
Can Cats See Ghosts?

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Brown kitten and ceramic ghost
Image by Uschi Leonhartsberger-Schrott from Pixabay

I suppose if you don’t believe in ghosts, then the answer to the question “can cats see ghosts?” is “no, ghosts don’t exist.” But that’s boring. We’re here for some spooky season fun! If you have seen your cat staring intently at nothing and wondered what they see that you don’t, this article is for you.

Cats’ Remarkable Senses

Do Cats See Ghosts?

Cats certainly can see and sense things that we humans cannot. Cats’ eyes are adapted to see very well in low light because they are naturally most active at dawn and dusk, when most of their prey is awake [1-5]. Their night vision is six times better than ours because they have so many more light-sensing rod cells in their retinas [3, 5]. Cats also have a reflective layer of tissue behind their retinas called the tapetum lucidum which helps them maximize light absorption [4, 5].

Not only can cats see with just the tiniest amount of light, but they can see wavelengths of light that are completely invisible to us [2-6]! Humans see a lot of colors and a lot of detail, but we cannot see ultraviolet light [5, 6]. However, cats and many other animals can [6]. The list includes dogs which many people also believe can see ghosts [2]. Scientists don’t always know why some animals see the wavelengths that they do, and that goes for cats [6]. Rodents use their ultraviolet vision to follow urine trails [6], so perhaps cats benefit from following their trails, too? Or maybe the extra light simply adds another boost to their dark vision. If ghosts are visible in the ultraviolet spectrum, though, then cats do see ghosts.

Do Cats Hear Ghosts?

Cats can also hear much better than we can. The better to catch little, squeaky mice, my dear. Their hearing is about six times sharper than ours [1, 2]. That includes being able to hear sounds 1.5 octaves higher in pitch [4, 5]. Many people believe that ghosts speak outside our hearing range, but perhaps our cats can pick up on them. Think about that the next time your kitty’s ears perk up, and you didn’t hear anything.

Ghosts in the ceiling?

When I first adopted my cat Joon, I lived in a top-floor apartment with a roommate and her cat. The whole time I lived in that apartment, I would hear what sounded like footsteps or furniture being moved around in the apartment above us–except, of course, there was no apartment above us. Just the roof. I thought maybe my ears were playing tricks on me and the sounds were actually coming through the walls, not the ceiling, until I got Joon. In the evenings, when the noises started, she would stare up at the ceiling for the longest time and sometimes sit up on her haunches like she wanted to swat at whatever was up there. I never did figure out if we had ceiling ghosts or people living in the walls or what, but it was very creepy, that’s for sure. Since I moved out of that apartment, Joon has never shown that much interest in the ceiling. Unless there’s a bug on it, of course.

Do Cats Feel Ghosts?

Perhaps the most remarkable of the feline senses is their ability to feel tiny vibrations and changes in the air. A cat’s whiskers detect changes in temperature and air current around them [2, 4, 5]. This helps them navigate small spaces, know what’s around them in the dark, and feel oncoming danger without having to turn around [4, 5]. Perhaps it also helps cats feel any spirits walking by–or through–them.

“That’s one of the things that truly makes animals better than us, smarter than us. Cats aren’t burdened by a lifetime of belief like us. Cats are worried about what could or couldn’t be. They’re worried about what is.”

Jackson Galaxy, cat behaviorist
Cat in ghost costume
Image by SILVIA from Pixabay

Is My Cat Watching a Ghost?

It’s hard to figure out what your cat is looking at if you can’t see it. Maybe they hear a mouse in the wall or see a tiny bug that you just can’t perceive with your human senses. Maybe they do see a ghost! If your cat seems to be stressed by something you can’t see, however, do your best to investigate. Make sure a medical problem isn’t the culprit. Cats can behave very strangely when they’re in pain and don’t understand why. Also, check for any sources of stress in the physical realm, like a neighborhood cat whose presence outside is putting your pet on edge. If you’ve ruled out any material causes, and your cat still seems upset by a presence in the home, then it might be time to call some ghost busters. On the other hand, if your cat isn’t bothered by that thing they stare at in the corner, only curious, maybe don’t worry about it too much.


  1. Aggeler, M. (2020, October 30). Can pets see ghosts? The Cut.
  2. Cole and Marmalade. (2020, January 15). Can cats sense spirits and ghosts? The Furtastic.
  3. Esposito, D. (2022, October 4). Can cats see ghosts? The Dodo.
  4. Galaxy, J. [Jackson Galaxy]. (2020, October 31). Can cats see spirits, ghosts, or the supernatural? [Video]. Youtube.
  5. Kelley, T. L. (2022, April 28). Can cats see ghosts? We asked a vet and a behavior expert. Daily Paws.
  6. Lewis, T. (2014, February 18). Cats and dogs may see in ultraviolet. LiveScience.

Published October 22nd, 2023


Through Glowing Eyes: What Do Cats See?

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Joon has a strange habit. Well, a lot of strange habits, actually, but I’m thinking of one in particular. She will stare up at the ceiling at night and yowl. At first, I thought she was hearing our upstairs neighbors. Then I remembered that we lived on the top floor. Is my cat insane, or are there demons in the walls? There’s no way to know. I now live in a detached, single-family home, and she still does the same thing. I’ve never known any other cat to do that, but cats are infamous for looking off into space intently and kind of spookily. Obviously, cats and humans see the world very differently. If you have ever wondered what on Earth your cat is looking at, or just how the world appears to them, then you have come to the right place.

Eyeball diagram
Image from

Let’s start with the basics: eyeballs. The fundamental structure of the cat eye is pretty similar to that of a human, but there are some important differences that affect how they perceive what’s in front of them. If you haven’t taken an anatomy class since high school and need a refresher on what the parts of the eye in the diagram at left do, the National Eye Institute has a short video that goes over the highlights.

Although it doesn’t so much affect the way they see, while we’re on the subject of eyes it bears mentioning that cats, like many other mammals, have a nictitating membrane inside of their eyelids. This membrane, often called the “third eyelid,” is a semi-transparent, whitish color, and cats close it when they need to protect their eyes from scratches, like if they’re squeezing through a bush [1]. The nictitating membrane should not be visible normally; this could be a sign of inflammation or disease and is a reason to visit the vet [1, 2].

As with most things about the cat body, their eyes are exquisitely adapted to the life of a crepuscular hunter. “Crepuscular” means most active at dawn and dusk, when they are able to maximize the proportion of prey animals they have access to. Both cats and humans have forward-facing eyes, but the position of cat eyes gives them a somewhat wider field of view, about 200 degrees to our 180 degrees [3-5]. Cats also have much larger eyes than humans relative to the size of their heads, allowing them to take in more light in the dimmer hours of the early morning and late evening [2].

Another feature that helps cats see in dim light is a layer of reflective cells behind their retinas called the tapetum lucidum, which is Latin for bright/shining carpet. The tapetum lucidum is common in nocturnal and crepuscular mammals. The mirror-like cells reflect light that has gone through the retina back for a second pass. When you take a picture of your cat with the flash or open the door to find them in a dark room and see their eyes seeming to glow like some kind of hellspawn, that’s just their tapetum lucidum reflecting light at you.

Green cat eyes
Elliptical pupils mean more control over light – Image by Christel SAGNIEZ from Pixabay

There is research to suggest that the slit, vertical pupils of cats are also an adaptation to a crepuscular habit. It allows their pupils to change in size drastically for greater control over the amount of light that reaches their retinas [6]. The change in pupil area between the constricted and dilated states is estimated to be 135- to 300-fold, while human pupils can only change in size about 15-fold [6]. Think about how much the amount of sunlight can change around dawn and dusk, versus during the daylight hours when humans are meant to be most active. The ability to significantly adjust the amount of light let into the eye has likely served cats well.

All this means that cats can see much, much better than we can in low light. However, everything in biology involves trade-offs. For one, cats are rather near-sighted. They can only see clearly up to about 20 ft (6 m) away, while humans can resolve details at 100-200 ft (30-60 m) [3-5]. Cats have also prioritized one type of retinal cell, or photoreceptor, over another.

Cone cells help see details and colors. Rod cells are excellent at absorbing dim light and catching quick movements. Humans have lots of cones, including three types that specialize in picking up the colors red, green, and blue. Cats have lots of rods instead, six to eight times as many as humans [1, 4]. This assists in seeing in low light and in picking up the small, rapid movements of prey [3].

This heightened awareness of tiny movements may also explain the way cats seem to look at nothing. They may just have noticed something too small to register with you. Or your house is haunted. Who knows? Although the abundance of rod cells has great advantages for cats, it causes them to have less visual acuity and poorer color vision than humans. Obviously, they have done quite well for themselves even so. After all, did you see that ghost zip through your kitchen? I don’t think so.

There remains some debate as to the color vision of cats. They definitely see some color. According to some scientists, they may see the world in shades of blue, gray, and yellow [4]. A 2014 study found that cats may actually be able to see some colors in the ultraviolet spectrum, so while they can’t see all the colors we can, it’s possible that they can see colors we can’t [7]. This is because the lenses of their eyes don’t remove all the ultraviolet rays before light reaches their retina, unlike ours, which absorb UV [7]. The study found that the lenses of cats allowed 58.9% of UVA radiation through [7]. Whether there is an evolutionary advantage to this remains unknown.

Brown tabby cat face
The feline cornea allows UVA rays through – Photo from Pixabay at Pexels

Perhaps the greatest question of all is, how do our cats see us? A lot of research has been conducted to assess whether animals recognize faces, and a wide variety of species, including wasps and fish, have been demonstrated to recognize the faces of their own species. Recognizing the faces of other species is a much more difficult task, however. I personally couldn’t recognize the face of a wasp, in all fairness, although I do know just about every stripe and speck on my Joon-bug. Then again, it helps that she’s got so many of those. Well, it turns out that to cats, all human people look alike. Fair enough, honestly.

Lomber and Cornwell trained dogs and cats to choose one of two images presented for a treat, regardless of which image they chose [8]. The image pairs were 1) their handler and an unfamiliar human face, 2) an animal they lived with and an unfamiliar animal’s face, 3) a natural scene they’d learned before and a new one, or 4) two unfamiliar natural scenes [8]. Dogs and cats both showed a strong preference for the face of a familiar animal and a familiar natural scene, choosing that which they knew at least 85% of the time [8]. Dogs kept up the preference for the face of their handler, but cats only chose the familiar human face 54.5% of the time, equivalent to a coin flip [8].

Cats are certainly capable of recognizing their people, but they evidently do not recognize our faces, although they can recognize each other’s faces. As animals that are just barely domesticated, and only because they chose to be, perhaps this should be no surprise. What need would a cat have to recognize human faces in its wild state? Cats have met us a lot farther over than the middle. It’s the least we can do to try and see things their way.

If you want to actually see what the world would look like through a cat’s eyes, artist Nickolay Lamm took simple photographs and then manipulated them to appear as they would to a cat, then juxtaposed the two images [3]. You can see the results of the project in the Wired article linked below.

Works Cited

  1. Gelatt, K.N. (2018, August). Eye structure and function in cats. Merck Vet Manual.
  2. Farricelli, A. (2019, August 12). The anatomy of a cat’s eye. PetHelpful.
  3. Drake, N. (2013, October 16). This is how cats see the world. Wired.
  4. Thrive. (2019, April 12). Can cat’s see color?
  5. Ghose, T. (2013, October 16). Feline vision: How cats see the world. Live Science.
  6. Calderone, J. (2018, June 30). Here’s why cats have such strange, haunting eyes, explained by science. Science Alert.
  7. Douglas, R.H. and Jeffery, G. (2014). The spectral transmission of ocular media suggests ultraviolet sensitivity is widespread among mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281(1780).
  8. Lomber, S.G. and Cornwell P. (2005). Dogs, but not cats, can readily recognize the face of their handler. Journal of Vision, 5(8), 49, 49a.

Published September 6th, 2020

Updated September 30th, 2023