Bengal cat sitting in the sunlight
Breed Profiles

Bengal Cats: Living Room Leopards

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Bengal cat sitting in the sunlight
Image by Christiane Heßler from Pixabay

Bengal cats are a popular but somewhat controversial designer breed. They are meant to look like little leopards without the dangers of having a wild cat in the house. Their coats are stunningly beautiful, and Bengal enthusiasts say they make delightful and unique pets. However, some people argue that Bengals are wilder than a pet should be because they are a hybrid breed. Today we’ll dive deep on this intriguing cat breed.

Neither Tigers, nor Leopards, nor Just Cats

The Bengal breed is credited to California breeder Jean Sudgen Mills, who crossed a female Asian Leopard Cat–a small, leopard-spotted wild cat–with a male black domestic shorthair in 1963 [2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 15]. She was not the first to create this type of hybrid cat, however. The earliest mention was in 1889 by Harrison Weir in his book Our Cats and All at Them [13]. References to Asian Leopard Cat x Domestic Cat hybrids cropped up periodically over the next half-century [9, 13].

Contemporaneously with Jean Mills, Dr. Willard Centerwall bred these hybrid cats to study their genetics and immune systems [11, 13]. Mills used some of Centerwall’s cats to start a breeding program [11, 13]. Early Bengal breeders also incorporated Egyptian Maus and later added Siamese for more color variation [1, 5, 8, 11]. Mills and other early breeders experienced some challenges, including the unpleasant surprise that the hybrid toms were sterile [1, 15]. But the second generation was all fertile, and eventually there were enough Bengals that these days, most Bengals are bred from other Bengals [13, 15]. In fact, using Asian Leopard Cats in current breeding programs is typically discouraged [3].

Jean Mills petitioned persistently to have the Bengal recognized as a breed, and in 1983 The International Cat Society first accepted the Bengal as an experimental breed [11, 13, 15]. Today, six cat fancy registries accept Bengals, and they are a well-established global breed [11].

Many people think that the name Bengal comes from the Bengal tiger [1, 13]. There is even a myth that Bengal cats are descended from Bengal tigers, which would be impossible [6]. They are no more related to tigers than any other housecat [6]. The name comes from the scientific name for the Asian Leopard Cat, Prionailurus bengalensis [1, 5, 13, 15].

Bengal Cat Characteristics

Bengal cats are assigned a filial generation number (F1, F2, F3, F4….) depending upon how closely related they are to an Asian Leopard Cat [1, 9]. A F1 Bengal is the kitten of an Asian Leopard Cat and a domestic cat [1, 9]. A F2 Bengal has an Asian Leopard Cat as a grandparent, a F3 Bengal has an Asian Leopard Cat great-grandparent, etc. [1, 9]. Bengal cats are considered domesticated from F4 on; only these can be registered and shown [2, 5, 6, 11, 13-15].


Bengal cat colors

Bengals are a medium-large breed, with the toms getting up to 15 pounds (6.8 kg) [4, 9, 11, 14]. They have long, lean, muscular bodies [2, 4, 9, 11, 15]. Their long and powerful legs make them incredible jumpers and climbers [4, 5, 9]. They can jump up to six feet–straight up or across [5, 6]!

Of course, their stunning spotted coats are what Bengals are most known for. Bengals come in six basic colors, but the cat fancy only recognizes brown, snow, silver, and sometimes charcoal [1, 8, 11, 15]. Blue and black/melanistic are non-standard colors [1, 8].

Brown is the most common color, with markings that may be black, brown, or reddish-brown [4, 8]. Snow Bengals inherited the temperature-sensitive albinism trait from the Siamese and come in lynx, mink, and sepia varieties [2, 5, 8]. Silver Bengals are white or gray with black markings [8]. The smoky black charcoal trait in inherited independently of coat color, so Bengals of any color may have it in addition to their base color [8].

Blue comes from the dilute trait, which is also inherited independently of coat color [8]. These cats are a steely gray with darker gray-blue markings [8]. Some breeders are attempting to gain championship recognition for blue Bengals [8]. The black/melanistic Bengal looks like a black panther, with black markings nearly invisible on a black background [8].

Bengals can either be spotted or marbled [1, 2, 5, 8, 9]. Their spots can be simple dots or a variety of rosette patterns like those seen on leopards, ocelots, and other wild felids [1, 5, 8, 9, 15]. The marbled coat pattern consists of dark swirls all over the cat’s coat [1, 8]. Some Bengals have both patterns [8]. Bengals can have green, gold, or–in the case of snow Bengals–blue eyes [8, 11].


Bengals are extremely intelligent and extremely active cats [1-6, 9, 11, 14]. They need ways to keep their minds and bodies active because boredom leads to mischief [1, 5, 6, 9, 11]. These are not cats that do well in home where they will be left alone for long periods of time [3, 15]. They need lots of playtime and attention [3, 5, 9, 11, 15]. However, they are very trainable and often do well with learning to walk on a leash, so they are well-suited to active people who want a cat that’s as adventurous as they are [1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 15].

Additionally, Bengals are very affectionate [1-3, 9, 14, 15]. They tend to have a favorite person who they become attached to and will love forever [9]. If well-socialized as kittens, Bengals are typically good with dogs, children, and people in general [4, 5, 9, 14, 15]. They don’t always like other cats, however [1]. They can be quite territorial, so if you want a multi-cat household, it may be best to get a pair of Bengals who already know each other or introduce the Bengal to a house where other cats are already established [1]. Bengals do not tolerate change well and are prone to stress and problem behaviors if you don’t ease them into big changes [1, 3, 9].

A fun and unusual thing about Bengals is that most of them love water [1-6, 9, 11]! This comes from the Asian Leopard Cat which lives near rivers [4]. Bengals are known for playing with their water dishes, following their people into the bath or shower, and going swimming if they get half a chance [1, 4, 5, 6]. Providing water games can be a good way to keep your Bengal entertained–just be prepared to clean up the splashes after [1, 4, 9, 11].

Welcome to the Jungle

It is important that anyone adopting or purchasing a Bengal or other hybrid cat realize that they have different needs than the typical housecat [3, 6, 7, 14]. Because they are so smart and so energetic, Bengals need a lot of toys, things to climb, and interactive playtime, or they will become destructive [3, 5, 6, 9, 11]. Many Bengals enjoy running on wheels [3]. Also some Bengals don’t digest dry or grain-based cat food very well which is unpleasant for everyone [3, 15]. Bengal Rescue recommends feeding Bengals a grain-free wet food or raw food diet.

Bengals should be indoor-only cats, both because they are likely to be stolen and because they are particularly hazardous to local wildlife [1, 9, 14]. Bengals love the outdoors, though, so taking them for walks and/or providing a catio for outside time is a good idea [9, 14]. It really helps get some of their energy out.

Snow Bengal cat
Snow Bengal – Image by 성혁 이 from Pixabay

Speaking of the Bengal’s high prey drive and excellent hunting skills, you have to be very careful about keeping small animals (birds, lizards, hamsters, etc.) in a home with a Bengal [1]. The cat doesn’t know those are pets, too; they just see prey. With their love for water, Bengals are especially interested in aquarium fish [1, 11]. So don’t let your Bengal near your smaller pets. Cat-proof extensively, more than you think you have to. These crafty kitties can get into places you wouldn’t expect.

F1-F3 Bengals, also known as Foundation Bengals, are more like wild animals than housecats [14]. The International Bengal Cat Society explains that “owning one of these cats is akin to owning a large parrot or an alligator as a pet” [14]. Only consider taking in one of these cats if you are prepared to make major adjustments [14].

Special Health Concerns

There is a myth that Bengals are immune to Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) [6, 11]. Asian Leopard Cats are immune, but Bengals did not inherit this trait and need immunizations for FeLV like all domestic cats [6, 11]. Bengal cats are also prone to a few illnesses. Bengals have an elevated risk of developing hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), the most common type of heart disease in cats [1, 2, 9, 15]. They can have some eye problems as well: progressive retinal atrophy, which causes premature blindness, and cataracts [1, 2, 9, 11, 15]. And there is a higher rate of Erythrocyte Pyruvate Kinase (PK) Deficiency among Bengals [2, 15]. This metabolic disorder disrupts their red blood cells [2].

Responsible breeders will test their cats for genetic diseases [1, 15]. If you get a Bengal from a breeder, make sure to ask about their genetic testing policy, and have your veterinarian thoroughly examine your new cat for any signs of disease as well.

Bengals are more likely to be sensitive or allergic to anesthetics, so discuss this with your veterinarian if you have a Bengal who needs to be aestheticized for any procedure, including spay/neuter surgery [1, 9]. Allergic reactions to anesthetics can be fatal.

Why are Bengal cats illegal in some places?

Bengals and other hybrid cats are banned in some locations, including New York City and Hawaii [9, 10]. Restrictions in some places only apply to earlier generations of Bengals, i.e. F1-F3 [9]. There are several reasons for these regulations.

Bengals are considered particularly dangerous to native wildlife because of their high prey drive and superior hunting skills [10]. This is part of the reason they are not allowed in Hawaii [10], where the native birds have been severely depleted by invasive species, including domestic cats. The other concern in Hawaii is that cats can carry the parasite toxoplasmosis, which is dangerous for Hawaiian monk seals [10]. That is true of all cats, though, not just Bengals.

Connecticut banned Bengal cats in 1996 citing concerns that the domestic cat rabies vaccine may not be effective for the hybrid breed [12]. Some places ban hybrid cats simply because regulators consider them wild animals [12]. There are also concerns that continuing to breed hybrid pet cats could put strain on populations of threatened wildcats, as some breeders continue to go back to the Asian Leopard Cat to make new lines of Bengals or to the Serval to make new lines of Savannahs [7].

If you are considering adding a Bengal cat to your family, check your local exotic pet regulations to make sure that they are permitted as pets in your area. And remember to always look at adopting first. Organizations like Bengal Rescue (Western US), Bengal Rescue Australia, Great Lakes Bengal Rescue (US), East Coast Bengal Rescue (US), and the Bengal Cat Association (UK) can help you find the living room leopard that’s meant for you.

Fun Facts

  • The New Zealand Cat Fancy Registry also recognizes long-haired Bengals, also known as Cashmeres. [2]
  • Bengals are low-shed and low-dander, so while not strictly hypoallergenic, some people with cat allergies find them easier to be around. [3]
  • Some Bengals have a special trait called “glitter” which makes them sparkle or shimmer in the light. Glitter is caused by scattered colorless hairs throughout the coat that reflect light, giving the cat’s fur a glittery appearance. [2, 4, 5, 15]
  • Bengals cost between $1,500 and $10,000 USD from a breeder, depending upon sex, generation, and color/pattern. F1 females and snow Bengals are the most expensive. Back in 1990, when Bengals were relatively new, a woman once paid $50,000 USD for one! [1, 5, 14]


  1. Avery, T. (2023, March 29). The joys and hazards of living with a pet Bengal cat. Pet Helpful.
  2. Basepaws. (n.d.). Bengal cat.
  3. Bengal Rescue. (2023). Adopting your first Bengal?
  4. Bengals Ramazan. (n.d.). Features of the Bengal cat.
  5. Brody, K. (2017, April 2). 15 things you didn’t know about the Bengal cat. Yummy Pets.
  6. Great Lakes Bengal Rescue. (2015, November 7). What is a Bengal?
  7. Horton, H. (2022, February 17). UK could ban part-wild hybrid cats after social media fuels boom in popularity. The Guardian.
  8. Jaccard, L. (2018, January 6). Bengal cat coat: Colors and patterns. Bengal Cats.
  9. Jimerson, D. (2021, April 20). Bengal. Daily Paws.
  10. KHON 2. (2018, November 16). Exotic Bengal cats confiscated in Honolulu.
  11. Kruzer, A. (2022, June 18). Bengal cats. The Spruce Pets.
  12. McCarthy, K. E. (2000, July 11). Bengal cat laws. Connecticut General Assembly.
  13. The Bengal Cats. (2019). What is the origin of the Bengal cat?
  14. The International Bengal Cat Society. (n.d.). Bengals as pets.
  15. The International Cat Association. (2019, October 28). The Bengal breed.

Published August 28th, 2023

Breed Profiles

Toyger: Tiny Toy Tigers

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Toyger is a portmanteau of “toy” and “tiger” [6, 7, 10]. If there were such a thing as a toy tiger like there are toy poodles, this is probably what they would look like. Toygers are a new and very rare designer cat breed meant to have the exotic appearance of a tiger with the disposition of a domestic cat [2, 7-9].

History of the Toyger

Photo by Matteus Silva on Pexels

To be clear, Toygers are not at all related to actual tigers [1, 4, 7-10]. That would be impossible. They are related to Asian Leopard Cats, however, because they are a combination of Bengals, which are hybrid cats, and mackerel tabby Domestic Shorthairs [1, 2, 5-11].

The breed was created in the 1980s in California by Judy Sugden, whose mother, Jean Mill, created Bengals [2, 4, 6-8]. A local exotic animal sanctuary with wild cats among its rescues got her thinking how incredible it would be to have a housecat that looked like one of those [5]. Then, Sugden noticed that one of her Bengals, Milwood Sharp Shooter, had spotted tabby markings on the sides of his head [1, 2, 6-9]. Domestic tabby cats don’t usually have stripes there, but tigers do, and this got Sugden thinking–what if she could breed a housecat that looked like a tiger [1, 2, 7-9]?

Sugden began a breeding program with a hefty Bengal named Milwood Rumpled Spotskin and a tabby Domestic Shorthair named Scrapmetal [2, 6, 7, 9]. She also traveled to India and brought home a stray tabby cat from Kashmir with just the right spotted markings between his ears [2, 4, 6-9]. She named him Jammu Blu and added him to the nascent breeding program [2, 4, 6, 7, 9].

With very careful selective breeding, Sugden and a small number of other breeders have developed a breed with tiger-like traits. Sugden calls the slow process “squinch-by-squinch development” [4]. Over thirty years in, they still aren’t finished perfecting the Toyger [2, 5, 10]. Nonetheless, The International Cat Association (TICA) recognized Toygers as a breed in 1993 and accepted them for championship status in 2007 [1, 2, 6-10]. TICA remains the only registry that fully recognizes Toygers as championship-eligible [4], but the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), a U.K. registry, gave Toygers preliminary status in 2016 [2].

Breed Characteristics


Toygers are medium-to-large cats with long, low, muscular bodies [1, 2, 6-9]. Combined with their long toes, their body shape gives them a rolling gait like a tiger [1, 5, 6, 8]. They carry their long tails low like a big cat, too [2]. Toygers have a broad head with small, rounded ears and small-to-medium eyes [2, 4, 7]. Their signature trait, of course, is their tiger-like pelt.

Toyger fur is dense and plush. All Toygers are tabbies, with bold, vertical stripes that have broken and braided patterns just like tiger stripes [1, 4-8]. TICA and GCCF only recognize the “brown mackerel tabby” Toyger, which is the black-on-orange type that looks like your typical tiger [2, 9]. They also have some white on their undersides and gold “glitter” [1, 4, 6-9]. Glitter is a genetic trait that gives a cat’s coat a, well, glittery appearance. A few breeders do have Toygers in other colors, including silver/white Toygers meant to resemble white tigers [10].


The Toyger is an active, outgoing, and intelligent cat [1, 2, 5-9]. They need a lot of playtime and cognitive stimulation to make sure they don’t get bored [1, 5-7]. Happily, they are quite sociable and trainable, so there are plenty of ways you can entertain each other [1, 6, 8, 9]. Toygers are even recommended for running agility courses [1]! Toygers often enjoy learning tricks like fetch and going on walks on a leash [1, 6-8]. They can usually make friends with anybody, including children and other pets, so a Toyger can make a good family pet [1, 2, 5-7].

Keeping Company with Tigers

A Toyger’s short coat can pretty much take care of itself, but these kitties do shed quite a bit, so occasional brushing might be good just to keep the free-floating fluff to a minimum [2, 5, 7-9]. These cats need something to do when you’re out of the house, so make sure they have plenty of toys and maybe another pet to play with [8]. These smart kitties particularly enjoy the challenge of puzzle toys [6]. And Toygers are affectionate cats that love to spend time with their families, so make sure that you have that time to spend with them every day [1, 8]!

Special Health Concerns?

Because Toygers are such a new breed, and there are still very few of them, no one knows for sure what sort of breed-specific health problems they might turn out to have [1, 2, 7, 8]. So far, they seem to be generally healthy cats. Some breeders have reported adverse reactions to the feline leukemia vaccine in their cats, but this hasn’t been substantiated [2]. Toygers may have an increased risk for heart murmurs [7-9]. A 2016 study in the Journal of Veterinary Medicine discovered a serious developmental brain disorder in a family of Toygers [3].

Affected Toygers had underdeveloped or absent brain structures as well as enlarged ventricles (the fluid-filled cavities in the brain) and cysts in their brains [3]. They behaved surprisingly normally for all that, only seeming to be “clumsy” [3]. The disorder is a recessive genetic disorder, which means kittens must inherit it from both parents, and it is was tied to the trait of short, round ears that breeders select for in Toygers [3]. The researchers didn’t figure out why the brain problems and the ear shape were connected [3], and other Toygers with similar ears have not been shown to have the same problem. It remains to be seen if this condition was unique to this family of Toygers or if it is a more widespread problem that has not become obvious yet.

Adopting a Toyger

There are very few Toygers in the world because this is such a new breed, and there still are not many breeders. Add to that the fact that the breed is still under development, and you have a recipe for some very expensive cats. $5,000 for one Toyger kitten is pretty typical [4, 10]. The even rarer silver/white Toyger kittens are more expensive than that, up to $10,000 [10].

Because Toygers are descended from Bengals (albeit somewhat distantly) which are hybrids of domestic cats and Asian Leopard Cats, some locations consider Toygers wild animals [4]. Toygers may be banned outright or require a permit in your location, so be sure to check the local laws at all levels before you bring one home [4].

Remember, it’s always better to adopt than shop. Check out breed-specific rescues like Great Lakes Bengal Rescue to see if they have any Toygers that need a home! Also, responsible breeders will adopt out adult cats that don’t quite fit the breed standard or have been retired from breeding.

Fun Facts

  1. Toygers love water! They might sneak into the shower with you. [6]
  2. Every Toyger’s stripes are totally unique. [6, 7]
  3. Some Toyger breeders donate a portion of profits from kitten sales to tiger conservation. [5]
Toyger kittens on Animal Planet’s Too Cute!

Works Cited

  1. El’Sprite Toygers. (n.d.). Toyger information. OzToyger.
  2. Governing Council of the Cat Fancy. (n.d.). Toyger.
  3. Keating, M. K., Sturges, B. K., Siso, S., Wisner, E. R., et al. (2016). Characterization of an inherited neurological syndrome in Toyger cats with forebrain commissural malformations, ventriculomegaly and interhemispheric cysts. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 30, 617-626.
  4. Marvar, A. (2020, May 27). You thought your cat was fancy? She wanted a cat that looked like the tiger. Meet the Toyger. The New York Times.
  5. Scherr, A. (Producer). (2011, April 9). Tonkinese, Nebelung, Serengeti, Korat, Cats Gone Wild, RagaMuffin, Toyger (Season 3, Episode 3) [TV series episode]. In Cats 101, Powderhouse Productions.
  6. Sorocco, E. (2020, July 2). Toyger. Catster.
  7. Syufy, F. (2022, June 30). Toyger cat: Cat breed profile, characteristics & care. The Spruce Pets.
  8. Taylor, C. and Guthrie, C. (2021, March 24). Toyger. Daily Paws.
  9. The International Cat Association. (2020, April 13). Toyger breed.
  10. Urban Exotic Cats. (n.d.). The Toyger cat.

Published May 14th, 2023

Breed Profiles

Bombay: Parlor Panthers

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Bombay cat on black background
Photo by rejoman on freeimages

There is something a little bit wild and untamed about cats. For some time, cat fanciers have been inspired by that wildness to breed cats that look like their undomesticated kin. The Bombay is one such breed, intended to look like a tiny black panther. Despite the family resemblance, these friendly felines are much more at home in a cozy bed than an exotic jungle.

A Long Way from India

The cat fancier who conceived of breeding mini-panthers was a woman named Nikki Horner who lived in Louisville, Kentucky, USA [1-5, 7, 8]. She began breeding sable Burmese and black American Shorthair cats together in the 1950s [1-3, 5, 7]. Horner named her new breed the Bombay after the city in India, now known as Mumbai, as a nod to the country’s black leopards [4-7].

Another line of Bombay cats was started in the United Kingdom that crossed Burmese and British Shorthairs [1, 6]. Although they are still considered Bombays, they look a bit different from the ones that come from the American breeding program [1, 6].

The Patent Leather Kid with the New Penny Eyes

Bombay kitten by stone wall
Photo by costi on freeimages

The only color Bombays come in is black, and they are black all over–whiskers, paw pads, and nose leather, too [2, 6, 7]. Their coat is short, dense, and has a shine like patent leather [1-8]. Their eyes vary from gold to deep copper [1-8]. The Bombay is a muscular, medium-sized cat with a round head and short muzzle [1-8]. Their ears are rounded at the tips [1, 6, 7].

The Bombay personality is that of a total attention sponge [2-8]. They are real extroverts who get along well with all sorts, including children and other pets [2-5, 7, 8]. Because Bombays are so social, they can get stressed and lonely when left alone for long hours [4, 7, 8]. Fortunately, they are happy to play with another cat or a different animal friend.

The Bombay is a smart, playful kitty who likes to learn tricks, play games, and solve puzzles [3, 4]. They often enjoy playing fetch and going for walks on a leash [2-4, 7]. This is not a highly active breed that will keep you up all night, but they certainly appreciate some quality playtime [2-4]. They are in fact quite the lap cat and love a good cuddle [2, 4, 5, 8].

Pampering Parlor Panthers

Bombays are a pretty easy breed to care for. Their short, low-shed coats require very minimal grooming, just the occasional brushing to get rid of loose hair [3, 4, 7]. They are more prone to obesity than most cats, so it’s important to keep their food intake measured and monitor their weight carefully [3, 4, 7]. They also have a genetic propensity toward gingivitis and dental disease, so brushing their teeth and providing dental treats are good ideas [7].

The Bombay is slightly flat-faced, which makes them prone to excessive tear production and sinus and breathing problems [3, 4, 7]. They also have somewhat higher rates of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the most common form of heart disease in cats [3, 4]. On the whole, however, Bombays have a rather low incidence of health problems and are considered quite hardy for purebred cats.

The Bombay is a rare breed that can be hard to find. They may still end up in shelters or need to be rehomed, though, so check with your local shelter or with Bombay and Burmese breeders to see if a cat is in need of adoption before trying to buy one.

Fun Facts

  • Bombays tend to reach puberty early yet don’t finish growing until they are almost two years old [3].
  • Bombay kittens can be born with tabby stripes that disappear as they grow up [1].

Works Cited

  1. Alderton, D. (1992). Cats: The visual guide to more than 250 types of cats from around the world. Dorling Kindersley: London.
  2. Bombay. (n.d.). VCA Animal Hospitals
  3. Bombay. (n.d.). VetStreet.
  4. Brown, J. (2021, October 12). Bombay: Cat breed profile. The Spruce Pets.
  5. Cat Fanciers Association. (n.d.). About the Bombay.
  6. Edwards, A. (2006). The ultimate encyclopedia of cat, cat breeds, and cat care. Hermes House: London.
  7. Taylor, C. & Guthrie, C. (2021, October 12). Bombay. DailyPaws.
  8. The International Cat Association. (2018, August 13). Bombay breed.

Published April 17, 2022

Updated June 27, 2022

Breed Profiles

Tonkinese: The Best of Both Worlds

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Chocolate point Tonkinese cat
Photo by Stephanie Lauren from FreeImages

Tonkinese cats, affectionately known as Tonks, are a crossbreed of two popular color-point cats. They were conceived as a breed that would be the best of both, and their fans say they are exactly that. With origins in Thailand, England, Canada, and New Jersey, these globetrotting cats like nothing more than a welcoming home and a warm lap.


It is often said that the Tonkinese was first recognized in The Cat Poems, or Tamra Maew, which may have first been composed as long ago as the 12th century, according to The International Maew Boran Association (TIMBA). However, TIMBA reports that the Tamra Maew does not feature a cat matching the characteristics of the Tonkinese [8]. Instead, the Tamra Maew shows the parent breeds of the Tonkinese: the Siamese and Burmese [8].

Tonkinese cats are a cross between a Siamese and a Burmese, and all of the above occurred naturally in Thailand to begin with [8]. Tonks were probably imported to Britain in the 1880s as “chocolate Siamese,” but they were not recognized as a separate breed [2, 3, 10, 11]. The first time Tonks were intentionally bred was during the 1950s and early 1960s [1-3, 6, 9, 10]. Cat fanciers Jane Barletta of New Jersey and Margaret Conroy of Ontario collaborated to establish the breed [2, 7, 10]. The Canadian Cat Association was the first to recognize the breed in 1971, using the standard written by Barletta [10].

Breed Characteristics


Tonkinese cats have an appearance that is intermediate between the two parents breeds, although their traits vary along a spectrum from more Siamese-like to more Burmese-like. Tonks have a color-point pattern, like both parent breeds, but they can have three different variations of color-point patterning. This is because Siamese and Burmese cats have two different partial, temperature-sensitive albinism genes that both give them color-points [6]. Siamese cats have two copies of the recessive cs version of the gene which causes high-contrast color-points [6]. Burmese cats have two copies of the recessive cb version which causes low-contrast color-points, almost a solid-colored pelt [6].

Because Tonkinese cats are a cross between these two breeds, they can have three combinations: cs cs, cb cb, or cs cb [6]. If they have the cs cs genotype, their pattern will look like a Siamese cat’s, and this is called “point” in Tonks [6]. If they have cb cb, they will have the Burmese pattern which is called “solid,” although it isn’t quite a solid color [6]. The cs cb genotype produces a coloration called “mink,” which is the preferred coloration in Tonkinese [6]. It has a darker body color than a Siamese but lighter than a Burmese.

Eye color in Tonkinese is coordinated with their pattern. Point cats tend to have blue eyes like Siamese, and solids have chartreuse eyes inherited from the Burmese. Minks have striking aquamarine eyes. [2, 3, 7, 9] Coat color is even more variable. There are four traditional show colors: platinum/lilac, champagne/chocolate, natural/black, and blue [2, 3, 5, 6, 9]. However, the breed can also come in other colors and even have tabby and tortoiseshell points [1, 4, 7].

The Tonk body type is intermediate between the svelte, angular Siamese and the stocky Burmese. They are slim yet muscular, with a head that is gently wedge-shaped. [1, 4, 7] Their muzzle is short with an angle to the nose that comes from the Burmese side [1, 4]. Their fur is short, silky, and dense [1-4, 7, 9, 11]. Purrfect for petting!


The Tonkinese is a highly social and affectionate breed [1-3, 5, 7, 9, 10]. They are very playful but also love to snuggle [2, 3, 5, 7, 10]. They do not, however, like to be alone [2, 3, 5, 10]. Fortunately, Tonks tend to get along with everyone, including children and other animals, so if you have another pet to be their friend, they won’t be lonely while you’re away [2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11].

Like their Siamese forebears, Tonks are smart and curious, which can lead them into trouble, especially if they get bored [2, 3, 7, 11]. They are known for their knack for opening doors [11]. Keep these active cats occupied with puzzle toys, plenty of interactive playtime, and maybe even teaching them tricks [2, 5, 9, 11]. They also have some of the talkativeness of Siamese, so be ready for lots of lively conversations [2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11]!

Tonk Life

Perhaps the hardest thing about caring for a Tonkinese is making sure you catproof the house before you get one [3, 10]. You should do that for any cat, but as Tonks are both active and particularly inquisitive, just moving things to a high shelf may not be enough.

Tonks require very little grooming. Their coat is of a quality that they can pretty much take care of it themselves. However, their pelt can benefit from a weekly brushing to remove loose hair. [1-5, 9, 11] Your clothes and furniture will benefit, as well.

Tonkinese are a generally healthy breed, but there are some health problems that crop up from time to time. Tonks are prone to gingivitis, so it is a good idea to start brushing their teeth as kittens so it doesn’t become a necessary but horrible battle later in life [2, 5, 9]. This breed can also be sensitive to anesthesia [9]. Irritable Bowel Disease is more common in Tonks as well [2, 5]. If you have concerns about your cat’s health, always consult your veterinarian.

Remember, even purebred cats end up in shelters and rescues, so adopt, don’t shop, for your new best friend! If you are in the U.S., this Facebook group is specifically for people looking to rescue a Tonkinese.

Fun Facts

  • The Tonkinese was named after either the Tonkin region or the Bay of Tonkin in Vietnam. It has nothing to do with the cat, but the choice of name may have been related to the Vietnam War. [2, 9, 10]
  • The largest litter of kittens ever born was to a Tonkinese cat–19 kittens! The average for a queen is 5. [2]
  • According to J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World website, the 2nd most popular Patronus is a Tonkinese Cat. This may indicate that the witch or wizard is “a curious and loving person.” [12]

Works Cited

  1. Alderton, D. (1992). Cats: The visual guide to more than 250 types of cats from around the world. Dorling Kindersley: London.
  2. Braaksma, H. (n.d.). Tonkinese. DailyPaws.
  3. Cat Fanciers’ Association. (n.d.). About the Tonkinese. CFA.
  4. Edwards, A. (2006). The ultimate encyclopedia of cat, cat breeds, and cat care. Hermes House: London.
  5. Fratt, K. (2019, July 23). Tonkinese: Cat breed profile. The Spruce Pets.
  6. Martino, L. (n.d.). Tonkinese genetics: Color, coat pattern, and eye color. Tonkinese Breed Association.
  7. The International Cat Association. (2018, August 13). Tonkinese breed. TICA.
  8. The International Maew Boran Association. (n.d.). Thai Tonkinese. TIMBA.
  9. Thornton, K. C. (2017, August 14). Let’s talk about the Tonkinese cat. Catster.
  10. Tonkinese. (n.d.). PetMD.
  11. Tonkinese. (n.d.). VCAHospitals.
  12. Wizarding World Team. (2019, November 25). What your Patronus says about you. Wizarding World.

Published November 14, 2021

Breed Profiles

Russian Blue: Green-eyed Arctic Angels

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Russian Blue cat face
Photo by Robert W. from Pixabay

The Russian Blue is a very aptly-named cat. They likely originated in Russia, and they are blue. Well, “blue” in the cat fancy sense. Blue is the dilute form of black, caused by a mutation that lightens the cat’s fur. It appears gray or blue-gray. Russian Blues are strikingly beautiful cats, but they’re not just a pretty face. This breed has had to fight for survival from the very beginning.


The Russian Blue was a naturally-occurring cat breed that arose in the arctic climes of the Arkhangelsk Isles of Northern Russia [2-4, 7, 8]. At least, that’s the prevailing theory. The breed is old, maybe over 400 years old [1]. Its origins haven’t been pinned down for certain. It is said that there are still wild-living blue cats in the area today, giving credence to the idea [6, 9]. Additionally, the Russian Blue’s thick pelt is thought to be an adaptation to the long and severely cold winters they faced in their native environment [2, 4, 9, 10]. Legend has it that they were hunted in the wilderness for those luxurious, seal-like pelts [6, 7, 10]. We can only hope that it’s just a tall tale.

Merchant ships from the port of Arkhangelsk probably brought the cats to Britain [6, 5, 9-11]. The first of these blue Russian cats was shown at the 1875 Crystal Palace Cat Show in London [4, 8, 9, 11]. Arkhangelsk means “archangel” in English, so it was named the Archangel Cat [6, 10]. At first, the Archangel Cat/Russian Blue was not a cat fancier favorite. At early cat shows, it was categorized with all the other blue cats [1, 4, 6, 9-11]. British judges preferred the look of the British Blue, now blue British Shorthair, so Russian Blues rarely took home prizes [6, 9, 10]. The breed began to come into its own when the GCCF gave the breed a separate classification in 1912 [1, 4, 6, 8-11]. They were first exported to the United States around the same time [1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 11].

Like many pedigreed cat breeds, the Russian Blue nearly went extinct during World War II [5, 6, 9, 10]. After the war, two different versions of the Russian Blue emerged in Europe. In England, Russian Blues that survived the war were bred with British Blues and blue-point Siamese [6, 10]. Scandinavian breeders bred blue cats from Finland with blue-point Siamese to resurrect the breed [6, 10]. North American breeders finally achieved cats everyone could agree on by crossing the two bloodlines [4, 6, 7, 10, 11]. The Russian Blue has increased in popularity since the 1960s and is now a favored pet and show cat breed [2, 4, 7, 8, 10].

Russian Blue cat in red bow tie
Photo by VS_star from Pixabay

Breed Characteristics


A Russian Blue’s coat is one of its distinguishing features. As expected, their fur is usually blue, although in Australia and New Zealand the breed standard allows for black and white as well [1, 11]. The blue coloration has a silvery cast due to silver tips on each guard hair [2, 4, 7, 9, 10]. They are solid-colored, but kittens may sometimes have faint tabby markings called “ghost stripes” that fade with age [7, 11]. They have a double coat with a soft, silky texture. It’s so plush, you can draw in it with your finger [7, 10]! In addition to their shimmery, luxurious pelts, Russian Blues are known for their striking green eyes. Kittens’ eyes turn yellow first, then begin to form a green ring around four months of age [2, 10]. By adulthood, their eyes will be green [1, 2, 10].

Russian Blues are medium-sized cats with wedge-shaped heads and long, tapering tails. They are fine-boned and muscular but look stockier due to the thickness of their coats. Their ears are large and set far apart. Their noses and paw pads are blue like the rest of them. Perhaps their cutest feature is their upturned mouths which give them the appearance of a perpetual smile [3, 8-10].


Russian Blues are a bit introverted. They bond strongly with their people, especially their favorite person, and are very affection and playful. They tend to be shy and nervous with strangers, however, and are likely to hide from them. Russian Blues also don’t mind being alone for long stretches of time if need be. These cats are good at entertaining themselves. They would prefer to play with you, though! Fetch is a favorite game. They’re sensitive to emotions and often react to cheer up or comfort their people. Russian Blues require a little sensitivity in return, though. They are easily startled, so be nice to the scaredy-cat.

With all that Siamese in their ancestry, it should come as no surprise that Russian Blues can be talkers. Oddly enough, though, they talk very quietly, most unlike Siamese. The more they are talked to, the more likely they are to engage in conversation [3, 8, 11].

Cats are known for not liking change and messes, but Russian Blues are extremely displeased by those things. They are naturally cautious, so changes in routine, even small ones, really upset their apple cart. They tend to be very food-motivated, making that especially true of changes to mealtime. And they infamously do not like a messy litterbox. Can you blame them?

Living with an Archangel

Russian Blues are pretty low-maintenance. They require very little grooming. An occasional brushing will do to get the dead hair out of their coat. They are keen hunters, so they need plenty of toys to keep them busy. Because they are independent cats and they usually get along well with children and other pets, so they can be a good option for busy families. It’s important for any children to know that kitty gets scared easily, however.

A Russian Blue needs a predictable schedule. Any changes must be implemented slowly. They also need to have their litterbox cleaned frequently or they might refuse to use it. Russian Blues are also known to be overeaters, if they have the chance, so free-feeding really isn’t an option with this breed. Don’t let them talk you into feeding them scraps or a bunch of treats, either. That precious face can be very convincing if you aren’t careful. Let children and guests know not to give in, either.

Are Russian Blues Hypoallergenic?

There’s no such thing as a cat that straight up does not cause allergies. There are a handful of cat breeds that are considered hypoallergenic because they tend to cause less allergies, however. The Russian Blue is one of them. They produce less of the Fel D1 protein, one of the substances in cats’ skin which causes allergies in some people [2, 3, 8]. They also don’t shed very much [2, 8]. Although cat dander, not cat hair, is the primary cause of allergies, floating cat hair can spread the dander around. That being said, if you are looking for a hypoallergenic cat, don’t rush out and buy a Russian Blue just yet. Allergies are highly variable. A person with cat allergies should spend some time with Russian Blues first to see if they can tolerate the breed before deciding to get one.

Health Concerns

Perhaps due to its start as a natural breed, the Russian Blue is a very healthy pedigreed cat. The biggest risk is obesity, due to this breed’s propensity to overeat [2, 10]. Other than that, they may have an elevated risk of bladder stones [11]. They have some risk of progressive retinal atrophy, a degenerative eye disease, and polycystic kidney disease as well [2]. They really carry very little breed-associated health risk. That’s not to say they can’t get sick like any other cat, of course, so always keep up with your cat’s regular veterinary check-ups.

Fun Facts

  • The Russian Blue has also been shown under the names Archangel Blue, Maltese, Spanish Blue, and Foreign Blue. [1, 5, 6, 11]
  • Folklore holds that Russians Blues have healing powers or are omens of good luck. [2, 7, 11]
  • Legend has it that Russian Blues were favorite pets of the Russian Czars once upon a time. [2-4, 6-8, 11]
  • Nyan Cat was inspired by artist Chris Torres’s Russian Blue, Marty. [6]
Nyan Cat!

Works Cited

  1. Alderton, D. (1992). Cats: The visual guide to more than 250 types of cats from around the world. Dorling Kindersley Limited: London.
  2. Braaksma, H. (n.d.). Russian Blue. Daily Paws.
  3. Brown, J. (2020, January 2). Russian Blue cat: Cat breed profile. The Spruce Pets.
  4. Cat Fanciers’ Association. (n.d.). About the Russian Blue.
  5. Edwards, A. (2006). The ultimate encyclopedia of cat, cat breeds, and cat care. Hermes House: London.
  6. Fawcett, K. (2016, September 2). 8 elegant facts about Russian Blue cats. Mental Floss.
  7. Johnson, P. (2001, June). The Russian Blue. The Cat Fancier’s Almanac. Retrieved from
  8. Pet Care Center. (n.d.). Russian Blue cat information and personality traits. Hill’s Pet.
  9. Petfinder. (n.d.). Russian Blue.
  10. Russian Blue. (2016, July 1). PetMD.
  11. Russian Blue/Nebelung. (n.d.). VetStreet.

Published May 9th, 2021

Updated June 14th, 2023

Breed Profiles

Egyptian Mau: Cat of the Pharaohs

Encyclopaedia Felidae now has a Patreon! Go to if you want to help support this content!

Bronze Egyptian Mau cat
Bronze Egyptian Mau – Image by liz west via Wikimedia Commons

The art of the ancient Egyptians frequently depicts cats, an animal which they considered sacred. The cats in their artwork bear a striking resemblance to a modern cat breed, the Egyptian Mau. Some believe that Egyptian Maus are actually the direct descendants of those ancient cats, a divine bloodline carried through the feral street cats of Cairo and into these pedigreed beauties. Maybe that’s true and maybe it isn’t. Egyptian Maus are special in their own right, and no cat needs to be told they deserve to be worshipped.

The male cat is Ra himself, and he is called by reason of the speech of the god Sa, who said concerning him, “He is like unto that which he hath made, thus his name became ‘Mau.'”

Egyptian Book of the Dead, 240 BCE

Along the River Nile?

According to legend, the history of the Egyptian Mau goes all the way back to ancient Egypt. Egyptian art and papyri dating as far back as 1550 BCE show similar spotted cats (9). The cats are shown assisting on duck hunts as well as in religious contexts (8, 9). However, we only know for sure that the Egyptian Mau was bred and shown in Europe in the early twentieth century (2, 4, 7, 8). Then World War II broke out, and cat fancy was one of the many things to be interrupted. Many breeding programs fell by the wayside during the war, and at its end very few Egyptian Maus remained (2, 4, 7, 8). The breed needed a hero, but not a knight in shining armor. They needed a princess to save them.

Princess Natalie Troubetskoy (or Trubetskaya) was living in exile in Rome (2, 4, 7, 8, 10). While there, she was given a silver, spotted female kitten (2). In one version of the story, the kitten came from a boy who had been keeping her in a shoebox (2). In another, the Egyptian ambassador to Italy gave her to Princess Natalie (2, 5). The princess named the kitten Baba (2, 8). She loved Baba’s unusual spotted coat. Princess Natalie bred Baba, and Baba had two kittens: a silver female, Liza, and a bronze male, Jojo, both spotted like their mother (1, 10). Princess Natalie immigrated to New York City in 1956 and brought the three cats with her (1, 2, 4, 8, 10). There, she established the Fatima Cattery to breed Egyptian Maus and wrote a breed standard (2, 4, 7, 10).

The Egyptian Mau was well-received, but early breeders faced a serious dilemma. The gene pool was miniscule. Inbreeding was inevitable, and the cats soon began to have problems. Diseases included cardiomyopathy and asthma cropped up (10). Aggressive and disagreeable temperaments were a pervasive problem as well (7, 10). The only solution was to bring more cats into the breeding program. During the 1980s and 90s, cats with a similar type were imported from Egypt and India, including the Delhi Zoo (4, 5, 8, 10). Although Egyptian Maus remain a less common breed, the gene pool is now much larger, and the problems that were pervasive in early breeding lines have largely disappeared (10).

How Egyptian is the Egyptian Mau?

Phylogenetic tree showing genetic relatedness of 24 cat breeds – Menotti-Raymond et al., 2008, Fig. 4

Genetic tools enable all kinds of interesting discoveries. Apparently I’m 0.4% Coptic Egyptian. But how Egyptian is the Egyptian Mau? The long-standing narrative assumes a direct line of descent from African wildcats to ancient Egyptian domestic cats to Egyptian Maus. Studies of the genetic variance between cat breeds and populations of non-pedigreed cats throws a monkey wrench into that story, however.

Genetic studies suggest significant European influences on the Egyptian Mau (4-6, 8). The waters are a bit muddy even here. Egyptian Maus were found to be more closely related to random-bred cats from Turkey and Tunisia than those from Egypt (5). A mitochondrial DNA analysis, which follows the maternal line, grouped Egyptian Maus with the Siamese, Russian Blue, Abyssinian, and Korat (5). Those breeds all have an Asian origin. Later studies using different methods have grouped the Egyptian Mau with Turkish Angoras and Turkish Vans (5, 6). A Turkish origin seems likely, based on the genetic evidence. As little is known about the breed before Princess Natalie revived it, pretty much anything is on the table.

Breed Characteristics

House Cheetahs

The thing that makes Egyptian Maus stand out is their spots. In fact, they are the only* naturally spotted breed of cat. This means that no one selectively bred them to try to engineer a spotted coat. They did it all on their own. Cat fanciers and cat people in general liked how their spotted coats resemble a wild cat. But these kitties aren’t hybrids like Savannahs and Bengals. They just look the part.

Their dark spots cover the body but can vary in shape and size (3, 10). They have “vest button” spots lining their pale undersides (1, 2). Egyptian Maus have a dark stripe running alone the length of their backs and tails (1). Their facial markings stand out as well. An M on their foreheads marks Egyptian Maus as a type of tabby, although you might not think of a spotted cat that way (1-4, 8). In this breed, that M is sometimes called “the mark of the scarab” because it allegedly resembles the pattern on the shell of the scarab beetle (3, 8). Egyptian Maus also have stripes resembling eyeliner running from the outer corner of each eye (1, 2, 4, 8). Their tails have dark stripes and tips (1, 4).

Only three colors of Egyptian Mau are accepted for showing: silver, bronze, and smoke. The silver has black markings on a light gray base. The bronze is thought to most closely resemble the cats of ancient Egypt, based upon the art they left behind (3). It has dark brown or black markings on a light brown base color. The smoke has solid black markings on a black smoke coat, where each hair is white with a black tip. The breed does come in a few other colors, including solids, but only as pets.

CFA Premier Shainefer’s Albion Argent, a silver Egyptian Mau – Image by Catbar via Wikimedia Commons

The Egyptian Mau is a medium-sized cat with a muscular yet graceful body. The hind legs are a little longer than the forelegs. Egyptian Maus have a flap of loose skin from their flanks to their hind knees which enables their back legs to stretch out farther when running (4, 7-10). Cheetah’s have a similar skin fold. This enables Egyptian Maus to be incredible runners and jumpers (4, 8-10).

Their heads strongly resemble ancient Egyptian depictions of cats. The shape is a rounded wedge with medium-to-large ears set well apart. The eyes are large, almond-shaped, and slant slightly upward. They are a characteristic gooseberry green color. Kittens can take a while to fully develop this eye color, and it sometimes becomes paler with age.

*The only recognized one, that is. There are others, such as the Bahraini Dilmun Cat, but they are not recognized by any cat fancy association.


Egyptian Maus are fiercely loyal cats. They bond strongly to their person or family. These cats are people-oriented and enjoy spending time with whoever they taken a shine to. They usually don’t like strangers and tend to hide around guests. Socialization at a young age is important to help them be as social as possible. If you adopt an adult Egyptian Mau, don’t be surprised if it takes a while for them to warm up to you. They just need extra patience. The wait will be worth it.

Egyptian Maus communicate quietly and charmingly. They typically use softer vocalizations like chirps and one all their own called a chortle. When pleased, they tread their feet. If excited, they “wiggle tail.” Incidentally, my Joon does this too, and it is truly bizarre. It looks like what cats do with their tails when they’re spraying, but without the spraying. I’m sort of relieved to know other cats do that, too. I digress.

The Egyptian Mau is an active breed. They enjoy games and puzzles, and some even like to play in water. Fetch tends to be a favorite. They can sometimes be possessive, including of their toys, so supervise an Egyptian Mau when they’re playing with a child or another animal until you know what to expect.

Egyptian Mau vs. Fish Toy

Caring for an Egyptian Mau

The Egyptian Mau is not known to have breed-specific health problems anymore. The addition of new, random-bred cats to the breeding population turned it into a very healthy breed. They don’t require extensive grooming, either, just the occasional brushing that any shorthair benefits from. As far as pedigreed cats go, Egyptian Maus are pretty low-maintenance, but there are some things to keep in mind.

While not hyperactive, these are athletic cats that will need plenty of places to climb. They may be good candidates for leash walking to work those long legs. Don’t forget that they are excellent jumpers, so they can probably reach heights that many cats couldn’t. Deprive them of a cat tree at your peril. They are excellent hunters, so playtime that mimics natural hunting behavior–and gets their favorite human involved–is a great way to give them some exercise, too.

Egyptian Maus get along pretty well with children, other cats, and dogs, as long as they are properly introduced. Remember, though, they aren’t fond of strangers, so new pets need to be introduced very carefully and slowly. An Egyptian Mau that wasn’t well-socialized to other animals as a kitten may not be able to cope at all. Proceed with caution. When it comes to small animals, proceed with even greater caution. The Egyptian Mau loves to hunt. Unfortunately, they see pet birds, rodents, etc. no differently than any other prey animal and might kill them (2, 8). If you have any pets that a cat might see as prey, make absolutely sure that your Egyptian Mau cannot get to them.

If you are considering an Egyptian Mau of your very own, try the CFA Egyptian Mau Breed Council Rescue or The Egyptian Mau Club‘s re-homing list. You can also check with your local shelters. Purebred go to the pound, too.

Fun Facts

  • The word “mau” comes from the Middle Egyptian “mjw,” meaning both “cat” and “sun.” (3, 6)
  • Egyptian Maus often don’t lose their baby teeth until their permanent teeth have already come in. This means, sometime between four and seven months old, they can have two full sets of teeth! (10)
  • The Egyptian Mau gestation period is longer than usual for cats. Most cats kit after about 63 days, but Egyptian Maus can have their kittens a week later with no problems. (4, 10)
  • The Egyptian Mau is the fastest breed of domestic cat. They can run at speeds up to 30 mph (48.3 kph)! (2, 4, 8)

Works Cited

  1. Alderton, D. (1992). Cats: The visual guide to more than 250 types of cats from around the world. Dorling Kindersley Limited: London.
  2. CatTime. (n.d.). Egyptian Mau. TotallyHer Media, LLC.
  3. Edwards, A. (2006). The ultimate encyclopedia of cat, cat breeds, and cat care. Hermes House: London.
  4. Fawcett, K. (2016, June 24). 6 fast facts about Egyptian Mau cats. Mental Floss.
  5. Hartwell, S. (2013). Cat-breed DNA studies: True origins or legitimising impostors?
  6. Menotti-Raymond, M., David, V. A., Pflueger, S. M., Lindblad-Toh, K., et al. (2008). Patterns of molecular genetic variation among cat breeds. Genomics, 91(1), 1-11.
  7. Petfinder. (n.d.). Egyptian Mau.
  8. Syufy, F. (2019, September 22). Egyptian Mau: Cat breed profile. The Spruce Pets.
  9. The Cat Fanciers’ Association. (n.d.). About the Egyptian Mau.
  10. The Egyptian Mau. (2002).

Published March 14, 2021

Breed Profiles

Snowshoe: Special Snowflakes of Cat Fancy

Encyclopaedia Felidae now has a Patreon! Go to if you want to help support this content!

Snowshoe cat on sofa
Image by TootSweetCarole from Pixabay

There’s a winter storm coming across half the United States this week, so now seemed like the perfect time to talk about the Snowshoe. No, not the things for your feet, although you might want some of those. I’m referring to an uncommon breed of cat whose paws look like they just took a stroll through the snow.

A Happy Accident

White paws cropped up occasionally as a “flaw” in Siamese cats for a long time (5). There is evidence of this is a Victorian photograph of a litter of purebred Siamese kittens in which one kitten has four white paws (2-4). The modern breed is fairly new, however. The first attempt to breed a color-point cat with white socks took place in the 1950s (2, 4). The nascent breed was called Silver Laces, but the breeding program was short-lived (2, 4). They got a second chance in the ’60s.

Dorothy Hinds-Daugherty, a Siamese breeder in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, discovered three kittens with white paws in one of her cattery’s litters (3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10). She thought the trait had potential. Hinds-Daugherty began by breeding the white-footed Siamese to a tuxedo Domestic Shorthair (3, 4, 6, 7, 10). This introduced white facial markings (3, 6, 10). She then bred those offspring back to Siamese cats to bring back the color-point pattern, which is recessive and must be inherited from both parents (7, 9). The resulting breed type was not quite like either parent breed. Hinds-Daugherty coined it the Snowshoe in honor of the white paws that started it all and applied (2, 3).

The Snowshoe faced an uphill battle, however. Some cat fanciers opposed the breed because they feared it might cause white markings to become a widespread problem in Siamese breeding stock (1). Snowshoes are also just difficult to breed. Their pattern relies on a combination of recessive traits and other genetic factors (2, 9). Breeders were discouraged by the inconsistency of the white markings (10). By 1977, only four Snowshoes were registered (2, 3). Just in time, breeders started to seriously take interest in Snowshoes. Nevertheless, the breed is still rare and difficulties remain in conforming these cats to type (2, 4, 9).

Breed Characteristics

Snowshoe cat full body
Championship Snowshoe – The International Cat Association

Straight to the Points

The hallmark of Snowshoes is their unique markings. They have a color-point pattern like their Siamese ancestors, meaning they have light-colored bodies with darker coloration on their legs, tails, ears, and faces (1-10). Although color-points can be any color and even come in patterns like tabby or tortoiseshell, Snowshoes are almost always seal (black/dark brown) or blue (gray) point (2-6, 9, 10). Lighter point colors make the Snowshoe’s white markings difficult to distinguish, and some may be difficult to breed (2, 4, 10).

Like all color-point cats, Snowshoes are born completely white and begin to develop their pattern with age. It may take up to two years for a Snowshoe’s pattern to come in (1)! Only once the color-points begin to appear and the body to darken will the other markings become apparent.

Snowshoes must have four white paws, but they can have other white markings as well (1-10). Snowshoes may or may not have white patches on their chins, chests, and stomachs (2, 4, 6-8). They can also have white on their faces. The breed standard prefers an inverted, symmetrical V in the center of the face (2-4, 9). Of course, the actual patterns of bicolor cats vary widely, which is just one of the difficulties in breeding Snowshoes.

The Snowshoe is not just a Siamese cat with white feet. Snowshoes have a blend of traits from both Siamese and Domestic Shorthairs. They are a medium-sized cat, moderately long like a Siamese but also muscular and athletic like a Domestic Shorthair (1-5, 7, 9, 10). The head is roughly shaped like an equilateral triangle (1-3, 9, 10). Inset in that face are the Siamese’s striking blue eyes (1-10). The eyes are considered “walnut shaped,” rounder than a Siamese’s almond eyes but narrower than a Domestic Shorthair’s (2-4, 9). They have short to medium fur with a smooth texture (4, 7, 9, 10).


Like everything else about them, the Snowshoe’s personality is a little bit Siamese, a little bit Domestic Shorthair. Like the Siamese, they are very “talkative” cats, although Snowshoes have a quieter voice with a melodic sound (4, 6-10). They’re intelligent, active cats who often enjoy learning tricks and games (3, 4, 8, 9). Snowshoes can be quite good at feline agility courses (4, 8)! Curiously, Snowshoes also enjoy playing and even sometimes swimming in water, a trait that doesn’t seem to come from either side of the family (3, 4, 6-9).

Snowshoe cat close-up
All Snowshoes have blue eyes – Image by TootSweetCarole from Pixabay

Snowshoes are highly social cats. They tend to bond most strongly to one person and want to spend a whole lot of time together (3, 4, 8-10). They’re usually pretty outgoing, however, and will be friendly to any trusted person–or pet. Snowshoes do well with children, dogs, and other cats, and in fact typically prefer to have some company when the humans are away (3, 4, 6, 8, 9).

Care and Keeping of Snowshoes

There are no known breed-associated health concerns with Snowshoes. Part of this is likely due to the newness of the breed. The Domestic Shorthair background may play a role as well. Domestic Shorthairs are just regular cats couched in fancy language, and they have the most genetic diversity in the cat world with occasional exceptions. Snowshoes can sometimes have kinked tails or crossed eyes like Siamese cats, but these idiosyncrasies don’t cause the cats any harm (4, 6, 9).

Because they are so social, Snowshoes can be prone to separation anxiety or simply boredom when left home alone (3, 6, 9). Fortunately, these cats’ ability to play well with other animals means that people who can’t be home all day, which is to say most of us, can have a Snowshoe as long as they have other pets to keep them company. Plenty of toys and places to climb is also recommended to keep these active cats out of trouble.

Snowshoes are really pretty low-maintenance as purebred cats go. Their short, single-layer coat requires only the most basic of grooming. No bathing required.

If you would like a Snowshoe of your own, Siamese cat rescues sometimes take them in, like Austin Siamese Rescue. SOS Cat Rescue and Rehoming, also in Texas, USA, rescues Siamese, Oriental Shorthairs, and Snowshoes. You can also check at your local shelter. Even purebred cats are surrendered and waiting for a forever home.

Fun Facts

  • Tardar Sauce, the world-famous Grumpy Cat, was a mixed-breed thought to have had Snowshoe in her gene pool, maybe. Her mother was a calico and her father was suspected to be a certain blue-and-white tabby but no one can say for sure. (3, 9)
  • A Snowshoe from California named Dusty earned the nickname Klepto Kitty due to his habit of stealing the neighbors’ belongings. Not just once or twice. Dusty was feature on The Late Show with David Letterman in February 2011, by which time he had stolen over 600 items! Dish towels, socks, gloves, and balls were frequent targets, but nothing–not even bikinis–was safe. (3, 8, 9)
  • A purebred Snowshoe kitten can cost between $750 and $1800. (3)
Dusty the Klepto Kitty

Works Cited

  1. Alderton, D. (1992). Cats: The visual guide to more than 250 types of cats from around the world. Dorling Kindersley Limited: London.
  2. American Cat Fanciers’ Association. (n.d.). Snowshoe breed synopsis.
  3. Baines, L. (2020, December 11). Introducing a puss in boots: The Snowshoe cat breed. CertaPet.
  4. Cattime. (n.d.). Snowshoe. TotallyPets.
  5. Edwards, A. (2006). The ultimate encyclopedia of cat, cat breeds, and cat care. Hermes House: London.
  6. Johnstone, G. (2019, September 23). Snowshoe cat: Breed profile. The Spruce Pets.
  7. Petfinder. (n.d.). Showshoe.
  8. Sorocco, E. (2019, January 10). 11 reasons to love the Snowshoe cat. Catster. Retrieved from
  9. Taylor, C. (2020, September 4). Snowshoe cat. Daily Paws.
  10. The International Cat Association. (2018, August 13). Snowshoe breed.

Published February 14, 2021

Breed Profiles

Havana Brown: Chocolate Delights

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Brown cat with green eyes
Havana Browns are a rare and exquisite breed – Photo by Dave Scelfo on Wikimedia Commons

The Havana Brown is a cat that cast quite a spell over a corner of the cat fancy, but it nearly went extinct in the late 20th century. Without careful maintenance, it still might, and these chocolate-coated beauties would be lost to future cat lovers.


Intercontinental Origins

Solid, or “self,” brown cats, while somewhat uncommon, have existed for a very, very long time. Images and descriptions of self-brown cats were included in the Tamra Maew, the Cat-Book Poems, which were written in Thailand as early as 1350 B.C. (1, 2). As a breed, however, they are a more recent development.

When the forebears of modern Siamese cats were first imported to England from Siam/Thailand, self-brown cats were included among them (2, 3). The Tamra Maew describes the Thai brown cats, named Suphalak or Thong Daeng, as copper-colored with eyes the color of pomegranates (1). The skin of Thai pomegranates is golden yellow, not red as in many other locales (1). There are records of self-brown cats being shown in English cats shows in the late 1800s (4, 5). We can imagine a cat rather like a Suphalak or a solid brown Siamese.

After a while, the self-brown cats fell out of favor. The Siamese Cat Club of Britain issued a statement in 1920, saying “the club much regrets it is unable to encourage the breeding of any but blue-eyed Siamese” (3, 4, 6). It’s thought that this caused the decline in self-brown cats. Fewer of them had blue eyes than the pointed Siamese, and those without blue eyes were excluded from shows and no longer bred (2-4, 6).

To the Brink and Back

In the 1950s, a group of British cat breeders set about to create self-brown cats and determine how the trait is inherited. There is some debate whether the first successful breeding was intentional or accidental (7), but the breeders kept meticulous records of all the matings and kittens in their programs, so we know what happened either way (6). Mrs. Munroe-Smith, owner of Elmtower Cattery, had a black Domestic Shorthair she-cat named Elmtower Susannah and a seal-point Siamese tom named Elmtower Tombee (6). Both carried the trait for chocolate fur, and when they mated–whether by human intention or not–they produced a self-brown tom kitten (2, 3, 6).

Elmtower Bronze Idol, born 1952, was the first Havana Brown to be registered, but more kittens soon followed (4-7). Although black Domestic Shorthairs and seal-point Siamese were the most common and successful contributors to the breed, chocolate-point Siamese and Russian Blues are part of their background as well (2-6). The very new breed was imported to the United States within a few years (2, 5, 6, 8). In England, Havana Browns continued to be bred back to Siamese, causing them to become less and less distinctly their own breed and eventually morph into a variety of Oriental Shorthair (3-6). In North America, the foundation type has been retained, and the Havana Brown remains a distinct breed (3-6).

Unfortunately, part of what has made that possible is a small gene pool. The Cat Fancier’s Association cut the Havana Brown off from outcrossing to other breeds in 1974, too soon according to many breeders (2, 4). Their fears were borne out as Havana Brown numbers and genetic diversity dwindled, and breeders struggled to keep the breed alive without damaging the health of the kittens they were breeding (2, 4).

Under pressure from breeders, in 1998 the Cat Fanciers’ Association opened up an out-crossing program that allows Havana Browns to be crossed to black or blue Domestic Shorthairs, most colors of Oriental Shorthair, and seal- or chocolate-point Siamese (2, 3, 9, 8). Kittens of a Havana Brown and an allowable out-cross are bred back to a Havana Brown, and the kittens thus produced can be registered as Havana Browns if they meet the standard (2, 3, 9). These efforts have so far helped bring the Havana Brown a few paces back from the brink of extinction, but they remain extremely rare, and there is still a significant risk of losing this breed for good (2).

Breed Characteristics

As I have made abundantly clear, Havana Browns are famous for their rich, brown coat. Their fur is short to medium in length, with a texture said to resemble mink (8, 9). Although all brown cats are referred to as “chocolate” in the cat fancy, Havana Browns tend toward more of a red-brown/mahogany hue (1, 2, 5, 8, 9). Brown coat color is a recessive genetic trait, which is why early breeders could only achieve brown cats when both parents carried an allele for brown coloration.

The Havana Brown’s eyes are vivid green. Although the Russian Blue is thought to have played a fairly minor role in creating the Havana Brown, it is interesting to note that while the Suphalak had amber eyes and the Siamese has blue eyes, the end result of the program has green.

Havana Browns are medium-sized cats with medium builds. They have a distinctive head shape, longer than it is wide. The muzzle appears a bit square. The shape is, amusingly, described as a “corn cob” stuck on the front of the cat’s otherwise rather triangular head (5, 7-9). I can see it, although I feel like that is not the most dignified thing one could say about a cat’s face.

A Havana Brown’s nose leather is rosy-brown, and their paw pads a.k.a toe beans are rose-toned (2, 3, 8, 9). The whiskers are also brown. In fact, the Havana Brown is the only breed wherein whisker color is part of the breed standard (3).

When it comes to personality, Havana Browns are a very kitten-ish bunch. They are playful, friendly, and people-oriented. While not a wildly active breed, they love their toys and playtime. They also love attention and spending time with their people. This is not a breed that does well spending a lot of time alone. They do, however, get along well with children and other pets. Sometimes they can be shy of strangers, though, so don’t rush the introductions.

While most cats scatter at the sound of a sudden crash, Havanas run toward the sound to see what caused it.

Richard C. Bilello, Havana Brown breeder

Havana Browns, like many breeds in the Siamese family, can be talkative, but they have much quieter voices than Siamese cats do (3, 8, 9). They also have an adorable habit of engaging the world with their paws. They investigate objects with their paws and even poke people or tap them on the shoulder to demand attention (2, 5, 8-10)! These intelligent and inquisitive cats are quite charming. Their need for attention and enthusiasm for, well, most things might be too much for some, but these cats are highly adaptable and do well with families.

Health and Home

One advantage of owning a Havana Brown is their low-maintenance coat, which needs very little grooming unless you intend to show them. They require no bathing and just need an occasional brush to remove dead hair, especially during shedding seasons. Fortunately, these cats are not heavy shedders (8, 9, 10).

Close-up of Havana cigars
Havana Brown cats may have been named after their resemblance to the brown of Cuban cigars – Image by jacqueline macou from Pixabay

Breeds that are rare and/or new have the least health information available, and the Havana Brown is a lot of the former and a little of the latter. As best as is known, it is a breed that experiences few health problems. They do seem to have a higher incidence of upper respiratory infections (3) and crystals in the urinary tract (10). Both of these conditions can be life-threatening if allowed to progress too far but are absolutely treatable. Always take your cat to the vet if they are showing any unusual symptoms. Cats hide their distress, so even a little change is worth asking the veterinarian about, just in case.

Havana Browns can be prone to overeating (4, 7). According to breeder Richard Bilello, “Havanas will eat all of their own food in seconds and then proceed to eat any other cat’s food if they can” (4). So you will probably need to control their portions and feed any other cats in the household separately.

If you would like a Havana Brown of your own, keep in mind that these are very, very rare cats. I will always say “adopt, don’t shop.” Of course, there are going to be few of these cats in shelters because there are few period. But even nearly-extinct purebred cats are sometimes surrendered, so always check if there is one up for adoption before buying from a breeder. The website showcases Havana Browns in need of forever homes in the United States. You can also visit their Facebook page for more listings.

Fun Facts

  • The Havana Brown got its name either from the Havana rabbit or the tobacco in Cuban cigars (5, 6). Both are similar in color to the cat’s fur.
  • This breed has gone by many names. Aside from those already mentioned: Swiss Mountain Cat, Chestnut Brown, Chestnut Foreign Shorthair, Havana (3-5, 7, 10).
  • In some places it is called simply the Havana because a lilac (pink-ish grey) version of the cat is accepted as well as chocolate (5, 10).
  • While North American breeders are trying to preserve the Havana Brown, the International Maew Boran Association is hard at work in Thailand trying to bring back the Suphalak (1).

Works Cited

  1. The International Maew Boran Association. (n.d.). Suphalak/Thong Daeng.
  2. Petfinder. (n.d.). Havana.
  3. Cat Time. (n.d.). Havana Brown. TotallyHer Media, LLC.
  4. Bilello, R.C. (1998). The Havana Brown: A brown delight and an endangered species. The Cat Fanciers’ Association.
  5. The International Cat Association. (2018, August 13). Havana Brown.
  6. Placchi, N. (1991, May). The cat in a not so plain brown wrapper. Cat Fancier’s Almanac, 8(5). As reproduced on the CFA Havana Brown Breed Council Website,
  7. Hill’s Pet. (n.d.). Havana Brown cat: Information and personality traits. Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.
  8. Cat Fanciers’ Association. (n.d.). About the Havana Brown.
  9. Cat Fanciers’ Association Havana Brown Breed Council.
  10. Houle, T. (n.d.). The Havana Brown. Pet Health Network.

Coat Length and Texture Genetics

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By special request from Emma S.

I am back with the genetics! A friend asked me if I was going to address the genetics of cat fur length in addition to my previous blogs on coat genetics. I wasn’t sure there was enough information to fill up a whole blog, but I dove in anyway. It turns out, there’s plenty. It’s not just the difference between a longhair and a shorthair, but also hairless cats and sort-of-hairless cats and curly-haired cats. Cats are complicated. Genetics is complicated. That’s kind of the fun of it, though. So, this one is for you, Emma. Enjoy.

Longhair ginger tabby cat in autumn woods
Long hair is recessive to short hair – Photo by Steven Iodice from Pixabay

Shorthair vs. Longhair

Let’s start with the basics. If you need a refresher on the principles of genetics, look over the first few paragraphs of my coat color genetics post. Ready? Let’s go. The wild-type, or default, fur for cats is short with no texture modifications. Long hair is recessive to short hair [1-4]. This has been common wisdom for a while, but genetic studies confirmed it in 2007 [1, 2].

The researchers discovered four mutations in the same gene, Fibroblast Growth Factor 5 (FGF5), which cause cats to have long fur [1, 2]. FGF5 mutations were already known to cause hair-length variability in mice and dogs at the time the studies were conducted, so this was not a surprising result [1, 2]. In studies with mice, the FGF5 protein signaled hair to exit the growth phase and enter the static phase [2]. When mutations in FGF5 cause the protein to be nonfunctional, the growth phase of the hair lasts longer [2]. Hence, longer fur.

The four FGF5 mutations in long-haired cats were, creatively, named Mutation 1-4 [2, 3]. Mutation 1 seems to be exclusive to Ragdoll cats [2]. Mutation 2 was only found in Norwegian Forest Cats [1, 2]. Maine Coons are most likely to have Mutation 3, but Ragdolls might as well [1, 2]. Mutation 4 belongs to all long-haired breeds and random-bred longhairs [1, 2]. So far, there is not indication that any gene besides FGF5 contributes to the longhair phenotype. The fact that at least four mutations in this gene exist, three of them breed-specific, suggests that the trait has arisen multiple times through a similar mechanism. This is probably because, in certain environments, long fur is advantageous. It has also sometimes been artificially selected for.

Now, we know that there are not just two lengths of cat fur, one long and one short. There are many variations within both the shorthair and longhair categories, and some cats are kind of in-between. This is because very few things are affected by just one gene. An unknown number of modifier genes determine the exact length of a cat’s hair relative to their genotype at the primary hair length locus [4].

Hairless, or Near Enough

Some cats or breeds are more or less hairless. True hairlessness is almost unheard of. Hairless cats present with a variety of traits that we call “hairless.” Most have very thin coats that look as if they aren’t there at all. Some have fur that thins drastically in only certain places. In either case, the degree of “hairlessness” can vary widely. As one would expect with so much natural variation, more than one mutation causes the different patterns of feline hairlessness. Sometimes the trait is dominant, and sometimes it is recessive [3, 4].

Four cream Sphynx kittens on blue cat bed
The Sphynx trait is caused by the hr mutation – Image by mjlovesmm from Pixabay

A recessive mutation dubbed hr gives the easily-identifiable Sphynx its hairless phenotype [3, 4, 5]. The Sphynx is a typical hairless breed with an extremely thin, downy coat that gives the appearance of baldness [5]. The hr allele is a mutation in the Keratin 71 (KRT71) gene [5]. The keratin 71 protein is expressed in the inner root sheath of the hair follicle and is important for the normal formation of the hair [5]. The hr mutation does not prevent hair from forming, but the hairs are easily dislodged because the hair bulbs are weak, resulting in the distinctive naked appearance of the Sphynx [5].

The Russian hairless breeds, Peterbald and Donskoy, carry the semi-dominant Hp mutation [4, 6]. Other genes affect how strongly the Hp hairlessness allele is expressed [4, 6]. The cats’ coats range from a brush coat–sparse, rigid, curly fur–to hairless all over [4]. Hairless mutations identified in British and French cats, hd and h respectively, are recessive [3, 4]. Sadly, hd is also a lethal mutation [4].

The Lykoi breed displays partial hairlessness. They have a thin coat all over and a hairless face, sometimes with other patches of hairless, especially on the legs. Lykoi molt all of their hair at least once in their life and may molt as often as every shedding season. This arguably makes them a breed that is truly hairless, albeit only for short periods of time. Six different mutations have been found to cause the Lykoi phenotype, but all of them are mutant alleles of the same gene, lysine demethylase and nuclear receptor corepressor, abbreviated HR for “hairless” [7]. Mutations in HR also cause hair abnormalities in humans, mice, sheep, and macaques [7].

Rexoid Variations

Curly fur occurs naturally in quite a few mammals, including dogs, rabbits, and cats. There are five recognized breeds of curly-coated cats, per the Cat Fanciers’ Association and The International Cat Association: American Wirehair, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, LaPerm, and Selkirk Rex. Several other potential rexoid breeds have been proposed, including the German Rex and Oregon Rex. While all of these cats–and some random-bred cats–have curly coats, there are a lot of different causal mutations.

Remember the KRT71 gene? One kind of mutation in it causes the Sphynx’s hairlessness, but a different KRT71 mutation makes the Devon Rex’s pelt curly [5]. The Devon Rex mutant allele, re, is recessive to the wild-type allele but also to the hr Sphynx allele [5]. Devon Rex cats were used in the early Sphynx breeding programs, so some Sphynx still have one hr and one re allele, but they look just like any other Sphynx [5].

Lilac cat with curly fur on wood table
Selkirk Rexes can have long or short hair – Image by athree23 from Pixabay

A recessive mutation also causes the Cornish Rex’s curly coat, but in their case the gene in question is lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6 (LPAR6) [8]. The mutant allele, known as r, causes the Cornish Rex to only develop an undercoat, one of the three layers of a normal pelt, and a curly one at that [8, 9]. Humans who are homozygous for LPAR6 mutations have a similar phenotype known as “wooly hair” [8]. Because the Cornish Rex was used to found the German Rex, r is in the genetic background of German Rexes, too [8].

Unlike the Devon and Cornish, the Selkirk Rex mutation, Se, is dominant, although incompletely dominant [9]. This means that cats homozygous for the mutation have a more dramatic phenotype: thinner coats, tighter curls [9]. And, wouldn’t you know it, Se is an unique mutation of our old friend, KRT71 [10]. Both KRT71 and LPAR6 are genes that maintain normal hair growth [5, 8]. It makes sense that different mutations in the same or similar genes would cause similar results.

Works Cited

  1. Drögemüller, C., Rüfenacht, S., Wichert, B., and Leeb, T. (2007). Mutations within the FGF5 gene are associated with hair length in cats. Animal Genetics, 38(3), 218-221.
  2. Kehler, J.S., David, V.A., Schäffer, A.A., Bajema, K., et al. (2007). Four independent mutations in the feline Fibroblast Growth Factor 5 gene determine the long-haired phenotype in domestic cats. Journal of Heredity, 98(6), 555-566.
  3. Basepaws. (2019, July 14). Cat coat genetics. Basepaws, Inc.
  4. Hartwell, S. (n.d.) Genetics of colour and conformation. MessyBeast.
  5. Gandolfi, B., Outerbridge, C.A., Beresford, L.G., Myers, J.A., et al. (2010). The naked truth: Sphynx and Devon Rex cat breed mutations in KRT71. Mammalian Genome, 21, 509-515.
  6. Zhigachev, A.I., Vladimirova, M.V., and Katser, I. (2000). Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of Russian hairless cats. Genetika, 36(4), 538-544.
  7. Buckley, R.M., Gandolfi, B., Creighton, E.K., Pyne, C.A., et al. (2020). Werewolf, there wolf: variants in Hairless associated with hypotrichia and roaning in the lykoi cat breed. Genes, 11(6), 682.
  8. Gandolfi, B., Alhaddad, H., Affolter, V.K., Brockman, J., et al. (2013). To the root of the curl: A signature of a recent selective sweep identifies a mutation that defines the Cornish Rex cat breed. PloS One, 8(6), e67105.
  9. Basepaws. (2019, July 15). Curly cat coat: A special kind of eye candy. Basepaws, Inc.
  10. Gandolfi, B., Alhaddad, H., Joslin, S.E.K., Khan, R., et al. (2013). A splice variant in KRT71 is associated with curly coat phenotype of Selkirk Rex cats. Scientific Reports 3, 2000.

Published November 1st, 2020

Updated June 14th, 2023

Breed Profiles

Lykoi: The Werewolf Cats

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I knew months in advance that I wanted to cover the Lykoi as the breed of the month for Encyclopaedia Felidae’s first October. There was no way I could pass up the opportunity to talk about the “werewolf cat” during spooky season. The Lykoi is so nicknamed for its appearance, which is entirely unique among pedigreed cats and reminds some people of the werewolves in classic film. They are also one of the newest and rarest breeds in the world.


Lykoi cats have cropped up in random-bred cat populations for a long time [1, 2]. It’s unknown just when the first Lykoi-type cat was born, but they were first recognized in September, 2010 by Patti Thomas, who found two partially-hairless kittens with their black Domestic Shorthair mother at a shelter and adopted them [3]. She began a breeding program with Tennessee veterinarian Jonny Gobble and his wife Brittney [3, 4, 5]. They obtained another, unrelated litter of kittens with the same appearance, and in 2011 they bred a cat from each to get the first intentionally-bred Lykoi [3, 4, 5].

Through the breeding program, the founders quickly realized that the Lykoi appearance came from a natural, recessive mutation [1, 4, 6]. Thomas, the Gobbles, and incoming breeders incorporated Domestic Shorthairs, primarily black ones, as well as any naturally occurring Lyoki that could be found into the breeding program to broaden the gene pool [3, 4, 6]. Despite some incredible drama in the Lykoi breeding community, the breed has seen rapid success, although it remains quite rare due to its newness. As of August 2020, there were still fewer than 100 show-standard Lykoi on the planet [2].

Breed Traits

The Lykoi’s striking coat is it’s stand-out feature. They are considered partially-hairless, although they can range from nearly bald to nearly full-coated [4, 6, 7]. Their sparse, thin pelt has little to no undercoat [1, 2, 6]. Instead, they are covered in a variable layer of guard hairs which make their fur look coarse in texture [2, 6, 7]. In fact, Lykoi actually have a soft, silky coat, despite appearances [2, 6, 7].

The Lykoi lacks fur on their facial “mask” and behind their ears [1, 2, 4, 7]. This, in addition to the rough appearance of their coat, gives them that werewolf look. That coat also has a pattern otherwise unknown among cats: roan, a mixture of colored and amelanistic hairs [4, 6, 7]. Amelanistic hairs are unpigmented and appear white. A roan coat can look silvery or frosty, but it depends upon how much roaning there is. A lot of roaning can cause an animal’s coat to look almost white. The traditional Lykoi color is black roan, and that is still the only color which can be shown in The International Cat Association (TICA) shows [4]. However, the Cat Fanciers’ Association now allows all solid and point colors [3, 6], and Lykoi of many different colors and patterns are being bred as pets.

There is another curious thing about a Lykoi’s fur. It molts. At least once. Lykoi kittens are born looking like any other kitten, and then after a week or two they lose their coat [7]. It regrows all werewolf-y [7]. This may happen as an adult cat, as well, as often as every shedding season [2, 3, 7]. When the coat grows back, it sometimes looks a little different than it did before [7].

The other breed standards for the Lykoi are fairly basic. After all, Lykoi came from Domestic Shorthairs, mostly random-bred ferals. Lykoi are medium-sized cats with short to medium hair [2, 6, 7]. They have rounded wedge-shaped heads and tapering tails [6, 7]. Their eyes are usually amber or green [2, 4].

Weird Science

When Lykoi cats were discovered, they were tested for known cat fur mutations. However, they do not have any of the genetic variants associated with the hairless Sphynx and the curly-haired Devon Rex, Selkirk Rex, German Rex, and Cornish Rex [8, 9]. A genome sequencing study published in May 2020 found six different loss-of-function mutations of the gene Hairless (a.k.a. lysine demethylase and nuclear receptor corepressor) in Lykoi [8]. Perhaps this shouldn’t be surprising, given that the breed came from random-bred cats with natural mutations in quite a few different populations. The study was able to confirm sixteen different Lykoi lineages [8]. It is interesting, though, that so many mutations arose in this particular gene, with the same result no less.

Hairless is important for skin function and hair maintenance [8], and this is borne out by what we know about the skin and hair of Lykoi. They have fewer and shallower hair follicles than Domestic Shorthairs [9]. Their hair shafts are thinner, but they have more oil gland tissue [9]. Lykoi frequently have hair follicles that are too small, too large, or misshapen [9]. The breed demonstrates lymphocytic mural folliculitis, an inflammatory skin condition with unclear impacts on the health of the cats, if any [9]. What is clear is that Lykoi have markedly different skin and hair than other cats. The scientists who studied their skin and hair up close hope that their unique traits may teach us more about dermatological disorders [9].

The Care and Keeping of Werewolves

Some Lykoi enthusiasts characterize their personalities as dog-like or wolfish. I’ll spare you the rant on how I feel about people saying that friendly cats are acting like dogs. Instead, I will simply say that that’s a bit silly. Lykoi are smart, energetic, and people-oriented [4, 5]. They can sometimes be shy with strangers, but they can usually learn to get along well with just about anyone, including children and other pets [4, 5]. Lykoi have guard-cat tendencies, wanting to keep watch over their toys and their people [4, 7].

Lykoi need plenty to occupy their active minds and bodies, but outdoor time is not a good option for this. Their sparse coats make them sensitive to cold and sunburn [1, 2, 6]. They need to be indoor-only cats, and if you have a catio, make sure it’s warm enough outside. You may even need to consider pet sunscreen.

White cat on blanket
Shikoba, white “Arctic” shorthair

Even without sunscreen, Lykoi can have a build-up of oils on their skin, just like hairless breeds do [1, 2, 6]. They need regular bathing to keep their skin clean, about once a month. They can also have buildup on their claws and in their ears, so those may need a quick cleaning once a week or so. Brushing is part of any good grooming routine, but because a Lykoi’s fur is so thin, you have to make sure to brush gently. Too harsh or too much brushing can irritate their skin [5].

As far as health goes, Lykoi are believed to be a healthy breed. There are no known health conditions associated with the breed except the lymphocytic mural folliculitis, which may or may not be a real problem. It remains uncertain. However, the breed is so new, and there are so few cats, that it is possible there are lurking health problems which haven’t become apparent [1, 2]. The best practice is to just watch a Lykoi for any signs of illness or injury, as you would a non-pedigreed cat.

A word of caution to anyone interested in getting a Lykoi: because the breed is so rare, and therefore so valuable, there are a lot of scams out there. This is the case with all pedigreed cats, but the rarer the breed, the worse it gets. Of course, this is just another reason to adopt, not shop! Even rare breeds end up in shelters, and Lykoi cats still turn up as natural mutations, too. Unfortunately, they are sometimes put down because staff think they are sick, especially if they molt [10]. Avoid a scam and adopt a vulnerable cat. There aren’t a lot of Lykoi-specific rescues yet. You can always check your local shelter if there isn’t one in your area, or you can try Werewolf Warriors Lykoi Cat Rescue, a Facebook group dedicated to placing Lykoi in need of forever homes.

Fun Facts

  • The name Lykoi comes from the Greek word for wolf, lycos [2, 8].
  • Lykoi have pink skin that will tan if exposed to sunlight or heat [4].
  • The Lykoi is one of the most genetically diverse breeds of cat, according to a joint Wisdom Health and TICA study [11].

Works Cited

  1. Chant, I. (2014, September 15). Watching the birth of a new breed: The werewolf cat. Nautilus.
  2. Taylor, C. (2020, August 24). Lykoi. Daily Paws.
  3. Hartwell, S. (2018). The uncensored origins of the lykoi. MessyBeast.
  4. The International Cat Association. (2018, August 13). Lykoi breed.
  5. Cat Time. (n.d.). Lykoi. TotallyPets.
  6. Cat Fanciers’ Association. (n.d.). About the lykoi.
  7. Gobble, J. (2019, November 4). All about the lykoi cat breed. All About Cats.
  8. Buckley, R.M., et al. (2020). Werewolf, there wolf: Variants in Hairless associated with hypotrichia and roaning in the lykoi cat breed. Genes, 11(6), 682.
  9. LeRoy, M.L., et al. (2016). Clinical and histological discription of lykoi cat hair coat and skin. The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Dermatology, 22(3), 179-191. 10.2736/jjvd.22.179
  10. Lykoi Cat Rescue. (2020, April 5). Hello all! We just wanted to give you all a quick update about our Lykoi Cat Rescue Page [Status Update]. Facebook.
  11. Lytle, K.M., Anderson, H., Hutcherson, A., and Kajon, A.E. (2019). The International Cat Association-Wisdom Health State of the Cat study: lessons learned in genetic diversity by bringing panel testing to the cat fancy. The International Cat Association. PDF

Published October 18th, 2020

Updated June 14th, 2023