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My father used to get flowers for my mother for Valentine’s Day–and all the other flowery occasions–almost every time. Eventually, Mom forbade him to get her flowers ever again. It wasn’t that she disliked getting them, quite the contrary, but every time Dad gave her flowers our calico cat, Cara, would eat them the first chance she got. She had a particular penchant for Baby’s Breath. Mom got tired of cleaning regurgitated vegetation out of the carpet, and it didn’t do much good for Dad to give her a bouquet only for her to hide it in the laundry room. So, no more flowers.
Cara lived a long, healthy life without suffering any significant ill effects from her flower-munching habit, but some of the flowers popular in floral arrangements can be quite dangerous to cats. If you plan to gift flowers to a loved one with a cat this Valentine’s Day (or to yourself), make sure to avoid these plants in the bouquet.
Lilies: These big, showy flowers come in a wide array of colors, so it’s no surprise that they are popular choices for bouquets. However, if you have a cat in the house, it’s best to avoid lilies altogether. Lilies are extremely poisonous to cats. Consuming any part of the plant results in kidney failure and, without prompt intervention, death. This includes Easter Lilies, so if you are fond of those angelic blooms, perhaps invest in a silk replica this spring instead.
Carnations: Pink, white, and red carnations are a common sight around Valentine’s Day, and their fluffy petals might be tempting. Use caution, however. Carnation sap can be irritating to a cat’s skin, and consuming the plant can cause gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea).
Daisies: Species in the Chrysanthemum genus range in appearance from the common daisy with white petals spayed about a yellow center to the ruffled blooms of mums in their autumnal hues. All, however, are toxic to cats. Symptoms of poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, and loss of coordination. Skin irritation is also possible.
Daffodils: Daffodils may look sunny and cheerful, but they can be very toxic to cats, although the bulbs are more toxic than the shoots. Consuming small amounts may only cause a cat to experience vomiting, drooling, and diarrhea. Larger ingestion may result in convulsions, abnormal heart rhythms, and trouble breathing. Where the threshold between milder and more severe symptoms lies will depend on your cat, so if you suspect your cat has consumed any daffodil tissue at all, a trip to the vet is in order.
Gladiolas: Sometimes called “sword lilies,” commercial gladiolas grow large spikes of flowers in lots of bright colors. They are often used in floral arrangements, as they can add both color and height. All parts of the the plant are poisonous. The shoots cause milder symptoms if consumed, including vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, and lethargy. If you are planning to plant gladiolas this spring, you should know that the bulbs are much more poisonous. They cause liver, kidney, and heart symptoms, and possibly death.

Irises: Irises are beautiful, unique flowers, usually either blue/purple or yellow in color. They may be easy on the eyes, but they contain irritating chemicals that are not-so-easy on the skin and digestive tract when pets chew on them. A cat that eats an iris may display drooling, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Baby’s Breath: You didn’t think I’d forget these, did you? Some sources, including the ASPCA, consider Baby’s Breath non-toxic to cats. The fact that Cara survived consuming it dozens of times with no long-term effects supports the fact that it isn’t a particularly worrisome plant. The prevalence of Baby’s Breath as a filler flower in bouquets, in addition to my personal experience, drives me to bring it up. When cats eat these tiny, white flowers, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Your cat will probably be fine, but your carpet may not.
Friendly Flowers
After all that, you may be wondering what kind of flowers you can buy. There are some flowers that are generally regarded as safe for cats. However, keep in mind that florists may use fillers of greenery even in single-flower bouquets. Make sure that every plant is safe for your cat before leaving your pet unsupervised with the arrangement. If you ever want to know whether a plant is toxic to cats (or dogs or horses), the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control website is an excellent resource: https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control. The Pet Poison Helpline is also available 24/7 at 1-855-764-7661. Without further ado, below are several flowers that are safe for your feline friends.
- Roses
- Sunflowers
- Snapdragons
- Asters
- Gerber Daisies
- Zinnias
So if you had a dozen roses in mind for your valentine this year, you’re in luck! They are safe for your valentine’s kitty as well. If your valentine is your cat, cat treats make a great Valentine’s gift too. Love comes in many forms, after all.
If you are ever worried about your cat’s symptoms and/or behavior after they have consumed a plant, even if your research tells you the plant is non-toxic, always take your pet to a veterinarian.
Published February 13, 2020
Updated June 15, 2021