formed a collective called Callejeritos de la Vega to raise money themselves. They all want to make sure these cats are well-provided for, and it sure looks like it’s working. They are starting to get some of the market cats neutered, too, to keep the entire feline community healthier.

TNR (trap, neuter, and return) has started to take hold in Chile in the last few years. Still, Chile has struggled to find large-scale or governmental solutions for stray animals. In the meantime, the long-standing relationship between the humans and cats (and dogs) of the Chilean markets arose organically. It just goes to show that when we are flexible and hold compassion in our hearts, solving difficult issues gets a lot easier.

If you would like to help the market cats of Chile, see Gatos de la Vega’s website at and purchase something from their store. They have a photo book about the market cats as well as adorable t-shirts, postcards, and tote bags. You can donate to Callejeritos de la Vega at or sponsor an animal at their website,

Hannah Shaw (The Kitten Lady)’s video about the cats of La Vega Central

Published February 6, 2020

Updated June 8, 2021

Breed Profiles

Siamese: Thai Temple Cats

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Siamese cats may be one of the most recognizable breeds today, but for centuries they were one of Thailand’s best kept secrets. They stalked the halls of Thai palaces and temples at a time when the country was still known as Siam, hence their name. Siamese cats are believed to have occurred naturally in Thailand and later been selectively bred for certain traits. Though Siamese cats only began to spread outside Thailand during the late 1800s, they have quickly become one of the most popular breeds of cats in the world.

Siamese kitten
Siamese kittens are born white – Photo by TaniaVdB on Pixaby

Siamese cats are easily recognized by their long, lithe, and angular bodies, as well as their color-point patterning which arose in the Thai cat population as a genetic mutation. It causes cats to have a light background color, ranging from white to tan, with darker coloration on the ears, face, paws, and tail. Kittens are born white and their points darken as they age. Many cat show organizations, including the Cat Fanciers Association, only recognize seal (dark brown-black), chocolate, blue, and lilac points, but almost any color of point is possible, including patterned points, i.e. tabby.

Siamese cats have long, slim bodies with wedge-shaped heads and large, triangular ears. Their hind legs are longer than their forelegs, and they have small, dainty, oval-shaped paws. Their almond-shaped eyes are a vibrant blue, one of their most alluring and unusual traits. They occasionally have crossed eyes or kinked tails. These are harmless deformities that were once very prominent in the breed but which breeders have tried to eliminate, with only partial success.

It is commonly believed that Siamese cats have been bred to have a more thin, angular, and generally extreme shape in more recent years, and that the original breed that arose in Thailand had a more moderate body plan and rounder face. There are still Siamese cats being bred to this form today. Sometimes they are recognized as a separate breed, called the Thai. Other times they are referred to as “traditional” or “applehead” Siamese cats.

Lilac-point siamese cat
Sleepy blue eyes – Photo by TaniaVdB on Pixaby

Siamese cats have a rich history in their native Thailand. They are thought to be a very old breed, but exactly how old is uncertain. The Tamra Maew manuscript, called The Cat Poems in English, was discovered in a royal Buddhist temple and depicts lucky and unlucky cats (1). One of the lucky cats has a white body and dark or black tail, ears, paws, and mask (1). Manuscripts such as these were handwritten on palm-leaves or bark, which would become fragile with age and need to be painstakingly copied periodically.

The Cat Poems originated in Ayutthaya, a city which was later destroyed, but some of the manuscripts from its temple survived and were taken to Bangkok, including The Cat Poems (1). The copy of the Tamra Maew which was discovered has been dated to between 1840 and 1850 by The International Maew Boran Association (TIMBA) but research suggests that it may date to the Khmer Empire (802 to 1432), making Siamese cats a very old breed indeed (1).

Thai legends account for the crooked tails and crossed eyes that used to be so common to the breed (2). One tells of a princess who was bathing in a river. She feared that her rings would be lost in the swift current, but her favorite cat was close at hand, as usual, so she placed her rings on its tail for safekeeping (2). The loyal cat made sure to keep the rings on its tail, but it had a little kink in its tail forever after (2). In another tale, pun intended, a royal guard cat is tasked with watching over a gold goblet (2). The cat wraps its tail tightly around the stem of the goblet so it can’t let its charge out of its sight (2). The determined guard proceeds to watch the goblet so long and with such fierce focus that it goes cross-eyed (2).

These stories also allude to the personality of Siamese cats which are a very people-oriented and loyal breed. Highly social and intelligent, this is one breed that does not like to be left alone and does best if they have a similarly playful friend to keep them occupied while their human is at work. Siamese cats get along well with other cats as well as dogs and children. They just want to be friends. And they want someone to talk to. Siamese are well known for being “talkers,” with a loud, unique meow that they use all the time to tell you about everything.

These cats are very affectionate. They like to follow their people around to see what they’re doing or just cuddle and tell you about their day. Because they are so intelligent, Siamese cats can get bored, and therefore get into trouble. Giving them puzzle toys or taking them on walks to give their brains as well as their bodies something to do is a good idea.

Siamese tom showing off the breed’s distinctive voice

Siamese cats have a short, fine-textured coat that requires very little grooming, only a weekly combing. As they are attention sponges, they usually enjoy being groomed. Dental care may need to be more intensive. The wedge shape of their heads makes Siamese cats prone to periodontal disease, so daily brushing is recommended. This is easiest when begun as a kitten. Weekly brushing or other dental care options are less effective but may still do the trick. Consult a vet to see what your cat needs. The shape of their heads also increases the risk of respiratory problems. The breed carries a risk of developing eye problems, such as retinal atrophy or glaucoma, heart problems, and bladder stones. These conditions are more likely later in life.

The enduring popularity of Siamese cats makes a lot of sense. They are a friendly and beautiful breed with a lot to say for themselves. They make excellent family pets because they get along so well with other pets and children. While a chatty cat isn’t for everyone, its clear that many people, including Thai royalty, love this special feline.

Fun Facts

  • The Siamese was one of the original breeds recognized by the CFA when it was founded in 1906.
  • Siamese cats first arrived in the United States in 1878 when one was gifted to President Rutherford B. Hayes’s wife, Lucy, by a diplomat. The cat was named, very creatively, “Siam.”
  • The Siamese may have been displayed at the first major cat show in 1871 at London’s Crystal Palace. A journalist with Harper’s Weekly described the breed as “an unnatural, nightmare kind of cat.”
  • A pair of Siamese cats alerted their owner to the presence of Russian espionage in the 1960s (3). Dutch ambassador Henri Heib was woken up by his yowling cats scratching at the wall in the middle of the night as he slept in the embassy in Moscow, possibly when the 30 hidden microphones turned on and made a noise only the cats could hear (3). The ambassador chose to leave the bugs in his apartment, and he and his wife used them to manipulate their eavesdroppers into doing favors for them such as getting packages unstuck from customs (3).
  • The Thai name for the native Siamese breed is “wichienmaat,” which means “gold diamond.”

Works Cited

  1. The International Maew Boran Association. (2020).
  2. Geyer, G.A. (2004). When cats reigned like kings: On the trail of the sacred cats. Andrews McMeel Publishing.
  3. Reuter. (1964, May 26). Microphone revealed by cats: Ambassador made use of it. The Glasgow Herald, p. 9.

Published January 30, 2020

Updated June 4, 2021