
Why do cats knead?

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This behavior goes by many names: kneading, making biscuits, making cookies, paddling, or smurgling. Most people know what kneading is, but allow me to overexplain so we’re all on the same page. Kneading is when a cat snuggles up on or next to a beloved human (or object, or other animal) and begins massaging the target of their affection with alternating forepaws. They may also begin to purr, salivate, or suckle on fabric or other available material, depending on the cat. That suckling habit is sometimes called wool-chewing or wool-sucking. Some people find kneading to be super cute while others find it annoying. It can certainly be unpleasant if your cat decides to make biscuits on your bare legs. But whatever your opinions on being kneaded, you’ve probably wondered, “why does my cat do this?”

Ginger and white kitten suckling
Image by Antonios Ntoumas from Pixabay

As is so often the case with feline behavior, the reason for kneading is not known for certain. The most well-known theory is that it is a carry-over from kittenhood. Kittens begin to knead almost immediately. They place their paws on their mother’s abdomen as they suckle and knead her to stimulate the flow of milk. Kneading is believed to release endorphins to encourage bonding between kittens and mother. That neurological process, as well as the comforting memories, remain into adulthood. Cats may knead their favorite human in a similar bonding process, a show of affection and contentment. They may also knead to soothe themselves if they feel anxious, trying to take themselves back to a happier state of mind.

Taking our cats even further back in time, we can find a reason for kneading in the evolution of their wild ancestors. Domestic cats will often knead beds, blankets, pillows, etc. before settling down on them to sleep. It’s thought that ancestral wild cats kneaded down grass or other vegetation in the same manner to make a soft place to sleep or give birth. In the arid environments where they lived, soft sleeping spots could be scarce unless you made one yourself.

Another possibility is that kneading, at least in adult cats, has to do with those special little kitty paws. There are scent glands on cats’ paws, so whenever they knead something, they mark it with their scent. Maybe your cat just wants everyone to know that this blanket is theirs, and that pillow, and their bed, and your bed…

There may not be only one reason why cats knead. They are complex and mysterious creatures, after all. What does seem clear is that when a cat kneads their owner, it can be taken as a compliment. It’s also certain that kneading is a hard-wired and instinctive behavior. If you don’t like being kneaded, you cannot stop your cat from kneading entirely, but you may be able to stop them from kneading you, or at least make the process easier on yourself.

Cat behaviourist Jackson Galaxy explains smurgling

If your cat kneads with their claws out, there are two simple solutions. One is to keep their claws trimmed, which will protect both you and anything else they knead. Or, put a blanket or towel over your lap whenever they want to snuggle so they don’t sink their claws into you. If you just do not want them kneading you at all, you can try distracting them by petting them or giving them a toy. You can gently pick them up and move them whenever they start to knead on you. Picking a designated blanket, pillow, or cat bed to move them to can teach them to make their biscuits there. The most important thing is to NOT PUNISH a cat for kneading. They will not understand.

I often feel that I don’t deserve the little goddess that is my cat. But when she cuddles up to me and starts purring and paddling those paws, I know that she loves me despite the fact that I am a mere human bumbling about in her apartment. Maybe she does value me for something other than slinging food in her bowl.

Published January 23, 2020

Updated June 1, 2021


Is Your Zodiac Sign a Cat?

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Zodiac reading neon sign
Photo by pixel parker on Unsplash

In the Western world, people are most likely to be familiar with the Chinese Zodiac, which features a tiger but not the felines many of us share our homes with. The Vietnamese Zodiac, however, honors the domestic cat as its fourth sign, in place of the rabbit in the Chinese line-up. Why there is this notable difference between the two very similar zodiacs is unsure. Possibilities include the words for rabbit (mao) and cat (meo) sounding very similar or the Vietnamese of yore simply choosing to replace the rabbit with an animal that their agrarian society deemed much more useful, the pest-controlling cat. Whatever the reason, some cat lovers can reference the Vietnamese Zodiac to state with certainty that they themselves are cats.

Those born in the year of the cat are said to have personalities that resemble our furry friends. Cat signs are curious, but cautious as well, and show good judgement. They’re creative people, likely to be talented and ambitious. They are sociable but enjoy their alone time as well. Cat signs are a bit secretive, always keeping something hidden for themselves. They are also said to be superficial and self-indulgent, prone to mood swings, and–like every cat ever–stubborn.

Cat and pig bobble-head figures
Cats and pigs are highly compatible signs. Photo by Jerry Wang on Unsplash

Cat signs are very compatible with pigs and goats but do not get along with rats and roosters. An old folktale called The Great Race tells how the animals of the zodiac were invited to meet with the Jade Emperor. The rat and the cat were the cleverest of the bunch, but both were poor swimmers, so when they came to a river they convinced the ox to let them ride across on his back. But just when all three were about the reach the other side, the rat push the cat off the ox’s back. The rat made it to the Jade Emperor’s palace first and became the first animal in the zodiac. Cats have been the mortal enemies of rats ever since. I myself am Year of the Rat. Please nobody tell my cats.

Quick Facts

  • Element: Wood, Yin
  • Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 6
  • Unlucky Numbers: 1, 7, 8
  • Lucky Flowers: plantain lily, jasmine, and snapdragon
  • Lucky Colors: pink, red, blue, and purple
  • Unlucky Colors: dark yellow, dark brown, white
  • Famous Cat Signs: Nicholas Cage, Brad Pitt, Cesar Chavez, Frank Sinatra, Andy Warhol, and Pope Benedict XVI

Published January 16, 2020

Updated May 5, 2021


Music for Cats

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Does your cat like to listen to music with you? Some pets do, but it’s more often the case that they seem simply to tolerate our tunes. Or not, if you have a cat that leaves the room when you put on your favorite song. Why don’t our furry friends enjoy music as much as most of us do? David Teie, a cellist, composer, and researcher, wondered if other animals would like music that was composed with their audio processing in mind. He partnered with Dr. Charles T. Snowdon at the Department of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to test out his theory of species-specific music [1].

Teie and Snowdon aimed to compose music that would elicit positive emotions in cats, target frequency ranges suitable for feline ears, and make use of sounds natural to cat communication. Teie composed two songs for the study. They had an average pitch of 1.34 kHz, significantly higher than is typical of human music. Sounds within the cat vocal range of 55-200 Hz were a focal point, but frequencies related to howls and frustrated vocalizations were excluded. A large percentage of melodic sliding frequencies were included in the compositions, as cats use a lot of sliding frequencies in their vocalizations. One of the songs, “Cozmo’s Air,” was given a tempo of 1,380 bpm to resemble purring. “Rusty’s Ballad” had a tempo of 250 bpm, reminiscent of the suckling of kittens. To hear a sampling of Teie’s compositions for cats, play the video below.

The researchers paired each of Teie’s species-specific songs with a classical song chosen for its pleasing qualities for human listeners. 47 housecats were played 3 minutes of all four songs with a 3 minute rest period in between. Their behaviors during the music were observed and scored for “orient/approach” or “avoidant/fearful” actions. The time between the beginning of the song and onset of any resulting behavior, termed “latency,” was also measured. Very few fearful behaviors were seen, and there was no difference between cat or human music in the rate thereof. However, significantly more approach behaviors, such as purring or rubbing against the speakers, were observed while playing the cat music. There was also a significantly shorter latency period before the cats began to react, suggesting that the music geared for their ears caught their attention faster.

This research has a lot of possible applications. Teie and Snowdon suggest it may be used for calming cats with separation anxiety while their owners are away or for helping shelter cats to feel less stress. A study at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine using Teie’s cat-specific music found that it reduced stress during veterinary exams [2]. Personally, I listen to music just because it makes me happy. If this species-specific music brings cats joy, I say that is an end unto itself.

Tortoiseshell cat between speakers
All about that sliding frequency – Image by Anfesamo from Pixabay

Teie has since composed even more songs for cats. You can sample them for yourself–and your cat–at He has CDs and digital downloads for sale, should your cat respond well and you’d like to buy full tracks to play for them.

Works Cited

  1. Snowdon, C.T., Teie, D., & Savage, M. (2015). Cats Prefer Species-Appropriate Music. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 166, 106-111.
  2. Hampton, A., et al. (2019). Effects of music on behavior and physiological stress response of domestic cats in a veterinary clinic. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 22(2), 122-128.

Published January 6th, 2019

Updated May 12th, 2023

Breed Profiles

Maine Coon: Big Fluffy Mystery in New England

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What do you get when you cross a raccoon with a domestic cat? Absolutely nothing, because that’s impossible. However, this is perhaps the wildest of the origin stories told about the State Cat of Maine, the Maine Coon. Maine Coons are an American breed of cat that evolved naturally in the harsh environment of the Northeast. How their forebears came to be in the New England wilderness is anybody’s guess, and theories abound about this big, friendly cat.

The raccoon hybrid idea is ridiculous, but in a less enlightened age it may have made sense. Most Maine Coons are brown tabbies, often with dark circles or marks around their eyes. Add in the breed’s fluffy tail and it’s not so hard to see how someone might think they look like raccoons. This is how they got their names, after all. The early nineteenth century farmers and sailors who first recognized the superb mousing ability of these cats would have known there were raccoons and other cats in the area. So there’s some 1800s logic for you.

A slightly less absurd suggestion is that Maine Coons are hybrids of domestic cats and bobcats. I tried to find any evidence that this is possible, and it appears not to be [1]. Again, I can see where the concept came from, as Maine Coons can be MASSIVE cats, the larger males sometimes reaching over 25 lbs or 11.3 kg (with an average weight of 16 lbs for males and 12 lbs for females). With tufted ears and paws like bobcats as well, and bobcats at least being a kind of cat, it seems reasonable. But still not possible.

Other stories told about Maine Coons suggest that they arose from the more regionally common short-haired cats intermingling with long-haired breeds brought from overseas. This seems much more likely. In a more scandalous version of this tale, a sea captain loyal to the French crown brought a shipload of Marie Antoinette’s valuables over to the new world, including six of her favorite cats. The plan was to return for the queen and rescue her from the over-boiling French Revolution, but the captain was too late to save her, and the cats were loosed in New England. I have my doubts that the queen would have sent her valuables ahead and stayed where the danger was, but who’s to say?

The most likely scenarios, if the traits did not arise spontaneously, would still have us thanking sailors for this immensely popular breed of cat. Some theorize that an English captain named Samuel Coon kept cats on board his ship, as many seafarers did. He specifically favored Persians and Angoras, two long-haired breeds that were popular in England during the American colonial period. As he sailed up and down the New England coast, his cats would disembark from time to time, and long-haired kittens began to crop up in the litters of the short-haired cats on shore. People would say that the mother had met up with “one of Coon’s cats.”

Alternatively, it’s thought that Vikings who visited the New World in the eleventh century may have brought long-haired Norwegian Skogkatts, known today as Norwegian Forest Cats, a breed which has a lot of similarities to Maine Coons. In either case, the long-haired trait was beneficial to wild and semi-feral barn cats surviving outside through the bitterly cold winters, so it began to take hold in the population.

Three Maine Coon cats
Photo by skeeze via pixabay

It isn’t only the length of their fur that makes Maine Coons well-suited to their natural environment. Their pelt is thick and water resistant, further insulating them from the weather. The tufts of fur on their ears prevent heat from escaping. Their big, tufted paws serve as snowshoes, allowing them to walk over snow despite their size. Those big paws are also part of what makes them such good mousers!

Maine Coons can take a while to get comfortable with new people, but once they’re sure about you they are very friendly and love to spend time with their humans. They are known for following people around and enjoy attention, although they aren’t usually lap cats. They just want to be where you are. Main Coons are one of the few breeds of cats that like water, so they may want to be with you even in the shower. Close the door if that doesn’t appeal to you. Get out the camera if you think it’s hilarious.

That long, silky fur requires some grooming, but the Maine Coon isn’t as high-maintenance as some long-haired breeds. Occasional grooming to take care of tangles is sufficient for most cats. Since Maine Coons are so affectionate, they usually enjoy grooming.

Brown Maine Coon cat looking out the window
Alfred the Maine Coon – Photo by Benjamin Balázs

Maine Coons are said to make great family pets because they get along well with children and other animals. They keep a kitten-like playfulness into old age but are also very easy-going, so they don’t mind the antics of human children. Maine Coons are very intelligent and like to learn tricks, solve puzzles, and play fetch, things that children often enjoy doing with their pets but some dogs can’t even be bothered to do. Not the dog I had growing up, anyways. RIP, Dolly. You were so loyal and so very lazy.

As with any breed, there is an increased risk of certain health concerns. Maine Coons can be prone to hip dysplasia, particularly those of larger size. They also have a genetic propensity for a form of heart disease called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and for spinal muscular atrophy, which usually develops early in kittenhood. There are genetic tests available for both of these conditions.

The Cat Fanciers’ Association named the Maine Coon the 5th most popular breed of 2018. They are such beautiful cats, and full of personality, it’s easy to see why people love them. They fit into a wide variety of homes as well. Not to mention that anyone who owns one will never have a rodent problem. In all the time since being removed from the New England wilderness, they haven’t lost that edge. Soft and fluffy yet built tough as nails, these unique cats are truly the stuff of legend.

Fun Facts

  • The Best Cat at the first major United States cat show (1895 in NYC) was a Maine Coon. She was a brown tabby named Cosey.
  • There was so little demand for the Maine Coon that it was declared extinct in the 1950s! They might have spoken too soon.
  • Unlike most domestic cats, Maine Coons do not finish growing until they are 3-5 years old.
  • The most common color of Maine Coon is brown tabby, but they come in 75 different color combinations and many different patterns.
  • Their eyes may be green, gold, green-gold, or copper. White or bi-color Maine Coons sometimes have blue or odd eyes.
  • The longest cat on record was a Maine Coon. Mymains Steward Gilligan, or Stewie, was 4 ft 0.42 in or 123 cm long!

Works Cited

  1. Hartwell, S. (1993). Domestic Hybrids with Bobcat and Lynx. Messy Beast.

Published December 30th, 2019

Updated June 14th, 2023


Why Do Cats Love Boxes?

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You finish opening that new package from Amazon and plop the box on the floor. Immediately, your cat appears as if summoned by the presence of cardboard in its domain. She delicately sniffs the box, prowls all around it to examine every inch, and then springs over the edge and lands inside. An hour later you walk by and can just see her eyes and ears peeking over the top at you. Claw marks on the outside edges indicate that she’s been hard at work showing that box who’s boss. You chuckle and wonder for the millionth time why your silly cat is so enamored of the simple cardboard box.

Sound familiar? Who has a giant cat that insists on squeezing into shoeboxes or has bought their cat a super-deluxe-mega-awesome cat tree only for kitty to spend the next week in the box it came in? Most humans lose interest in playing with cardboard boxes after about the age of eight, but cats seem to have an undying fascination with the things–sleeping in them, jumping in and out of them, ripping them to pieces. Why is that? Why do cats love boxes?

No One Will Find Me Here…

Tabby cat in cardboard box
“If I fits, I sits.” Photo by Brent Jones on Unsplash

As is often the case with cats, there isn’t a simple answer, but it largely has to do with boxes being a confined space. Cats are both ambush predators and prey for larger animals, so they are very keen on hiding places from which to pounce on their prey and avoid being hunted themselves. Anyone who has been swatted at or pounced upon by a cat hiding in a box knows that boxes serve the purpose well. Cats may also want to hide from their problems. Cats are only somewhat social and as such don’t have instinctive conflict-resolution skills. They mostly just hide and hope the conflict goes away. #Relatable

Some cats like to hide more than others, but as a rule cats need hiding places to make them feel safe and relieve anxiety. Studies with shelter cats have found that providing hiding boxes decreases their stress levels [1, 2]. Even in a low-stress environment, everybody needs somewhere to decompress now and again. For a cat, that might be a good box.

The Wonders of Cardboard

There are other reasons cats love boxes, particularly of the cardboard variety. One you may have noticed yourself is that cardboard has a texture many cats enjoy sinking their claws into. Some enjoy chewing and generally mauling it as well. My cat Joon is quite fond of eating it. She’s not allowed to play in cardboard boxes anymore. For most cats it’s a very safe pastime, however. Just make sure there aren’t any staples or other things on the box they shouldn’t get in their mouths!

Tabby cat in cauldron
Joon in a “box” she’s allowed to play with.

Cardboard is also a great insulator, and small spaces are great places for cats to curl up and be warm and cozy. A National Research Council study from 2006 found that the thermoneutral zone for cats, the range of temperatures in which they are comfortable and don’t need to expend energy to warm or cool themselves, is 86 to 97 degrees Fahrenheit (30 to 36 degrees Celsius) [3]. Most of us don’t keep our houses that warm, so housecats seek out warmth wherever they can. Cardboard boxes hold in their body heat when they snuggle down in them, so they make great places to play and sleep. You know, the things cats do best.

If you’re frustrated that your cat doesn’t like all the fancy toys you’ve bought them as much as they like shoving their entire body in an empty tissue box, keep in mind that it’s really the fault of the boxes for making such a perfect kitty cave. And you might be able to save a lot of money on cat accessories if you embrace your cat’s love of boxes.

Works Cited

  1. Kry, K & Casey, R. (2007). The effect of hiding enrichment on stress levels and behaviour of domestic cats (Felis sylvestris catus) in a shelter setting and the implications for adoption potential. Animal Welfare, 16(3), 375-383.
  2. Vinke, CM, Godijn, LM, & van der Leij, WJR. (2014). Will a hiding box provide stress reduction for shelter cats? Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 160, 86-93.
  3. National Research Council. (2006). Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats. National Academy Press.

Published December 23, 2019

Updated June 20, 2022