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Whiskers, known in the scientific world as vibrissae, are sense organs common among mammals. Because humans completely lack these specialized hairs, it is difficult, if not impossible, for us to really understand what animals that have them experience. It is a completely different, sixth sense that enables them to learn about their environment in a way that we cannot. Research has given us mere humans insight into how whiskers function, though, and how to be considerate of our furry friends’ precious whiskers.
Whiskers on Kittens
A whisker is a long, thick hair, which grows from a hair follicle like a cat’s fur does (2, 4). However, the hair follicles that make whiskers are different from the ones that make fur in a few important ways. For one, whiskers are rooted three times deeper into the skin than regular hairs (2, 6). The follicles for whiskers also have far more blood vessels and nerves (2, 4, 6). This heightens the sensitivity of the individual whisker hairs.
Cats have whiskers on their muzzles, chins, and forelegs; above their eyes; and near their ears (2-6). The number and length of whiskers varies. Most cats have 12 whiskers on either side of their noses (2, 6). Whiskers are usually light in color, but some cats may have black or brown whiskers, or a mix of colors. The color of a cat’s whiskers may even change over their lifetime (6, 7).
How Do Whiskers Work?
Although whiskers are sometimes called tactile hairs, the whiskers themselves don’t have any sense of touch. Rather, the movement of the whiskers triggers the nerves in the hair follicle, and that information is sent to the brain (2, 4, 5). This can tell a cat about the location, size, movement, and texture of an object as well as more general environmental information (2-5).
On the end of each whisker is a tiny organ called a proprioceptor (2, 4). Proprioceptors detect vibrations in the environment (4). They enable a cat to sense the position of its own body and all the components thereof in space (2, 4).
What Are Whiskers For?
Animals use whiskers for a lot of different things. Scientists have discovered that, depending upon the species, whiskers are involved in “food acquisition, prey attack, aggression and attack behavior, facial expression in intraspecies communications, dispersion of pheromones, maintaining head position in swimming, and a wide range of environmental monitoring (e.g. current detection in water, wind direction on land)” according to A. S. Ahl (1). Even in cats alone, whiskers serve a variety of functions.

Cats are somewhat farsighted. Whiskers compensate for the trouble cats have focusing on objects close-up (2, 6, 7). This can be particularly important for hunting. Once a cat pounces on their prey and has it in their paws, their whiskers help them “see” to tussle with it and deliver the fatal bite (2, 4, 6). Many of the animals cats prey on also have whiskers, though, which can help them to sense cats coming (5).
A cat’s whiskers tell them if they can fit into a space or not (2, 4, 6, 7). Their muzzle whiskers are as long as they are wide (4, 6), so whether the whiskers bend when a cat puts its head in a space tells it if the rest of its body will fit. Whiskers don’t just protect cats from getting stuck in tight places, though. They also protect delicate parts of their bodies from damage (2). The whiskers on the face, especially those above the eyes, alert cats to objects that pose an imminent risk to their eyes (2). Whiskers can detect trouble as small as a speck of dust.
Whiskers serve a social function, as well. Cats communicate with each other mostly through body language. We can learn to understand these messages, too. The position of a cat’s whiskers provides one clue to their emotions. If your cat is relaxed, her whiskers will be as well, sticking straight out to the sides (4, 6). If they are excited, curious, or alert, they’ll push their whiskers forward (2, 4, 6). A cat that is angry or scared will pin their whiskers back against their face (4, 6).
Whisker Do’s and Don’ts
DO be mindful of whisker fatigue. Whisker fatigue is the pain and stress cats experience when their food and/or water bowls regularly brush up against their sensitive whiskers (3, 4). Tall, narrow bowls tend to be the culprit (3, 4). Be kind to your cat’s whiskers, and use wide, shallow bowls instead (3, 4, 6). Symptoms of whisker fatigue include:
- Scooping food out of the bowl and eating on the ground
- Making a mess while eating/drinking
- Leaving food in the bowl but acting hungry
- Approaching the food/water bowl with caution; pacing nervously before eating/drinking
- Refusing to eat unless the bowl is full
- Mealtime aggression (3)
DON’T cut your cat’s whiskers, ever. Number one, it’s painful for them (7). Number two, it disorients and confuses them (2, 4, 6, 7). For blind cats or cats that spend time outside, that is extra dangerous. There is no health reason to trim a cat’s whiskers, and it is not worth it just for aesthetic reasons.

DO check with your vet if you feel like your cat is losing a lot of whiskers. Whiskers fall out and are replaced when they get old just like any other hair. However, losing many whiskers in a short period of time can be an indication that something is wrong. Numerous skin conditions such as acne, allergies, and infections can cause whisker loss (7). So if your cat is losing whiskers frequently or en masse, consult your veterinarian (7).
DON’T play with a cat’s whiskers. Whiskers are cute, and it’s tempting to touch them, but most cats will find anything more than a gentle stroking uncomfortable. If you find a shed whisker, however, go nuts. I have a friend that uses her cats’ shed whiskers as tiny paintbrushes.
Fun Facts
- Some cats may have curly whiskers, especially if they are of a curly-coated breed.
- The word “whisker” dates back to about 1600. It comes from the Middle English “wisker,” meaning anything that whisks or sweeps. (4)
- Each individual whisker can be traced to a specific spot in a cat’s brain. (2)
Works Cited
- Ahl, A. S. (1986). The role of vibrissae in behavior: A status review. Veterinary Research Communications, 10, 245-268. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02213989
- Buzhardt, L. (n.d.). Why do cats have whiskers? VCA Hospitals. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/why-do-cats-have-whiskers
- Does your cat have whisker fatigue? (n.d.). CatHealth.com. https://www.cathealth.com/cat-care/nutrition/2389-does-your-cat-have-whisker-fatigue
- Hagerman, J. (2020, December 15). Everything you ever wanted to know about cats’ whiskers. Pasadena Humane. https://pasadenahumane.org/everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-cats-whiskers/
- How do whiskers work? (n.d.). Discover Wildlife. https://www.discoverwildlife.com/animal-facts/mammals/how-do-whiskers-work/
- Kelley, J. A. (2020, January 29). 7 cool facts about cat whiskers. Catster. https://www.catster.com/cats-101/cat-whiskers-facts
- Why is my cat losing his whiskers? (n.d.). Canidae. https://www.canidae.com/blog/2019/04/why-is-my-cat-losing-his-whiskers/
Published June 13th, 2021
Updated May 12th, 2023