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One summer morning when I was in high school, I opened the front door of my parents’ house to go get the mail. Fortunately, I’m in the habit of looking down when I walk, so I managed to avoid planting my bare foot directly into the present that our outdoor cat, Rosenberg, or Rosie, had left on the doormat for us. It was a baby rabbit, or most of one, that is. She had eaten a hole in the side of the head and consumed the brain, but left the rest for us to enjoy. We still call Rosie a zombie cat.
This was not the only time Rosie left us a gift. She’s never brought anything more indoors than the garage, but many people are not so lucky. Sometimes, cats bring gifts that are not so decidedly deceased, either, and cat owners may find themselves chasing rather lively birds, rodents, or reptiles around their homes. We humans generally regard this behavior as disgusting, but our cats seem to think we appreciate it. Why? Just, why?
Humans and cats are obviously very different animals, and we think differently. Cats are hard-wired to hunt, and a lot of their emotional lives revolve around hunting. It’s what they would spend most of their waking hours doing in the wild. Cats simply enjoy hunting. If prey is available, cats will hunt even if they are well-fed. A study found that cats would stop eating in order to kill a rat that was presented to them, only to set the rat beside their food bowl and keep eating what they had been eating before (1).
Cats may have evolved this high prey drive because prey can be scarce and difficult to catch, so stopping whatever they’re doing to hunt available prey, even when not hungry, would have boosted their chances of survival (1). The feline drive to hunt is why cats with access to the outdoors will inevitably at least attempt to. There are a few theories as to why they want to bring some of their prey to their people, however.
One school of thought is that they simply want to bring their prey back to a safe place to consume it, their den as it were, the way they would in the wild (2). But their den is your home or front stoop. Some experts believe that cats may want to show off their good work, but veterinarian Dr. Stephanie Liff points out that pride for their catch may be too human a motivation to ascribe to cats (3).

Although cats are usually thought of as solitary and independent animals, they are actually fairly social and often live in colonies or with family members (4). As such, feral cats may bring prey back to the group to ensure the survival of everyone (5, 6). Cats also hunt cooperatively with members of their social group–Elizabeth Marshall Thomas suggests in her book The Tribe of Tiger that a possible explanation for bringing home live prey, at least for some cats, might be the joy of joining in a group hunt with the humans as they frantically chase down the injured animal (4). Domestic cats may be thinking in these terms when they bring prey to us, their family members of another species. Or, they may be thinking of us as family in a filial sense.
Perhaps the greatest consensus for why cats bring their humans prey is that they are treating us like their kittens. Mother cats bring prey to the den to feed their offspring. They also bring home dead, dying, or wounded prey to teach their kittens how to hunt. So our cats may be trying to feed us or teach us, or both. Really, who could blame them? In their world, hunting is everything. But we are clumsy, ungainly things that clearly cannot hunt for ourselves. Who knows where they think we get our food from, but I imagine they pity us sometimes. So perhaps they want to do what they can to help.
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas shares a story about how she and her husband had a she-cat that began to bring home dead mice all the time after she had a kitten (4). She would bring mice for the kitten, even after the kitten became an adult, but she would also bring them to Thomas, her husband, and their dog, the most appreciative of the bunch (4). It was as though motherhood made her suddenly feel responsible for all of these terrible hunters with whom she shared her home. However, even sterilized cats and toms can show this behavior. Maybe they all feel sorry for us.
Even indoor-only cats will bring gifts. They may manage to catch prey that sneaks indoors to present to you, but more often their gifts are inedible. The prey caught by indoor cats is mostly their toys, or whatever other objects they use as a toy, and these are the things they are likely to leave as gifts (5). Joon does this occasionally at night. I’ll wake up in the morning and find one of her toys, most often her beloved plush, pink-and-white sock, lying right beside me on the bed. If I wanted to have someone teach me how to hunt, it wouldn’t be Joon. I think her lifetime achievements are a spider and some flies. But I appreciate the sentiment.

If your cat is leaving gifts more like Rosie’s than Joon’s, and you wish they wouldn’t, there are a couple things you can do, but keep in mind that you may not be able to stop this behavior completely. Cats will always find something to hunt, and there’s always a chance that if they catch something, they will bring it to you.
That being said, one thing you can do is engage your cat in interactive play to satisfy their prey drive and diminish some of that need to hunt live animals. The live prey drive will never go away, but you can redirect some of it. Another tactic is to make sure that any cats with access to the outdoors wear a breakaway collar with a bell, so that their hunts are less likely to be successful. That’s good for the local ecosystem and you’ll get much fewer unwanted gifts.
When your cat does bring you a present you didn’t ask for, you may want to scold them, but don’t. They won’t understand. Whatever the reason your cat is doing this, they see it as at least a neutral and probably a beneficial thing that they are doing for you. How would you feel if you did something really nice for somebody, and they yelled at you and called you a bad person for your good deed? It’s usually recommended that you actually praise your cat and then discreetly dispose of their gift, assuming it isn’t still very much alive and you have other things to worry about at the moment. Your cat is, after all, only doing what is natural to them.
By the way, if you have a cat with access to the outdoors, and they don’t bring you gifts, don’t feel insulted or worried. Not all cats have the same prey drive. Yours may just not feel as compelled to hunt when provided with sufficient food. Or they may not be very good at it. (7) Rest assured, they are still finding ways to be a cat, as cats always do.
Works Cited
- Adamec, R.E. (1976). The interaction of hunger and preying in the domestic cat (Felis catus): An adaptive hierarchy? Behavioral Biology, 18(2), 263-272. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0091-6773(76)92166-0
- Cutolo, M. (2020, March 26). Why do cats bring home dead animals? Reader’s Digest. https://www.rd.com/article/why-do-cats-bring-home-dead-animals/
- Puiu, T. (2017, May 5). Why do cats bring dead animals home to you: You should actually be honored. ZME Science. https://www.zmescience.com/ecology/animals-ecology/why-cats-dead-animals-home/
- Thomas, E.M. (1994). The tribe of tiger: Cats and their culture. Simon & Schuster.
- Shojai, A. (2019, November 19). Why do cats bring ‘gifts’ of dead animals? The Spruce Pets. https://www.thesprucepets.com/cat-hunting-gifts-553946
- Primm, K. (n.d.). Ask a vet: Why does my cat bring me dead mice? I Heart Cats. https://iheartcats.com/ask-a-vet-why-does-my-cat-bring-me-dead-mice/
- Argos Pet Insurance. (2014, September 10). Why do cats bring their owners dead animals? https://www.argospetinsurance.co.uk/we-talk-pet/are-cats-really-bringing-their-owners-presents-when-they-bring-mice-home/
Published July 19th, 2020
Updated November 10th, 2020