Cat Care

Which human foods are toxic to cats?

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Cat with cup of coffee and tin of nuts
Image by Mimzy from Pixabay

If you live in the United States, then Thanksgiving is coming up soon. If you live somewhere else, the winter holiday season is coming everywhere. Holidays often mean special food and family meals. While our pets may be family, that doesn’t mean they can eat all the same things we can. It’s never a good idea to feed pets from the table, but things happen. Scraps fall to the floor. Kids may not know any better. Some pets, my cat included, are incorrigible food thieves and will steal from any plate left unattended for a single second. Sometimes, it’s not a big deal. But there are certain human foods that are toxic to cats. Here are the ones to be extra careful about.

Fruits and Veggies


Root vegetables in the genus Allium include onions, garlic, shallots, leeks, scallions, and chives. All are toxic to cats. They usually don’t pose a danger unless consumed in large amounts, but it’s always best to be safe. Alliums contain several chemicals, primarily n-propyl disulphide, which cause the hemoglobin in cats’ red blood cells to break down (1, 2). Affected cats become anemic, which can be very dangerous. There is no antidote, but there are effective treatments, so be sure to seek veterinary care for any suspected ingestion or worrying symptoms right away (1).

Toxicity is possible no matter what form the vegetable is in–cooked, raw, powdered, dehydrated, garlic bread, etc. Be particularly careful of adding broth to your cat’s food, which can be a good way to keep them hydrated as long as the broth doesn’t have any alliums in it (3).

Early symptoms of allium toxicity are usually gastrointestinal: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain. If anemia sets in, a day or two after ingestion cats will experience pale gums, lethargy, weakness, jaundice, rapid heartrate, rapid/labored breathing, and dark urine ranging from orange to brown in color (1, 4). These symptoms mean an immediate vet visit is in order.


It is well-established that dogs can develop fatal kidney failure from eating even small amounts of grapes, raisins, currants, or sultanas. No one is quite sure why. It also remains unclear whether cats are also susceptible. The current advice is to keep grapes away from cats just in case. They are extremely toxic in dogs, and no one wants to find out the hard way that cats are, too. The toxic dose in dogs is highly variable (1), so if you realize your cat has eaten any amount of grapes or grape products, i.e. raisins, go ahead and take them to the vet right away.


Avocadoes are actually poisonous to quite a few animals, including birds, rabbits, and horses in addition to cats and dogs (1, 5). The leaves, bark, seed, and fruit of avocadoes contain a natural fungicide called persin (1, 2). While some animals are very sensitive to persin, cats usually experience only gastrointestinal upset (2). However, not much is known about the particulars of avocado toxicity yet, such as the lethal dose, so it’s best to use a lot of caution (1). In other words, watch that bowl of guacamole carefully, or better yet, don’t put it out where the cat can get into it.

When avocado toxicity does lead to serious or even fatal symptoms–most commonly in birds–it does so by causing fluid accumulation in the chest (1). Respiratory and cardiac symptoms should be taken seriously under any circumstances. If your cat did get into the guac, though, be on the lookout for them. They could indicate unusually serious poisoning.

Brown kitten with apple
Not the seeds, please! – Image by Raissa Meres Rah Meres from Pixabay


Citrus plants contain citric acid and essential oils in their stems, leaves, fruits, rinds, and seeds. These chemicals are toxic to cats (5, 6). Small amounts will only upset their stomachs, but a large ingestion can cause serious gastrointestinal distress and even central nervous system depression (5, 6). The fruit contains lower levels of the compounds than other parts of the plant, including the rind.


The fresh meat and milk of coconuts contains oils that the feline digestive system doesn’t care for (5). Coconuts can give cats upset stomachs and diarrhea (5, 6). Small amounts may not give them any trouble, however, and it isn’t deadly by any means. Coconut water, on the other hand, can actually be dangerous. It contains high levels of potassium that are not safe for cats (5, 6).


The genus Solanum, although part of the nightshade family, contains a lot of agriculturally important vegetables, including tomatoes and potatoes. But even these hold a dark secret. Green tomatoes and green, raw potatoes are poisonous to our cats (1, 2, 7). They contain a chemical called glycoalkaloid solanine which causes severe gastrointestinal symptoms when ingested (2).

Fortunately, glycoalkaloid solanine tastes bitter, as poisonous chemicals in nature usually do (2). Some cats won’t be deterred by this, however. We know this because cats have been poisoned by green tomatoes and potatoes (1). And I once had to pry my cat’s jaws open to get a pill out of her mouth that she was determined to chew up and consume. Those are pretty bitter, too, but that was not stopping her. Best to keep the ripening produce away from the cats, and be careful of any scraps. Especially if you’re making the time-honored Southern dish of fried green tomatoes.

Seeds and Pits

Speaking of scraps, there are several kinds of seeds and pits that can be poisonous even though the fruit itself is not. Apple seeds, apricot pits, cherry pits, and peach pits should all be carefully discarded where cats cannot get to them (7). On that note, it is important that any compost bins and trash cans where food is disposed of are cat-proof.



All caffeinated beverages are toxic to cats. Caffeine itself is the culprit. Caffeine belongs to a class of chemicals called methylxanthines, which are toxic to pets (1, 4-6). Cats cannot handle nearly as much caffeine as humans can. A sip may not cause any problems, but too much caffeine can be very harmful or even fatal. Symptoms of caffeine poisoning in cats include hyperactivity, rapid heartrate, tremors, labored breathing, and seizures (3).


Cat looking out window at ice cream cone
Photo by Dids from Pexels

Alcohol is a part of the festivities for many people, but your cat should never participate. Cats are very sensitive to alcohol, and even tiny amounts can give them alcohol poisoning. If you suspect your cat has ingested any alcohol at all, treat it as an emergency. Alcohol poisoning can absolutely be fatal. The symptoms include lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, labored breathing, lack of coordination, disorientation, tremors, and coma (1, 3-6).

To prevent poisoning, it’s important to prevent access. Open drinks should not be left sitting around. Of course, at a bustling family gathering or holiday party, this is easier said than done. If you don’t trust your guests to keep their glasses in hand or out of your cat’s reach, you may need to put the cat(s) up in a safe room for the duration of the event. Make sure to clean up any spills either way. Cats like to drink from puddles.


Milk and other dairy products are not toxic to cats, per se, but they can still make them sick. Adult cats are lactose intolerant and usually don’t handle dairy well. I already wrote an article about cats and milk. If you want to know more, you are welcome to read it. I see no need to reinvent the wheel.

Snacks and Scraps


Chocolate also contains methylxanthines: caffeine, which we already discussed, and theobromine (1, 6, 8). Theobromine is found naturally in cacao beans at a concentration of 1-2% (1). Different kinds of chocolate have varying amounts of theobromine. As a rule, the darker or less sweetened the chocolate, the more theobromine. Pets metabolize theobromine much slower than humans, so it doesn’t take much chocolate to lead to toxicity (1).

Symptoms of poisoning typically present in 6 to 12 hours of ingestion (1). They include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, increased thirst, increased urination, rapid or abnormal heartrate, labored breathing, tremors, seizures, and a drop in blood pressure (1, 3-6). Heart attacks, heart failure, coma, and death can result in severe cases (1, 3). If you think your cat has eaten chocolate, of any kind, take them to the vet. Be sure to tell the vet what kind of chocolate you think they ate and how much, as well as how recently (8). That provides a ballpark for the quantity of methylxanthines consumed (8).


All animals need some amount of sodium to be healthy, but it’s always possible to get too much of a good thing. If your cat eats too many salty human snacks, or licks up a bunch of straight-up salt for whatever reason, they’ll have adverse effects. I even heard of this happening with a cat licking someone’s salt lamp, although that might be an urban legend. What’s certain is that cats are not designed to eat a whole bag of potato chips. If they manage to steal away with one or two, don’t panic. But don’t make a habit of feeding them salty things.

Dessert cups sitting on wood table
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

As a cat starts to get a little too much salt in the system, they start to exhibit increased thirst and urination (5). Their body is trying to flush out the excess salt. If it succeeds, that may be the end of it. More serious salt poisoning, however, can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, high body temperature, seizures, and maybe even death (5, 6).


Salted nuts present a particular problem vis-à-vis the above, but even plain nuts can be of concern. They aren’t poisonous, exactly, but they contain lots of oils and fats that can cause vomiting and diarrhea (5, 6). The feline digestive system isn’t really equipped to digest nuggets of plant fats like that. Pets are also sometimes allergic to peanuts just like humans are, so peanuts and peanut products pose an additional risk (1).

Yeast Dough

Although baked bread is safe enough for cats, if not especially nutritious, raw dough containing yeast is very, very dangerous. There are two problems, both of which could be deadly on their own. Fermenting yeast produces carbon dioxide, which causes it to rise, and alcohol. When eaten, the alcohol can cause alcohol poisoning, as described earlier. But the expanding dough can cause a host of problems as well. It can cause the stomach to bloat, or worse yet to twist, which can be life-threatening (5, 6). It can also block the digestive tract and may even require surgery to remove (3). A small amount of raw dough can quickly become a very serious health risk. Take your cat to the vet immediately if you suspect they have consumed any at all.


Xylitol is an artificial sweetener. It is common in lots of products, including gum, candy, baked goods, and toothpaste. It is non-toxic to humans but very toxic to dogs, and it remains unknown whether it is toxic to cats (2). Currently, it is advised to err on the side of caution and assume it may be toxic to cats.

In dogs and some other species, xylitol tricks the body into releasing insulin even though no real sugar is present in the blood stream (1, 5). The large, unnecessary insulin release causes a severe drop in blood sugar and may lead to liver failure and death (1, 2, 5). The symptoms in dogs include vomiting, lethargy, weakness, loss of coordination, and seizures (1, 5, 6). To be on the safe side, check to make sure anything you plan to feed your cat does not contain xylitol, and take them to the vet if they happen to eat anything that does.


I suspect you already know that bones are not toxic. And cats are carnivores, so wouldn’t bones be part of their natural diet? Yes, cats do crunch up little tiny prey bones in the wild. But feral cats do not hunt turkeys.

The problem with giving your cat bones to gnaw on is that the bones in the kind of animals humans eat are often too big for cats to consume. So they may choke, break their teeth, or splinter off pieces of bone that then stab into their mouths or throats or–well, nowhere is good, is it? Never just throw your cat a bone. Or your dog, for that matter, because they can have the same problems. So no, bones aren’t toxic, but I included them because they can be dangerous and it would be an easy mistake to make.

Works Cited

  1. Kovalkovičová, N., Šutiaková, I., Pistl, J., and Šutiak, V. (2009). Some food toxic for pets. Interdisciplinary Toxicology, 2(3), 169-176. doi: 10.2478/v10102-009-0012-4
  2. Syufy, F. (2020, June 22). Human foods that are toxic cats. The Spruce Pets.
  3. Nicholas, J. (2017, November 20). 14 human foods you shouldn’t give to your cat. Preventive Vet.
  4. Hill’s Pet. (2019, October 30). Foods that are dangerous or toxic to cats. Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.
  5. ASPCA Poison Control Center. (n.d.). People foods to avoid feeding your pets.
  6. Dowdy, S.M. (2020, August 24). 15 toxic human foods you should never feed your cat. Daily Paws.
  7. Purina. (n.d.). Harmful substances and poisonous foods for cats.
  8. Falls Village Veterinary Hospital. (n.d.). 4 household foods toxic to dogs and cats.
Breed Profiles

Havana Brown: Chocolate Delights

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Brown cat with green eyes
Havana Browns are a rare and exquisite breed – Photo by Dave Scelfo on Wikimedia Commons

The Havana Brown is a cat that cast quite a spell over a corner of the cat fancy, but it nearly went extinct in the late 20th century. Without careful maintenance, it still might, and these chocolate-coated beauties would be lost to future cat lovers.


Intercontinental Origins

Solid, or “self,” brown cats, while somewhat uncommon, have existed for a very, very long time. Images and descriptions of self-brown cats were included in the Tamra Maew, the Cat-Book Poems, which were written in Thailand as early as 1350 B.C. (1, 2). As a breed, however, they are a more recent development.

When the forebears of modern Siamese cats were first imported to England from Siam/Thailand, self-brown cats were included among them (2, 3). The Tamra Maew describes the Thai brown cats, named Suphalak or Thong Daeng, as copper-colored with eyes the color of pomegranates (1). The skin of Thai pomegranates is golden yellow, not red as in many other locales (1). There are records of self-brown cats being shown in English cats shows in the late 1800s (4, 5). We can imagine a cat rather like a Suphalak or a solid brown Siamese.

After a while, the self-brown cats fell out of favor. The Siamese Cat Club of Britain issued a statement in 1920, saying “the club much regrets it is unable to encourage the breeding of any but blue-eyed Siamese” (3, 4, 6). It’s thought that this caused the decline in self-brown cats. Fewer of them had blue eyes than the pointed Siamese, and those without blue eyes were excluded from shows and no longer bred (2-4, 6).

To the Brink and Back

In the 1950s, a group of British cat breeders set about to create self-brown cats and determine how the trait is inherited. There is some debate whether the first successful breeding was intentional or accidental (7), but the breeders kept meticulous records of all the matings and kittens in their programs, so we know what happened either way (6). Mrs. Munroe-Smith, owner of Elmtower Cattery, had a black Domestic Shorthair she-cat named Elmtower Susannah and a seal-point Siamese tom named Elmtower Tombee (6). Both carried the trait for chocolate fur, and when they mated–whether by human intention or not–they produced a self-brown tom kitten (2, 3, 6).

Elmtower Bronze Idol, born 1952, was the first Havana Brown to be registered, but more kittens soon followed (4-7). Although black Domestic Shorthairs and seal-point Siamese were the most common and successful contributors to the breed, chocolate-point Siamese and Russian Blues are part of their background as well (2-6). The very new breed was imported to the United States within a few years (2, 5, 6, 8). In England, Havana Browns continued to be bred back to Siamese, causing them to become less and less distinctly their own breed and eventually morph into a variety of Oriental Shorthair (3-6). In North America, the foundation type has been retained, and the Havana Brown remains a distinct breed (3-6).

Unfortunately, part of what has made that possible is a small gene pool. The Cat Fancier’s Association cut the Havana Brown off from outcrossing to other breeds in 1974, too soon according to many breeders (2, 4). Their fears were borne out as Havana Brown numbers and genetic diversity dwindled, and breeders struggled to keep the breed alive without damaging the health of the kittens they were breeding (2, 4).

Under pressure from breeders, in 1998 the Cat Fanciers’ Association opened up an out-crossing program that allows Havana Browns to be crossed to black or blue Domestic Shorthairs, most colors of Oriental Shorthair, and seal- or chocolate-point Siamese (2, 3, 9, 8). Kittens of a Havana Brown and an allowable out-cross are bred back to a Havana Brown, and the kittens thus produced can be registered as Havana Browns if they meet the standard (2, 3, 9). These efforts have so far helped bring the Havana Brown a few paces back from the brink of extinction, but they remain extremely rare, and there is still a significant risk of losing this breed for good (2).

Breed Characteristics

As I have made abundantly clear, Havana Browns are famous for their rich, brown coat. Their fur is short to medium in length, with a texture said to resemble mink (8, 9). Although all brown cats are referred to as “chocolate” in the cat fancy, Havana Browns tend toward more of a red-brown/mahogany hue (1, 2, 5, 8, 9). Brown coat color is a recessive genetic trait, which is why early breeders could only achieve brown cats when both parents carried an allele for brown coloration.

The Havana Brown’s eyes are vivid green. Although the Russian Blue is thought to have played a fairly minor role in creating the Havana Brown, it is interesting to note that while the Suphalak had amber eyes and the Siamese has blue eyes, the end result of the program has green.

Havana Browns are medium-sized cats with medium builds. They have a distinctive head shape, longer than it is wide. The muzzle appears a bit square. The shape is, amusingly, described as a “corn cob” stuck on the front of the cat’s otherwise rather triangular head (5, 7-9). I can see it, although I feel like that is not the most dignified thing one could say about a cat’s face.

A Havana Brown’s nose leather is rosy-brown, and their paw pads a.k.a toe beans are rose-toned (2, 3, 8, 9). The whiskers are also brown. In fact, the Havana Brown is the only breed wherein whisker color is part of the breed standard (3).

When it comes to personality, Havana Browns are a very kitten-ish bunch. They are playful, friendly, and people-oriented. While not a wildly active breed, they love their toys and playtime. They also love attention and spending time with their people. This is not a breed that does well spending a lot of time alone. They do, however, get along well with children and other pets. Sometimes they can be shy of strangers, though, so don’t rush the introductions.

While most cats scatter at the sound of a sudden crash, Havanas run toward the sound to see what caused it.

Richard C. Bilello, Havana Brown breeder

Havana Browns, like many breeds in the Siamese family, can be talkative, but they have much quieter voices than Siamese cats do (3, 8, 9). They also have an adorable habit of engaging the world with their paws. They investigate objects with their paws and even poke people or tap them on the shoulder to demand attention (2, 5, 8-10)! These intelligent and inquisitive cats are quite charming. Their need for attention and enthusiasm for, well, most things might be too much for some, but these cats are highly adaptable and do well with families.

Health and Home

One advantage of owning a Havana Brown is their low-maintenance coat, which needs very little grooming unless you intend to show them. They require no bathing and just need an occasional brush to remove dead hair, especially during shedding seasons. Fortunately, these cats are not heavy shedders (8, 9, 10).

Close-up of Havana cigars
Havana Brown cats may have been named after their resemblance to the brown of Cuban cigars – Image by jacqueline macou from Pixabay

Breeds that are rare and/or new have the least health information available, and the Havana Brown is a lot of the former and a little of the latter. As best as is known, it is a breed that experiences few health problems. They do seem to have a higher incidence of upper respiratory infections (3) and crystals in the urinary tract (10). Both of these conditions can be life-threatening if allowed to progress too far but are absolutely treatable. Always take your cat to the vet if they are showing any unusual symptoms. Cats hide their distress, so even a little change is worth asking the veterinarian about, just in case.

Havana Browns can be prone to overeating (4, 7). According to breeder Richard Bilello, “Havanas will eat all of their own food in seconds and then proceed to eat any other cat’s food if they can” (4). So you will probably need to control their portions and feed any other cats in the household separately.

If you would like a Havana Brown of your own, keep in mind that these are very, very rare cats. I will always say “adopt, don’t shop.” Of course, there are going to be few of these cats in shelters because there are few period. But even nearly-extinct purebred cats are sometimes surrendered, so always check if there is one up for adoption before buying from a breeder. The website showcases Havana Browns in need of forever homes in the United States. You can also visit their Facebook page for more listings.

Fun Facts

  • The Havana Brown got its name either from the Havana rabbit or the tobacco in Cuban cigars (5, 6). Both are similar in color to the cat’s fur.
  • This breed has gone by many names. Aside from those already mentioned: Swiss Mountain Cat, Chestnut Brown, Chestnut Foreign Shorthair, Havana (3-5, 7, 10).
  • In some places it is called simply the Havana because a lilac (pink-ish grey) version of the cat is accepted as well as chocolate (5, 10).
  • While North American breeders are trying to preserve the Havana Brown, the International Maew Boran Association is hard at work in Thailand trying to bring back the Suphalak (1).

Works Cited

  1. The International Maew Boran Association. (n.d.). Suphalak/Thong Daeng.
  2. Petfinder. (n.d.). Havana.
  3. Cat Time. (n.d.). Havana Brown. TotallyHer Media, LLC.
  4. Bilello, R.C. (1998). The Havana Brown: A brown delight and an endangered species. The Cat Fanciers’ Association.
  5. The International Cat Association. (2018, August 13). Havana Brown.
  6. Placchi, N. (1991, May). The cat in a not so plain brown wrapper. Cat Fancier’s Almanac, 8(5). As reproduced on the CFA Havana Brown Breed Council Website,
  7. Hill’s Pet. (n.d.). Havana Brown cat: Information and personality traits. Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.
  8. Cat Fanciers’ Association. (n.d.). About the Havana Brown.
  9. Cat Fanciers’ Association Havana Brown Breed Council.
  10. Houle, T. (n.d.). The Havana Brown. Pet Health Network.

Coat Length and Texture Genetics

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By special request from Emma S.

I am back with the genetics! A friend asked me if I was going to address the genetics of cat fur length in addition to my previous blogs on coat genetics. I wasn’t sure there was enough information to fill up a whole blog, but I dove in anyway. It turns out, there’s plenty. It’s not just the difference between a longhair and a shorthair, but also hairless cats and sort-of-hairless cats and curly-haired cats. Cats are complicated. Genetics is complicated. That’s kind of the fun of it, though. So, this one is for you, Emma. Enjoy.

Longhair ginger tabby cat in autumn woods
Long hair is recessive to short hair – Photo by Steven Iodice from Pixabay

Shorthair vs. Longhair

Let’s start with the basics. If you need a refresher on the principles of genetics, look over the first few paragraphs of my coat color genetics post. Ready? Let’s go. The wild-type, or default, fur for cats is short with no texture modifications. Long hair is recessive to short hair [1-4]. This has been common wisdom for a while, but genetic studies confirmed it in 2007 [1, 2].

The researchers discovered four mutations in the same gene, Fibroblast Growth Factor 5 (FGF5), which cause cats to have long fur [1, 2]. FGF5 mutations were already known to cause hair-length variability in mice and dogs at the time the studies were conducted, so this was not a surprising result [1, 2]. In studies with mice, the FGF5 protein signaled hair to exit the growth phase and enter the static phase [2]. When mutations in FGF5 cause the protein to be nonfunctional, the growth phase of the hair lasts longer [2]. Hence, longer fur.

The four FGF5 mutations in long-haired cats were, creatively, named Mutation 1-4 [2, 3]. Mutation 1 seems to be exclusive to Ragdoll cats [2]. Mutation 2 was only found in Norwegian Forest Cats [1, 2]. Maine Coons are most likely to have Mutation 3, but Ragdolls might as well [1, 2]. Mutation 4 belongs to all long-haired breeds and random-bred longhairs [1, 2]. So far, there is not indication that any gene besides FGF5 contributes to the longhair phenotype. The fact that at least four mutations in this gene exist, three of them breed-specific, suggests that the trait has arisen multiple times through a similar mechanism. This is probably because, in certain environments, long fur is advantageous. It has also sometimes been artificially selected for.

Now, we know that there are not just two lengths of cat fur, one long and one short. There are many variations within both the shorthair and longhair categories, and some cats are kind of in-between. This is because very few things are affected by just one gene. An unknown number of modifier genes determine the exact length of a cat’s hair relative to their genotype at the primary hair length locus [4].

Hairless, or Near Enough

Some cats or breeds are more or less hairless. True hairlessness is almost unheard of. Hairless cats present with a variety of traits that we call “hairless.” Most have very thin coats that look as if they aren’t there at all. Some have fur that thins drastically in only certain places. In either case, the degree of “hairlessness” can vary widely. As one would expect with so much natural variation, more than one mutation causes the different patterns of feline hairlessness. Sometimes the trait is dominant, and sometimes it is recessive [3, 4].

Four cream Sphynx kittens on blue cat bed
The Sphynx trait is caused by the hr mutation – Image by mjlovesmm from Pixabay

A recessive mutation dubbed hr gives the easily-identifiable Sphynx its hairless phenotype [3, 4, 5]. The Sphynx is a typical hairless breed with an extremely thin, downy coat that gives the appearance of baldness [5]. The hr allele is a mutation in the Keratin 71 (KRT71) gene [5]. The keratin 71 protein is expressed in the inner root sheath of the hair follicle and is important for the normal formation of the hair [5]. The hr mutation does not prevent hair from forming, but the hairs are easily dislodged because the hair bulbs are weak, resulting in the distinctive naked appearance of the Sphynx [5].

The Russian hairless breeds, Peterbald and Donskoy, carry the semi-dominant Hp mutation [4, 6]. Other genes affect how strongly the Hp hairlessness allele is expressed [4, 6]. The cats’ coats range from a brush coat–sparse, rigid, curly fur–to hairless all over [4]. Hairless mutations identified in British and French cats, hd and h respectively, are recessive [3, 4]. Sadly, hd is also a lethal mutation [4].

The Lykoi breed displays partial hairlessness. They have a thin coat all over and a hairless face, sometimes with other patches of hairless, especially on the legs. Lykoi molt all of their hair at least once in their life and may molt as often as every shedding season. This arguably makes them a breed that is truly hairless, albeit only for short periods of time. Six different mutations have been found to cause the Lykoi phenotype, but all of them are mutant alleles of the same gene, lysine demethylase and nuclear receptor corepressor, abbreviated HR for “hairless” [7]. Mutations in HR also cause hair abnormalities in humans, mice, sheep, and macaques [7].

Rexoid Variations

Curly fur occurs naturally in quite a few mammals, including dogs, rabbits, and cats. There are five recognized breeds of curly-coated cats, per the Cat Fanciers’ Association and The International Cat Association: American Wirehair, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, LaPerm, and Selkirk Rex. Several other potential rexoid breeds have been proposed, including the German Rex and Oregon Rex. While all of these cats–and some random-bred cats–have curly coats, there are a lot of different causal mutations.

Remember the KRT71 gene? One kind of mutation in it causes the Sphynx’s hairlessness, but a different KRT71 mutation makes the Devon Rex’s pelt curly [5]. The Devon Rex mutant allele, re, is recessive to the wild-type allele but also to the hr Sphynx allele [5]. Devon Rex cats were used in the early Sphynx breeding programs, so some Sphynx still have one hr and one re allele, but they look just like any other Sphynx [5].

Lilac cat with curly fur on wood table
Selkirk Rexes can have long or short hair – Image by athree23 from Pixabay

A recessive mutation also causes the Cornish Rex’s curly coat, but in their case the gene in question is lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6 (LPAR6) [8]. The mutant allele, known as r, causes the Cornish Rex to only develop an undercoat, one of the three layers of a normal pelt, and a curly one at that [8, 9]. Humans who are homozygous for LPAR6 mutations have a similar phenotype known as “wooly hair” [8]. Because the Cornish Rex was used to found the German Rex, r is in the genetic background of German Rexes, too [8].

Unlike the Devon and Cornish, the Selkirk Rex mutation, Se, is dominant, although incompletely dominant [9]. This means that cats homozygous for the mutation have a more dramatic phenotype: thinner coats, tighter curls [9]. And, wouldn’t you know it, Se is an unique mutation of our old friend, KRT71 [10]. Both KRT71 and LPAR6 are genes that maintain normal hair growth [5, 8]. It makes sense that different mutations in the same or similar genes would cause similar results.

Works Cited

  1. Drögemüller, C., Rüfenacht, S., Wichert, B., and Leeb, T. (2007). Mutations within the FGF5 gene are associated with hair length in cats. Animal Genetics, 38(3), 218-221.
  2. Kehler, J.S., David, V.A., Schäffer, A.A., Bajema, K., et al. (2007). Four independent mutations in the feline Fibroblast Growth Factor 5 gene determine the long-haired phenotype in domestic cats. Journal of Heredity, 98(6), 555-566.
  3. Basepaws. (2019, July 14). Cat coat genetics. Basepaws, Inc.
  4. Hartwell, S. (n.d.) Genetics of colour and conformation. MessyBeast.
  5. Gandolfi, B., Outerbridge, C.A., Beresford, L.G., Myers, J.A., et al. (2010). The naked truth: Sphynx and Devon Rex cat breed mutations in KRT71. Mammalian Genome, 21, 509-515.
  6. Zhigachev, A.I., Vladimirova, M.V., and Katser, I. (2000). Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of Russian hairless cats. Genetika, 36(4), 538-544.
  7. Buckley, R.M., Gandolfi, B., Creighton, E.K., Pyne, C.A., et al. (2020). Werewolf, there wolf: variants in Hairless associated with hypotrichia and roaning in the lykoi cat breed. Genes, 11(6), 682.
  8. Gandolfi, B., Alhaddad, H., Affolter, V.K., Brockman, J., et al. (2013). To the root of the curl: A signature of a recent selective sweep identifies a mutation that defines the Cornish Rex cat breed. PloS One, 8(6), e67105.
  9. Basepaws. (2019, July 15). Curly cat coat: A special kind of eye candy. Basepaws, Inc.
  10. Gandolfi, B., Alhaddad, H., Joslin, S.E.K., Khan, R., et al. (2013). A splice variant in KRT71 is associated with curly coat phenotype of Selkirk Rex cats. Scientific Reports 3, 2000.

Published November 1st, 2020

Updated June 14th, 2023


Werecats, Part I: The Mystic Weretiger

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Man with painted tiger stripes
Photo by Charles Crawshaw World Peace in 2020 from Pexels

Werelions, weretigers, werejaguars, oh my! That was my where my brain was at about thirty seconds into my research on ailuranthropy, or the phenomenon of humans transforming into big cats (from the Greek ailouros “cat” and anthropos “human”). I hadn’t intended for this to be a series, but I quickly realized that werecats were a much larger topic than I had expected. This means I get to draw the Halloween blogs out longer, so I can’t complain. We will begin the series with the cat people that stalk human prey in the folktales of Asia: the weretigers.

Weretigers are the most frequently occurring kind of were-creature in the folklore of tropical Asia (1, 2). Tales about these creatures can be found in the mythology of China, India, Malaysia, and Indonesia, just to name a few. Humans have lived alongside tigers in this part of the world forever, really, although the decline of tigers has tragically made that less the case. In Europe, the most fearsome natural predator was the wolf, giving rise to stories of humans becoming wolves. There was no more appropriate metaphor for the animal within. Where the tiger is the king of the jungle, however, humans become cats.

Under Their Skin

The stories about weretigers are almost as different as the people and places where they are told. In only some of them are people bodily transformed into tigers. Often, the transformation takes place once the weretiger puts on a tiger skin with or without an accompanying incantation (3, 4). The European werewolf is frequently made the same way. There are some stories where people became weretigers accidentally after slipping into a tiger skin (4). One story tells of a Chinese monk who put on a tiger skin to play a practical joke, only to become a tiger and remain so for a year (4).

Alternatively, a person may become a weretiger by burning incense, reciting an incantation, and throwing his clothes off (5, 6). By shedding their clothes, they are shedding their personhood, in a sense, and once naked they transform into a tiger (5, 6). If someone steals the clothes, the weretiger will not be able to turn back into a human (6).

White tiger on grass
Photo by Anthony from Pexels

My personal favorite tactic, however, involves circling an anthill seven times clockwise while repeating a secret charm (7). This lacks the obvious symbolism of stripping off one’s humanity but is infinitely more bizarre. To turn back, simply do the opposite: walk around the anthill counterclockwise seven times while repeating the charm (7). Does this mean weretigers can talk? Does it have to be the same anthill? I have no idea, but I love it.

Some transformation rituals require one or more accomplices. In one, a practitioner recites particular spells, or mantras, over a measure of water (1). An assistant then sprinkles the water over the weretiger to effect the transformation (1). To change them back, the assistant sprinkles the water over them again (1). In some versions of the throw-off-the-clothes ritual, the only way to become human again is for someone to hurl the weretiger’s clothes at them while they are in tiger form (1). If a weretiger’s accomplice is unable or unwilling to help for whatever reason, they will be stuck as a tiger, presumably for the rest of their life (5).

Tiger Spirits

In some beliefs, a person becomes a weretiger when they are possessed by a spirit. The Lisu people of Laos believe that weretigers can possess people and may then possess their family members in turn (8). They also believe that those who are thus possessed will put “the essence of the weretiger” into a valuable object and leave it lying on a path (8). Whoever picks the object up will be possessed, too (8). I can only imagine the chain reactions of weretiger possession that ensue from a single Weretiger Zero.

On the other hand, there is a folk belief in Malaysia that certain families are already tigrine by birth (9). After death, they become tigers that somewhat resemble their human selves and remember their human lives (9). These tigers visit their humans relatives during festivals or times of great turmoil and can sometimes be called upon for help (9). When a human member of the family is about to die, at least one of their tiger relatives will come to hold vigil outside the house, waiting (9). A few days after death, their grave will be found opened, and a representative tiger will appear in the nearby forest (9). The journal article describing this belief was written in 1922 (9), so it is possible that the lore has died out by now. Unless, of course, it’s not just a myth.

Dreamtime Weretiger

Tiger in snow
Image by Marcel Langthim from Pixabay

Interestingly, there is a major type of weretiger that does not involve any metamorphosis at all. These weretigers leave their human bodies in their sleep to become tigers. In the lore of certain indigenous peoples of India and south Asia, some individuals naturally have the ability to be this kind of weretiger (1, 2). When these weretigers dream, a part of their soul travels into the jungle and joins with the soul of a live tiger (1, 2). The weretiger then acts out the desires of the sleeping human, which can sometimes result in the property destruction, injury, or death of the weretiger’s enemies (1, 2).

The weretiger and their tiger have a close relationship. They always migrates into the same tiger, night after night, for their entire life (1, 2). If the tiger is wounded or killed while bonded with the weretiger’s soul, the human body suffers the same fate (1, 2).

The Khasis of northeastern India ascribe to a variation of the dreaming weretiger belief. Khasis people believe that humans are divided into the body, the soul, and the rngiew (10, 11). The rngiew is a sort of essential, divine essence integral to each person (10). When the weretigers sleep, their rngiew leave their bodies and transform into tigers in the spirit world (10, 11). However, the spirit world and the physical one are not entirely separate, and the weretigers are able to interact with the material plane as tigers (10, 11). People either inherit the ability to be a weretiger or are chosen to receive the gift by a deity (10).

The Good, the Bad, and the Stripey

I have read a lot of old werewolf stories because that’s the kind of thing I do for fun. I can’t think of a single one where the werewolf was presented as anything other than a force for evil. Modern representations are much more varied, of course, but folklore decidedly depicts werewolves as bad dogs. Weretigers, however, are painted in many different lights.

Tiger in jungle
Image by Capri23auto from Pixabay

Sometimes, weretigers engender terror. They are thought to kill people and livestock (1, 2, 4). But other times they are protectors (9, 10, 11, 12). The Khasis weretigers have a sacred duty to protect their communities from harm, including other weretigers (11). There are Chinese myths about weretigers who are the instruments of heaven, meting out divine fate whether they want to or not (4).

Sumatrans believe that were-tiger homes are made of roofs thatched with human hair, walls made of human skin, and beams of human bones.

Joane le Roux, New Straits Times

Weretigers have a complicated place in the folklore of Asia, both within and between cultures. Should you want to know how to recognize them, just to be safe, there are a few ways. One of the most common signs is that weretigers lack the groove on the upper lip (5, 9). A person caught vomiting chicken feathers is considered a likely suspect for a weretiger (12). I would suggest that that should make them suspect for something regardless. The tracks of the weretiger are distinctive because there are five toes on each paw, whereas normal tigers, like all cats, leave prints with five toes on the front paws and four on the back (10, 11). If you see large cat prints with any number of toes, perhaps the best practice is to depart with haste rather than start counting.

Works Cited

  1. Brighenti, F. (2017). Traditional beliefs about weretigers among the Garos of Meghalaya. eTropic, 16(1), 96-111. PDF
  2. Brighenti, F. (2011). Kradi mliva: The phenomenon of tiger-transformation in the traditional lore of the Kondh tribals of Orissa. Lokaratna, 4, 11-25. PDF
  3. Casal, U.A. (1959). The goblin fox and badger and other witch animals of Japan. Folklore Studies, 18, 1-93. doi: 10.2307/1177429.
  4. Hammond, C.E. (1992). Sacred metamorphosis: The weretiger and the shaman. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 46(2/3), 235-255.
  5. Wessing, R. (1995). The last tiger in East Java: Symbolic continuity in ecological change. Asian Folklore Studies, 54(2), 191-218. doi: 10.2307/1178941
  6. Wessing, R. (1994). “Bangatowa,” “Patogu” and “Gaddhungan”: Perceptions of the tiger among the Madurese. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 25(2), 368-380.
  7. Biria, S.G.D. (1947). The Muria and their Ghotul. Oxford University Press.
  8. Worra, B.T. (2012, December 20). Pondering weretigers of Laos. On the Other Side of the Eye.
  9. bin Ahmad, Z.A. (1922). The tiger-breed families. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 85, 36-39.
  10. Lyngdoh, M. (2016). Tiger transformation among the Khasis of northeastern India: Belief worlds and shifting realities. Anthropos, 111(2), 649-658.
  11. Kharmawphlang, D. (2000). In search of tigermen: The were-tiger tradition of the Khasis. India International Centre Quaterly, 27(4), 160-176.
  12. le Roux, J. (2014, November 1). In pursuit of a were-tiger. New Strait Times.

Published October 26th, 2020

Breed Profiles

Lykoi: The Werewolf Cats

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I knew months in advance that I wanted to cover the Lykoi as the breed of the month for Encyclopaedia Felidae’s first October. There was no way I could pass up the opportunity to talk about the “werewolf cat” during spooky season. The Lykoi is so nicknamed for its appearance, which is entirely unique among pedigreed cats and reminds some people of the werewolves in classic film. They are also one of the newest and rarest breeds in the world.


Lykoi cats have cropped up in random-bred cat populations for a long time [1, 2]. It’s unknown just when the first Lykoi-type cat was born, but they were first recognized in September, 2010 by Patti Thomas, who found two partially-hairless kittens with their black Domestic Shorthair mother at a shelter and adopted them [3]. She began a breeding program with Tennessee veterinarian Jonny Gobble and his wife Brittney [3, 4, 5]. They obtained another, unrelated litter of kittens with the same appearance, and in 2011 they bred a cat from each to get the first intentionally-bred Lykoi [3, 4, 5].

Through the breeding program, the founders quickly realized that the Lykoi appearance came from a natural, recessive mutation [1, 4, 6]. Thomas, the Gobbles, and incoming breeders incorporated Domestic Shorthairs, primarily black ones, as well as any naturally occurring Lyoki that could be found into the breeding program to broaden the gene pool [3, 4, 6]. Despite some incredible drama in the Lykoi breeding community, the breed has seen rapid success, although it remains quite rare due to its newness. As of August 2020, there were still fewer than 100 show-standard Lykoi on the planet [2].

Breed Traits

The Lykoi’s striking coat is it’s stand-out feature. They are considered partially-hairless, although they can range from nearly bald to nearly full-coated [4, 6, 7]. Their sparse, thin pelt has little to no undercoat [1, 2, 6]. Instead, they are covered in a variable layer of guard hairs which make their fur look coarse in texture [2, 6, 7]. In fact, Lykoi actually have a soft, silky coat, despite appearances [2, 6, 7].

The Lykoi lacks fur on their facial “mask” and behind their ears [1, 2, 4, 7]. This, in addition to the rough appearance of their coat, gives them that werewolf look. That coat also has a pattern otherwise unknown among cats: roan, a mixture of colored and amelanistic hairs [4, 6, 7]. Amelanistic hairs are unpigmented and appear white. A roan coat can look silvery or frosty, but it depends upon how much roaning there is. A lot of roaning can cause an animal’s coat to look almost white. The traditional Lykoi color is black roan, and that is still the only color which can be shown in The International Cat Association (TICA) shows [4]. However, the Cat Fanciers’ Association now allows all solid and point colors [3, 6], and Lykoi of many different colors and patterns are being bred as pets.

There is another curious thing about a Lykoi’s fur. It molts. At least once. Lykoi kittens are born looking like any other kitten, and then after a week or two they lose their coat [7]. It regrows all werewolf-y [7]. This may happen as an adult cat, as well, as often as every shedding season [2, 3, 7]. When the coat grows back, it sometimes looks a little different than it did before [7].

The other breed standards for the Lykoi are fairly basic. After all, Lykoi came from Domestic Shorthairs, mostly random-bred ferals. Lykoi are medium-sized cats with short to medium hair [2, 6, 7]. They have rounded wedge-shaped heads and tapering tails [6, 7]. Their eyes are usually amber or green [2, 4].

Weird Science

When Lykoi cats were discovered, they were tested for known cat fur mutations. However, they do not have any of the genetic variants associated with the hairless Sphynx and the curly-haired Devon Rex, Selkirk Rex, German Rex, and Cornish Rex [8, 9]. A genome sequencing study published in May 2020 found six different loss-of-function mutations of the gene Hairless (a.k.a. lysine demethylase and nuclear receptor corepressor) in Lykoi [8]. Perhaps this shouldn’t be surprising, given that the breed came from random-bred cats with natural mutations in quite a few different populations. The study was able to confirm sixteen different Lykoi lineages [8]. It is interesting, though, that so many mutations arose in this particular gene, with the same result no less.

Hairless is important for skin function and hair maintenance [8], and this is borne out by what we know about the skin and hair of Lykoi. They have fewer and shallower hair follicles than Domestic Shorthairs [9]. Their hair shafts are thinner, but they have more oil gland tissue [9]. Lykoi frequently have hair follicles that are too small, too large, or misshapen [9]. The breed demonstrates lymphocytic mural folliculitis, an inflammatory skin condition with unclear impacts on the health of the cats, if any [9]. What is clear is that Lykoi have markedly different skin and hair than other cats. The scientists who studied their skin and hair up close hope that their unique traits may teach us more about dermatological disorders [9].

The Care and Keeping of Werewolves

Some Lykoi enthusiasts characterize their personalities as dog-like or wolfish. I’ll spare you the rant on how I feel about people saying that friendly cats are acting like dogs. Instead, I will simply say that that’s a bit silly. Lykoi are smart, energetic, and people-oriented [4, 5]. They can sometimes be shy with strangers, but they can usually learn to get along well with just about anyone, including children and other pets [4, 5]. Lykoi have guard-cat tendencies, wanting to keep watch over their toys and their people [4, 7].

Lykoi need plenty to occupy their active minds and bodies, but outdoor time is not a good option for this. Their sparse coats make them sensitive to cold and sunburn [1, 2, 6]. They need to be indoor-only cats, and if you have a catio, make sure it’s warm enough outside. You may even need to consider pet sunscreen.

White cat on blanket
Shikoba, white “Arctic” shorthair

Even without sunscreen, Lykoi can have a build-up of oils on their skin, just like hairless breeds do [1, 2, 6]. They need regular bathing to keep their skin clean, about once a month. They can also have buildup on their claws and in their ears, so those may need a quick cleaning once a week or so. Brushing is part of any good grooming routine, but because a Lykoi’s fur is so thin, you have to make sure to brush gently. Too harsh or too much brushing can irritate their skin [5].

As far as health goes, Lykoi are believed to be a healthy breed. There are no known health conditions associated with the breed except the lymphocytic mural folliculitis, which may or may not be a real problem. It remains uncertain. However, the breed is so new, and there are so few cats, that it is possible there are lurking health problems which haven’t become apparent [1, 2]. The best practice is to just watch a Lykoi for any signs of illness or injury, as you would a non-pedigreed cat.

A word of caution to anyone interested in getting a Lykoi: because the breed is so rare, and therefore so valuable, there are a lot of scams out there. This is the case with all pedigreed cats, but the rarer the breed, the worse it gets. Of course, this is just another reason to adopt, not shop! Even rare breeds end up in shelters, and Lykoi cats still turn up as natural mutations, too. Unfortunately, they are sometimes put down because staff think they are sick, especially if they molt [10]. Avoid a scam and adopt a vulnerable cat. There aren’t a lot of Lykoi-specific rescues yet. You can always check your local shelter if there isn’t one in your area, or you can try Werewolf Warriors Lykoi Cat Rescue, a Facebook group dedicated to placing Lykoi in need of forever homes.

Fun Facts

  • The name Lykoi comes from the Greek word for wolf, lycos [2, 8].
  • Lykoi have pink skin that will tan if exposed to sunlight or heat [4].
  • The Lykoi is one of the most genetically diverse breeds of cat, according to a joint Wisdom Health and TICA study [11].

Works Cited

  1. Chant, I. (2014, September 15). Watching the birth of a new breed: The werewolf cat. Nautilus.
  2. Taylor, C. (2020, August 24). Lykoi. Daily Paws.
  3. Hartwell, S. (2018). The uncensored origins of the lykoi. MessyBeast.
  4. The International Cat Association. (2018, August 13). Lykoi breed.
  5. Cat Time. (n.d.). Lykoi. TotallyPets.
  6. Cat Fanciers’ Association. (n.d.). About the lykoi.
  7. Gobble, J. (2019, November 4). All about the lykoi cat breed. All About Cats.
  8. Buckley, R.M., et al. (2020). Werewolf, there wolf: Variants in Hairless associated with hypotrichia and roaning in the lykoi cat breed. Genes, 11(6), 682.
  9. LeRoy, M.L., et al. (2016). Clinical and histological discription of lykoi cat hair coat and skin. The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Dermatology, 22(3), 179-191. 10.2736/jjvd.22.179
  10. Lykoi Cat Rescue. (2020, April 5). Hello all! We just wanted to give you all a quick update about our Lykoi Cat Rescue Page [Status Update]. Facebook.
  11. Lytle, K.M., Anderson, H., Hutcherson, A., and Kajon, A.E. (2019). The International Cat Association-Wisdom Health State of the Cat study: lessons learned in genetic diversity by bringing panel testing to the cat fancy. The International Cat Association. PDF

Published October 18th, 2020

Updated June 14th, 2023


Cat Yokai: Japan’s Dancing Monster Cats

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Yokai is one of those words that is inevitably lost in translation. It is a combination of the Japanese characters 妖 (yo as in yogurt), meaning “attractive,” “bewitching,” or “calamity,” and 怪 (kai) meaning “mystery” or “wonder” [6]. It has been translated a lot of different ways in English. I popped it into Google Translate and got back “monster,” “devil,” “goblin,” “demon,” and “bogy.” I’ve heard others as well. None of these translations are incorrect, but they are all incomplete. Yokai encompass a wide range of supernatural entities, including ghosts, monsters, demons, deities, and many more. Humans assigned supernatural meaning to cats almost everywhere the two species crossed paths, so it’s hardly surprising that there are cat yokai.

Painting of three people and two dancing cats
Ume no haru gojūsantsugi (梅初春五十三駅) – from Wikimedia Commons


With age comes wisdom. Magic powers, too, at least if you’re a cat. This is the legend of the bakeneko, meaning “changed cat” [2, 5, 7, 8]. Bakeneko are pet cats that have gained supernatural abilities. They are usually considered evil, but that isn’t always the case [1, 5, 7]. There are actually several ways that normal pet cats can become bakeneko, with reaching a great age being one of the most common. What that age is, exactly, varies by regional folklore [2]. Thirteen years is often the magic number [2, 5, 8].

Cats that grow to weigh at least one kan (8.25 lbs or 3.75 kg) or have a very long tail may also transform into bakeneko [1, 8]. It was also commonly believed that licking up a lot of lamp oil could turn a house cat into a bakeneko [2, 5, 8]. Cheap fish oils, like sardine oil, were used in lamps during the Japanese early modern period, so it was probably not unusual to see a cat drinking lamp oil, but it may have seemed like an unnatural thing for an animal to do [1, 2, 5].

Once a cat becomes a bakeneko, it may look no different than an ordinary cat, or it may begin to grow very large [8]. However, bakeneko are shapeshifters, frequently disguising themselves as humans, including their owners [1, 2, 5, 8]. In its natural, feline shape, a bakeneko is able to walk on its hind legs and speak human languages [1, 2, 5, 8]. They are known to dance, on two legs, sometimes with a towel or napkin on their head [1, 2, 5, 8]. Charming as that sounds, bakeneko can be quite dangerous. They can summon spectral fireballs; eat almost anything, even if it’s poisonous or bigger than they are; and reanimate corpses and manipulate them like puppets for all sorts of nefarious purposes [1, 2, 5, 8]. Bakeneko are generally considered a menace to anyone unfortunate enough to live with one, but they can actually be loyal and helpful companions as well.

Drawing of dancing cat
Bakeneko dancing with napkin on head, from the Buson Yōkai Emaki (蕪村妖怪絵巻) – from Wikimedia Commons

The lucky maneki neko, “beckoning cats,” are a type of beneficent bakeneko [1, 7]. In all the maneki neko legends, the cat does their owner a huge favor, bringing wealth or saving their life. Now many businesses display maneki neko statues to bring good fortune.

There are also stories of bakeneko getting revenge for a wronged owner [1]. Sometimes, bakeneko just want to live their lives. They may transform into a human and then live as a human would, not bothering anybody [1, 5]. In an odd tale from Aji Island and the Oki Islands, a bakeneko turned into a human and wanted to compete in sumo [2]. These yokai are complex creatures.


Nekomata, on the other hand, are evil, plain and simple. Nekomata is often translated as “forked cat,” but it may also mean “again cat,” have something to do with monkeys, or mean something entirely different that has been lost to time [4, 5, 10]. There are several different forms of the word, all sharing the same character for neko, “cat,” but with different characters after [4]. The first written mention of nekomata in Japan was in 1233 [10], so there has been a lot of time for the word to evolve. That first mention came when Fujiwara no Teika recorded in his journal that in August in Nanto, a nekomata killed and ate several people in one night [4, 5, 10]. He described the nekomata as having cat eyes but “a large body like a dog” [5, 10].

In the mountain recesses, there are those called nekomata, and people say that they eat humans…

Tsurezuregusa, Yoshida Kenko, c. 1331

At the time, there was no mention of supernatural powers, and it seems that these early nekomata were simply a feared predator, though whether myth or fact remains unknown [4, 11]. There is speculation that rabies or tigers imported from China may have been the culprit, but there is no way to know for sure [4]. With time, the mountain nekomata legends grew, literally. The size of the creatures increased over centuries of stories [5]. In an 1809 writing, it was said to be more than six feet long (1.8 m) and carrying a dog in its mouth [4, 5, 10, 11].

During the Edo Period (17th – mid-19th century), people began to believe that nekomata weren’t just beasts that haunted the deep mountain hollows, but things that could invade your own home [4, 5, 10, 11]. It came to be accepted that the tails of old cats would split into two, they would gain magic powers, and they would become the malevolent nekomata [4, 5, 9-11].

Nekomata have similar powers as bakeneko, and may even be considered a type of bakeneko or a next stage of the bakeneko, although this is not necesarrily the case. However, the nekomata is much stronger and has a particular desire to cause harm [9-11]. Sometimes they focus on those that wronged them during their former life as ordinary pets [10, 11]. Sometimes nekomata just want to cause death and destruction in general. Not only are their powers greater in strength than a bakeneko, but they are also able to blackmail and even enslave humans [9, 11].

Drawing of cat with two tails on hind legs
Nekomata and two admiring cats, illustrated by Toriyama Sekien – from Wikimedia Commons

Sadly, the fear of bakeneko and nekomata led people to take certain preventative measures when it came to their pets. They docked the tails of their kittens to prevent the transformation [1, 2, 10]. People often decided they would only keep a cat for a certain number of years, and then they would abandon it, lest their pet become a yokai and cause them harm [2, 11]. It was believed that killing a cat brings down a curse that lasts either seven generations or seven lives, so it was preferable to avoid creating bakeneko and nekomata in the first place [1, 4, 10]. Of course, an unknowable number of innocent cats were harmed by these well-intentioned practices.

Breeding of the Japanese Bobtail may have helped. It’s thought that the popularity of the breed might have been due to fear of bakeneko and nekomata, a fear that clearly wasn’t strong enough to stop people from wanting pet cats [1]. Today, there is much less fear. In fact, a bakeneko festival is held in Tokyo each year near Halloween, where people dress up like cats, march in a parade, and dance like bakeneko [7]. Click to learn more about the Kagurazaka Bakeneko Festival.

Works Cited

  1. Bakeneko. (n.d.). Academic. Retrieved October 9, 2020, from
  2. Bakeneko. (2020, October 7). In Wikipedia.
  3. Casal, U.A. (1959). The Goblin Fox and Badger and Other Witch Animals of Japan. Folklore Studies, 18, 1-93. doi:10.2307/1177429
  4. Davisson, Z. (2012, April 21). Nekomata: The split-tailed cat. Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai.
  5. Davisson, Z. (2021). Kaibyo: The supernatural cats of Japan (2nd ed.). Mercuria Press: Portland, OR.
  6. Mao, Yuki. (2020). All About Yokai.
  7. Matcha Admin. (2019, October 1). The Kagurazaka Bakeneko Festival: Become a cat and join the parade (C. Mischke, Trans.). Matcha.
  8. Meyer, M. (n.d.). Bakeneko.
  9. Meyer, M. (n.d.). Nekomata.
  10. Nekomata. (2020, September 9). In Wikipedia.
  11. Nekomata: An evil cat in Japanese folklore. (2017, June 27). Yabai.

Published October 11th, 2020

Updated July 24, 2022

Cat Care

Should cats be dressed in costumes?

Encyclopaedia Felidae now has a Patreon! Go to if you want to help support this content!

Spooky season is upon us. Let me tell you, I live for Halloween. I start planning my costume about six months in advance. But what about a costume for kitty? There are certainly plenty of pre-made pet costumes calling out for your hard-earned money. Halloween stores, big box stores, and pet stores alike sell them, implicitly endorsing their use. But pet clothes are controversial, and it can be difficult to get to the truth. Is it really okay to dress up your cat?

Gray tabby in pink shirt
Joon in her little t-shirt, 11-28-2018

When my Joon had her spay surgery, the vet’s office sent me home with the smallest Elizabethan collar (a.k.a. “cone of shame”) that they had. Unfortunately for me, Joon was a tiny, runty kitten, and even that was too big for her. No matter how hard I tried, the second I got the cone on, she would just slip her head right out. I called the vet in an entirely appropriate panic. They gave me some more tips for keeping the collar on, and they also said that I could try putting Joon in a little pet t-shirt.

Well, Joon would not wear that cone of shame. I bought a pink Spiderman t-shirt for toy dogs at the pet store and wrestled Joon into it. It served the purpose of keeping her from pulling out any stitches, but I noticed changes in her behavior right away. The six-month-old kitten was normally bursting with energy, but with that shirt on she mostly just sat. I thought it might be the pain meds, but as soon as the vet gave me the go-ahead to remove the shirt, Joon was no longer a zombie cat.

Of course, not all cats are like my cat. God in Heaven knows, not all cats are like my very, very unique cat. But she is like most cats in that cats generally do not like being made to wear much of anything. Almost any rule has exceptions, and there are sure to be a few cats out there that don’t mind playing dress-up. However, there are good reasons why putting cats in cute costumes and outfits is by and large a bad idea. We’ll go over them, and then we’ll discuss some exceptions and alternatives.

#1 Stress

If you’ve ever tried putting a wearable item on an unwilling cat, even if it was just putting a collar on them for the first time, then you know that they get quite upset about it. Cats are not accustomed to wearing anything other than their own fur coat. When clothes are put on them, they can feel trapped or ensnared. They’ll feel stressed while you try to wrangle them into the clothes, and if you succeed, they’ll likely feel stressed that they are stuck inside of them. You’ll know if they are, not just by the hissy fit they pitch while you get the outfit on.

Once in the clothes, cats that are stressed by wearing them may freeze, flop over, hide, or even scratch and paw at the clothes trying to get them off (1, 2). This is especially concerning for cats that are already anxious, but no cat should be put through unnecessary stress.

#2 Costume Hazards

Brown tabby cat in elf costume
Image by Uki Eiri from Pixabay

Cats are very athletic creatures, capable of all sorts of Olympic feats. As animals that are both predators and prey, they have to be. But stick them in a tuxedo or a hot dog costume, and the range of motion they are used to is suddenly no longer there. Not only can this be confusing and scary for them, it can also be dangerous. When their bodies are encumbered by cute clothes, cats may injure themselves trying to run, jump, dive under the sofa, or do some other gymnastic activity that should come naturally (3). Costumes tend to inhibit their senses as well as their mobility by blocking the eyes or ears or compressing the whiskers, only increasing the chances of a mishap (4, 5).

Another concern is that some costumes may pose a choking hazard (4, 5, 6). Buttons, bells, sequins, strings, and any number of other parts that may fall or be chewed off could be swallowed (4, 5, 6). Cats can choke on these pieces, or if they swallow them the small parts can get stuck in the gastrointestinal tract and cause life-threatening blockages that require surgery to repair (4, 5, 6).

#3 Cat Conflict

Scent is extremely important to cats. They use it to communicate and navigate their world. Putting clothes on a cat covers them in a strange scent. This can be disturbing for the cat wearing the costume (5), but in a multicat home it can cause conflict between cats (5, 6). The costumed cat won’t smell right, and that can cause other cats to avoid or attack them (5, 6). It’s similar to how cats react when one of them comes home from the vet smelling different, but with the added confusion of the funny-smelling cat not looking right, either.

If the cat with the clothes is especially upset, they might make it worse by lashing out in fear or frustration (5, 6). If a serious fight does get started, wearing clothes puts a cat at a disadvantage and may lead to injuries that wouldn’t happen if they were capable of properly defending themself or escaping (5, 6).

#4 Discomfort

Even if none of the aforementioned problems crop up, cats are just not very comfortable in clothes. The feeling of the fabrics rubbing on their fur, straps in awkward spots, sleeves holding their legs in place, or any number of other unpleasant aspects of pet clothing can make a cat unhappy. Items that cover the ears might make irritating sounds that could really grate on a cat’s sensitive hearing (5). Cats can also get overheated wearing clothes over their own fur coat, a circumstance which can range from uncomfortable to dangerous (3). Think about a time when you wore an itchy sweater or something else uncomfortable. Remember how you couldn’t wait to get out of it as soon as possible–and probably toss it in the donation box? Why put our cats through that if we don’t have to?

Ginger tabby cat with gold crown
Milo (RIP) in a hat, 2012

Alternatives to Kitty Costumes

All is not lost if you want to spook your cat up for Halloween, however. If your cat is used to wearing collars, why not get them a collar with a spooky print? There are also collars with attached bowties or bandanas that you could use as a “costume,” but some cats might find even that bothersome. Don’t spend a lot of money on cute bowtie collars until you know whether your cat will hate them or not.

An option if you just want a quick photo of your cat looking like they’re in the spirit is a hat. Not the kind that straps onto their head, but rather one that just sits on top. It won’t stay there long, but you might be able to get a picture or two of them in it. Having done this once myself, I suggest putting the hat on your cat during their sleepy time, so you have enough time to get a picture before kitty starts to care that there’s something on their head. Make sure to give them a treat for putting up with your silliness!

When Cats Should Wear Clothes

As I alluded to earlier, there are circumstances in which cats should wear clothes, although that doesn’t mean elaborate costumes. Like Joon, some cats need a simple shirt or sweater as a part of postoperative care (7). They are sometimes even used in veterinary hospitals for this purpose and may be deemed preferable to an Elizabethan collar in some cases, as the collar can make it difficult for cats to eat and walk around (7). Also, hairless breeds or cats that have recently been shaved may need to wear something warm (3, 7). In these cases, keep the clothes simple, only what is needed for the situation, and introduce the clothes gradually and with positive reinforcement.

“Cats are nudists. With hats!” –The Kitten Lady

Works Cited

  1. Arnold, B. (2019, October 8). The do’s and don’ts of dressing your cat for Halloween. The Catington Post.
  2. Tan, M. (2019, June 5). Can cats wear clothes? Five tips for cat owners. Whisker Fabulous.
  3. Keane, D. (2019, September 23). Clothing on cats: Is it ethical? Cat Gazette.
  4. Kelley, J. A. (2014, October 15). Should people put their cats in Halloween costumes? Catster.
  5. Pawsome Cats. (2016, December 29). Should you dress your cat in a costume?
  6. Johnson-Bennett, P. (n.d.). Six reasons why you shouldn’t dress cats in Halloween costumes. Cat Behavior Associates.
  7. Pet Coach. (n.d.). Do cats need to wear clothes in cold weather?

Published October 4th, 2020

Updated December 7th, 2020


Maneki Neko: The Meaning of Lucky Cat Statues

Encyclopaedia Felidae now has a Patreon! Go to if you want to help support this content!

Gold cat statue
Image by Tania Van den Berghen from Pixabay

If it wasn’t obvious yet, I live in the United States. If you have ever been to a Japanese, Chinese, or Thai restaurant here, you have probably seen a Maneki Neko, usually called a Lucky Cat in the States. I picture a little gold cat statue on a counter, red collar painted around its neck, one paw raised and waving rhythmically forward and back while the other paw grasps a coin. However, Maneki Neko are not just shiny tchotchkes. They have a rich history and folkloric tradition.

The Dawn of Maneki Neko

Maneki Neko, Japanese for “beckoning cat(s),” originated in Japan during the Edo period (17th to mid-19th century) (1, 2, 3). They didn’t begin to appear widely in publications and business until the Meji period (1868-1912), possibly as an indirect consequence of the opening of Japan to the West (1). Before Japan opened, Japanese brothels included good-luck shelves that displayed phallic luck charms (1). The Meji government wanted to modernize Japan and give a positive image to the primarily Christian West, so one of their measures was to outlaw these phallic luck charms (1). When those charms were forced to disappear, they were replaced with Maneki Neko (1). Other businesses began to take up the practice of setting out Maneki Neko as luck charms, and they continue to do so today (1).

The question still remains, who first created the Maneki Neko, and why? It may be impossible to know for certain. Several legends attempt to explain the origins of these adorable good luck charms. In one story, there was once a very poor old woman who lived with her cat in Imado, which is now eastern Tokyo (1, 3). Her poverty forced her to either sell or abandon her cat, depending upon the version of the story (1, 3). But her cat must not have held that against her, because soon thereafter the cat appeared to her in a dream and told her to make a clay statue in its image (1, 3). When she did, people began to ask if they could buy the statue (1). The old woman was lifted from her poverty by making and selling statues of her former pet (1, 3).

Another legend also involves a loyal and beloved pet, but is rather more gruesome. During the Edo period, there was a Tokyo courtesan who had a pet cat that she treasured (1). One day, the cat began clawing at her kimono, preventing the courtesan from taking another step (1, 2, 3). The owner of the brothel believed the cat must be possessed, and cut off the cat’s head with his sword (1, 2, 3). The head flew through the air and struck a snake that was poised to bite the courtesan (1, 2, 3). The cat’s fangs pierced and killed the snake, saving the courtesan (2). As might be expected, the courtesan was distraught at the death of her cat, so one of her customers carved her a statue of the cat to cheer her up (1, 2, 3).

The most popular tale about Maneki Neko, if true, could explain their name and basic design. In the Setagaya District of Tokyo, there is a temple called Gotokuji (4, 5). In the 17th century, it wasn’t much, and it was overseen by a poor monk with barely enough money to feed himself and kind of manage the temple (1, 5). Even so, he had a temple cat he loved so much that he shared what little food he had with it (1, 5). One day, there came up a rain storm, and a man came into the temple for shelter (1-5). He introduced himself as Lord Ii Naotaka of Hikone District, near Kyoto, and explained that he had seen a cat near the temple beckoning him inside (1, 4, 5).

White cat statues
Maneki Neko at Gotokuji – Photo by Alain Pham on Unsplash

In some versions of the story, Naotaka had been sheltering under a tree at first, and after he followed the cat the tree was struck by lightening, so he is grateful to the cat for saving his life (1, 2, 3). In others, he is simply glad to be out of the storm and sees it all as the will of Buddha (5). Whatever his reasons, Naotaka became the temple’s patron and made it prosper (1-5). The temple was renamed Gotokuji in 1697 (1) in honor of Naotaka’s posthumous Buddhist name (4). As for the cat, it remained at the temple for the rest of its days and was buried in the cemetery when it died, with the first Maneki Neko made to honor its memory (1). The cat was deified as Shobyo Kannon, Goddess of Mercy (4, 5).

Gotokuji still stands today as both a Buddhist temple and a tourist attraction. It is absolutely covered with Maneki Neko. The Maneki Neko made and sold there are white, with the right paw raised, wearing a red collar with a gold bell (4, 5). The idea is to buy a Maneki Neko at the temple, say a wish or a prayer over it–or even write one on it–and then leave it at the temple (4). The result is a tremendous number of Maneki Neko covering every available surface in a certain part of the temple. This is a place where I hope to one day take many pictures.

The Design of Maneki Neko

Maneki Neko all share a basic shape, but their color, accessories, and which paw they’re raising all determine exactly what that particular charm means. If the right paw is lifted, the charm attracts money and good fortune (1, 2, 3). If the left paw is up, then it attracts customers or people (1, 2, 3). Occasionally you will see a Maneki Neko with both paws raised, which is said to protect the home or business (2, 3). Higher paws are supposed to extend the reach of the lucky magic and make the charms luckier (1, 3). That’s why Maneki Neko sometimes have an improbably long foreleg.

Assorted maneki neko
Maneki Neko come in many shapes, sizes, and colors – Image by Emanuel Golabiewski from Pixabay

The most common color of Maneki Neko is a mostly-white calico, which is considered the luckiest color (1, 2, 3). I read that this is because calico toms are so incredibly rare (1), but tortoiseshell and calico she-cats are quite common, so does this mean that Maneki Neko are supposed to be toms? There was no further explanation. White Maneki Neko may represent purity, happiness, and positivity (1, 2, 3). Black may ward off evil and/or disease (1, 2, 3). Gold, the color I am most used to seeing in the United States, brings wealth (1, 2, 3). There are many less common colors with more specific purposes as well:

  • Red: combat illness or bring luck in love (1, 2, 3, 5)
  • Pink: luck in love (1, 5)
  • Green: good health or academic success (2, 3, 5)
  • Yellow: good health (3)
  • Purple: prosperity and opportunity (3)

What the cat is wearing or holding can also affect its meaning. Most Maneki Neko wear a red collar with a bell, a throw-back to the Edo period when cats were a very expensive pet exclusive to the wealthy (1). Cat people would put collars made from the red hichirimen flower, strung with small bells, onto their cats so that they could keep track of them (1). Maneki Neko typically hold a gold coin in their free paw to attract wealth (1, 2, 3). However, they may hold something different, or even nothing at all in the case of the Gotokuji cats. Sometimes they hold a little hammer, or money mallet, which is supposed to attract wealth when shaken (2). They might hold a fish, usually a carp, because it is a symbol of abundance and good luck (2). Other symbols of wealth and good luck found in their paws include marbles or gems, gourds, daikon radishes, prayer tablets, and ingots (2).

If you want to check out all the different designs of Maneki Neko with your own eyes and you happen to live in Ohio, USA, not Japan, then you’re in luck! The Lucky Cat Museum is located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Visit their website for hours and location if you would like to pay them a visit.

Works Cited

  1. Schumacher, M. (2011, April). Maneki neko 招き猫 or 招猫: Lucky beckoning cat or inviting cat. Japanese Buddhist Statuary.
  2. Tse, H. (2020, January 2) 5 interesting facts about maneki neko cats aka lucky cats. Catster.
  3. Greg. (2017, February 27). Feline folklore: Decoding the lucky cat. Japan Craft.
  4. Japan Inside. (n.d.). The “lucky cat” temple: Gotokuji.
  5. Mellin, J. (2018, July 19). Inside the Tokyo temple where the ‘waving cat’ was born. CNN Travel.

Published September 27th, 2020

Updated October 3rd, 2020

Breed Profiles

Exotic Shorthair: The Lazy Human’s Persian

Persians are one of the most recognizable and popular breeds of cat, but they are also one of highest-maintenance. That luxurious coat comes at a price. Since their debut in the 1960s, a breed has been gaining in popularity that compromises between the appearance and personality of a Persian and the ease of grooming a short coat. The Exotic Shorthair, sometimes called simply the Exotic, now regularly takes a spot as one of the Cat Fanciers’ Associations’s (CFA) most popular breeds (1). There was a time when the cat fancy community was not a fan of this cute and cuddly cat, however.


Brown tabby cat on chair
Image by Robyn Randell from Pixabay

The idea of breeding a shorthaired Persian had been around for a while, and at least one breeder was working on just that in the 1950s when another breeding plan accidentally arrived at that goal (2). American Shorthair breeders wanted to introduce the coloration of the silver, green-eyed Persian into their breed. However, when they crossed their American Shorthairs to the silver Persians, the beautiful silver kittens looked more like shorthaired Persians than American Shorthairs. They forged ahead anyway, but other American Shorthair breeders were not pleased at how the hybridization changed the breed (3). They wanted any American Shorthairs with evidence of hybridization to be barred from the cat fancy, but a CFA judged named Jane Martinke had another idea (3). In 1966, she petitioned the CFA to induct the hybrid cats as a new breed (2).

Originally, the idea was the call the breed “Sterling” and only accept the silver coloration. After all, that was what the breeders had been going for. However, the CFA chose to allow all colors and patterns, and the name Exotic was chosen instead. At first, breeders of these new cats needed to make crosses between Persians and shorthairs regularly to get the shorthaired trait into their stock, but because the trait for short hair is dominant, once they had shorthaired cats, they would breed to Persians or other Exotics. At first, American Shorthairs, Russian Blues, and Burmese were a big part of the background, as all were used to bring in short hair. That, and many established Persian breeders refused to let their cats be used in this new breed in the beginning (2).

As Exotics grew in popularity, Persian breeders warmed to them, and with the short hair trait established, most outcrosses were made to Persians (2). Over time, Exotics came to resemble Persians more and more strongly. Now, the breed standard for Exotics is the same as that for Persians, except for the coat. This causes some cat fancy controversy about how to classify Exotics, and they have been shuffled around a bit over the years.

Breed Characteristics

Exotics are a brachycephalic breed. Brachycephaly means “short head.” Brachycephalic animals have a shorter skull than normal, resulting in the characteristic smushed-face appearance we associated with Pugs and Persians, for example, although the condition can occur in other animals, including humans.

Kittens. You’re welcome.

The Exotic breed is a medium-sized cat, but its fur and its build make it look larger. It has a stocky body and round face with small ears. The legs are short and thick. Combined with their flat face, this gives Exotics a somewhat teddy bear-like appearance. Their plush coat only adds to the illusion. Like Persians, Exotics have a double coat. This means that their undercoat is unusually thick, making them very fluffy (3). However, because their fur is short, it’s a very different kind of fluff than the incredible mane of a Persian. The coat on an Exotic is dense and soft, standing out from their body.

If these cats look so cute you just want to pick them up and squeeze them, well, maybe don’t do that, but they actually might let you give them a hug. Exotics are very affectionate, especially toward their person or people. These are very much lap cats, mellow and snuggly. They tend to be pretty laidback and friendly, so they often do well with children and other pets. This is not an athletic breed, but they are known for being playful. So Fluffy probably won’t run up and down your stairs for two straight hours, but they would love to bat around a crinkle ball or hunt a wand toy. Despite being quite social, Exotics are not very vocal at all, and when they do speak they have a quiet voice.

Some people say that Exotics are more active than Persians, and some say that the typical breed personality is really the same. Regardless, due to their affectionate nature, Exotics can be prone to separation anxiety (4). Making sure they have an animal companion they get along with might help prevent that. If not, separation anxiety can be managed, although the approach differs depending upon the cat (4).

Exotic Life

Part of the popularity of the breed is that Exotics are fairly low-maintenance as purebred cats go. In fact, they’ve gained the nickname “the lazy man’s Persian.” They’re calm, they’re adaptable, and they don’t require a lot of grooming. That plush coat isn’t prone to mats and tangles, but weekly brushing is still recommended to remove any dead hair. Compared to the daily grooming routine needed by a Persian, it’s much less of a commitment. Like all brachycephalic breeds, Exotics need to have their faces wiped clean every day to prevent tear stains and infections in their wrinkles.

Black cat on rug
Photo by Dan Wayman on Unsplash

Cats are usually concerned with being warm, but because of that extra-thick coat and flat face, Exotics are actually more likely to overheat. They need to have places where they can cool down and may even appreciate ice cubes in their water. Any surface that tends to stay cool can serve as a chill-out spot.

As with all breeds, there are some known health concerns to be aware of. Brachycephaly can cause problems all by itself. The cats have the same amount of tissue but less space to put it, resulting in narrowed airways that may lead to a variety of respiratory problems (4). Cats that have serious complications may need surgery to remove excess tissue that is causing them problems (4). Brachycephalic cats also have a higher risk of eye disease and jaw deformities (5).

There are a few diseases that appear with greater frequency specifically in Exotics (and sometimes also in Persians). They have an increased risk of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the most common form of heart disease in cats. The breed also has an increased incidence of hip dysplasia, which leads to early arthritis in the hip joints (4). Exotics may have polycystic kidney disease (PKD). PKD was first discovered in Persians, so it’s no surprise that the disease found its way into Exotics.

Kittens with PKD are born with tiny cysts in their kidneys and sometimes liver (4). The cysts grow over time until they destroy the organs (4). Unfortunately, there isn’t a cure, but the progress of the disease can be slowed, especially if it’s caught early (4). There is also a genetic test available for PKD now, so responsible breeders are testing their cats and trying to prevent the disease from being passed to new kittens.

It makes sense that the Exotic has become so popular, even though it is a fairly new breed that was barely given a chance. It’s appearance carries the elegance and class people associate with Persians, but with a much lower degree of grooming more suited to busy people in the modern world. Not only that, but the Exotic has a winning personality and fits into a lot of different homes with ease. Just be prepared for lots of lap time.

Fun Facts

  • It’s said that male Exotics are more affectionate than females (1, 6).
  • Famous parents of Exotic Shorthairs include Blasko, Justin Bieber, and Rich Juzwiak (7).
  • Famous Exotic Shorthairs include Pudge the Cat and Snoopybabe.

Works Cited

  1. PetFirst Pet Insurance. (2019). Breed spotlight: The exotic shorthair. PetFirst.
  2. Sims, B. (n.d.). Breed article: Exotic. Cat Fanciers’ Association.
  3. Petfinder. (n.d.). Exotic shorthair.
  4. Johnson Animal Clinic. (n.d.). A mixed bag of a mixed breed.
  5. International Cat Care. (2018, September 18). Exotic shorthair.
  6. Cat Fanciers’ Association. (n.d.). About the exotic.
  7. Trupanion. (n.d.). Exotic shorthair.
  8. The International Cat Association. (2018, August 13). Exotic shorthair breed.

Published September 20th, 2020

Updated December 7th, 2020


Torre Argentina Cat Sanctuary: Bringing New Life to Roman Ruins

Encyclopaedia Felidae now has a Patreon! Go to if you want to help support this content!

Roman ruins
Image by vikgr from Pixabay

In ancient cities, it isn’t unusual for the new to be continually built on top of the old. Rome, one of the most important cities in world history, is no exception. Important archaeological finds are often hiding right under the feet of modern Romans. In 1929, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini unearthed a major archaeological site as part of a campaign to link his regime with the glory and strength of the ancient Roman empire (1). The ruins of the Roman buildings were found twenty feet (6 m) below the current street level. Known as Largo di Torre Argentina, the complex contain four temples and part of the Theatre of Pompey. If the Theatre of Pompey rings a vague bell from your history or Latin classes, that’s probably because Julius Ceasar was assassinated on its steps on the Ides of March (March 15th), 44 BCE.

You might be wondering why I’m giving you a lesson in Italian history on a cat blog. It’s not just because it makes me feel like six years of Latin weren’t a total waste of time. As soon as Largo di Torre Argentina was uncovered, the many stray cats of Rome moved in to the newly unused space. The cats were soon followed by the gattare, or “cat ladies.” Gattare are an Italian tradition (2). The typical gattara is an older woman who sets out food for neighborhood cats (2). In some cities, the gattare are very organized, using volunteer programs to train new gattare and networking with each other to make sure the entire city is covered (2). The gattare who began feeding the cats at Largo di Torre Argentina, and eventually sterilizing and vaccinating them, got so organized that they started a cat sanctuary in 1994 right there in the ruins (3, 4).

Okay, this is actually the ruins of a Greek temple, but there are only so many royalty-free pictures out there – Image by Dimitri Houtteman from Pixabay

Torre Argentina Cat Sanctuary officially began with about 90 cats (3). It was common for locals to abandon their pets even if they were just going on vacation, and a pervasive sentiment that sterilization is cruel and unnatural meant a lot of unwanted kittens were put on on the street as well (3). So the number of cats was on the rise, but the resources at hand to care for them were not keeping pace. There was little money to pay for food and medications, as the gattare were paying for everything themselves (3). The only work and storage space was a small, low-ceilinged sort of cave accidentally created under the street by construction (3).

Circumstances have changed significantly for the sanctuary since other organizations and individual donors have made it possible for regular food and veterinary care to be the norm (3). However, tensions have arisen over the presence of a cat sanctuary in such an important historical site. Archaeologists have voiced concerns about the cats negatively affecting the conservation of the site and being and affront to the dignity of the ancient holy space (3, 4). Personally, I find the latter ridiculous and the former irrelevant. Removing the sanctuary would not get rid of the cats. Cats are going to go wherever they see fit. However, the National Archeological Department didn’t see it that way when they launched a campaign to evict the Torre Argentina Cat Sanctuary in 2012 (2, 3, 4). Petitions in favor of the sanctuary collected over 30,000 signatures, and no eviction took place (3, 4).

Torre Argentina Cat Sanctuary has always struggled to exist inside an archaeological site, but they do so because they believe that the cats there need them. There can be no doubt that the organization has done incredible things for the cats of Largo di Torre Argentina. They take in cats of all ages and even take on the veterinary care of cats with chronic conditions, disabilities, and injuries (3, 5). The sanctuary now has a foster program for kittens and an adoption program for local and international adoptions. Cats can also be sponsored as a fun way to help the sanctuary out.

Cats live both in the now much-improved indoor space and outside in the ruins. There is a gift shop inside. The sanctuary is open daily from noon to 6 pm. The ruins are mostly off-limits to visitors, visible only from above. Rome’s mayor announced plans in 2019 to restore the ruins and make them visitor-friendly in time to open by 2021, thanks to $1.1 million in funding from the fashion house Bulgari (1). Given how 2020 has gone, though, who knows what will happen with that project. The ruins may remain the haunt of cats and cat ladies.

Largo di Torre Argentina is at the corner of Via Florida & Via di Torre Argentina in Rome, Italy. To learn more about Torre Argentina Roman Cat Sanctuary, visit and click on the icon for Largo di Torre Argentina. Please consider supporting the sanctuary if you are able. They also have a YouTube channel where you can meet some of the cats.

Works Cited

  1. Daley, J. (2019, March 5). Site where Julius Caesar was stabbed will finally open to the public. Smithsonian Magazine.
  2. Spiegel, J. (2017). Italy roundtable: Caesar’s cats. Italy Explained.
  3. Torre Argentina Roman Cat Sanctuary. (n.d.).
  4. Pasquale, M. (2018, May 9). This cat sanctuary in old Roman ruins is a must-visit. The Culture Trip.
  5. Black, A. (n.d.). Torre Argentina (Roman cat sanctuary). Atlas Obscura.

Published September 13th, 2020

Updated October 3rd, 2020